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Boston Air Traffic Controller Says 9/11 An Inside Job

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top anticonspiraloon article

saves me making intelligent points with a hangover...

A central characteristic of the conspiracists is that they have a devout, preposterous belief in US efficiency. Many of them start with the racist premise, frequently voiced in as many words in their writings, that “Arabs in caves” weren’t capable of the mission. They believe that military systems should work the way Pentagon press flacks and aerospace salesmen say they should work. They believe that at 8.14am, when AA flight 11 switched off its radio and transponder, an FAA flight controller should have called the National Military Command centre and Norad. To quote Griffin, they believe, citing reverently “the US Air Force’s own website”, that an F-15 could have intercepted AA flight 11 “by 8.24, and certainly no later than 8.30”.

They appear to have read no military history, which is too bad because if they had they would know that minutely planned operations, let alone by-the-book responses to an unprecedented emergency, screw up with monotonous regularity by reason of stupidity, cowardice, venality and all the other failings, including sudden changes in the weather.

very good, makes smart points about the real scandalous conspiracy later on...

mikeinworthing said:

:D cya!

Stigmata put it best I think:

'Cos you're ever so caring, using those deaths as a starting point for some self-indulgent flight of fantasy where you're some big fucking hero because you know the truth, so that now when people ignore you you can cry conspiracy or brainwashing rather than having to face the fact that, at the final analysis, you don't have any other way of attracting attention to yourself. It's all a bit embarassing.
Isn't it funny how the CTers (at least on here) seem to focus on random testimony from individuals who claim to be 'in the know' as evidence of MIHOP type shenanigans, while NOT ONE of them has bothered following up on probably the most damaging allegation, made by a serious, credible investigative journalist (Bob Woodward in his book State Of Denial) that Cheney, Bush and Rice were all informed by the head of the CIA about a probable severe attack on US soil about a week before 9/11 and failed to issue orders to act on it.

Woodward's book is researched in depth, is crammed full of credible, verifiable sources, usually with at least one or two corroborating accounts. Yet this is the single biggest question that the CPers won't engage with, least of all on here.
Hmm. Thinking about this, I can't help but recall someone very clever, who I can't recall the name of, who said something along the lines of: 'In a democracy, voters have a responsibility to watch their government's behaviour." So, while many may reject arguments seen as conspiracy theories, those self-same theories serve some place in terms of asking and questioning government actions. Any statement made by any government should be open to question and debate, and perhaps more questions should have been asked of the (unrelated to 911) assertion that Iraq had WMD, which was of course a lie, knowingly and wilfully peddled by people who should not be allowed to lie in such a way.

In a sense, given the clear gap between government's morality and truthfulness and accepted social standards of truth, then the evolution of conspiracy theory is a natural evolution of thought, and its very existence reflects the complete moral bankruptcy of our lying politicians.
Inside Job.Outside job. I really dont fuckin care if it was Princess Diana in league with Elvis and Marilyn Monroe in a spaceship stolen from area 51. I really dont give a shit any longer.

* shrugs and ambles off *
Azrael23 said:
What a shocking suprise!!!

Well this guy is number 30? number 50? :confused:

How many people have to go public before people wake up?

Out of interest how many people on here are still denying 9/11 was an inside job? How many honestly believe that men in a cave made NORAD stand down? :rolleyes:
what proof do you have that NORAD was asked to stand down, and by whom?
If it's on Prison Planet, it's almost always going to be a load of fruitloop shit for the terminally gullible.
wishface said:
what proof do you have that NORAD was asked to stand down, and by whom?
You won't get much of an answer from Azrael23, wishface. Not on this board, anyway.

not that you would have if he'd have been here, he'd have just said "fsck23.net read it for yourself wibble it woz the lizzards wot dunnit", or something.

The clue is in the word "Banned" under his user ID...
editor said:
If it's on Prison Planet, it's almost always going to be a load of fruitloop shit for the terminally gullible.
why do you say that? does the outlandish nature of the claims or alleged evidence make it thus?

I'm interested; perhaps there is more to the story than the accepted line. I don't know, but I am predisposed to at least consider alternative sources of evidence, providing one can supply them and demonstrate their credibility.
editor said:
If it's on Prison Planet, it's almost always going to be a load of fruitloop shit for the terminally gullible.
why do you say that? does the outlandish nature of the claims or alleged evidence make it thus?

I'm interested; perhaps there is more to the story than the accepted line. I don't know, but I am predisposed to at least consider alternative sources of evidence, providing one can supply them and demonstrate their credibility.
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
Anyone else see the baby pandas in the paper the other day? How cute are they?

I have to admit that those baby pandas are very cute.
wishface said:
why do you say that? does the outlandish nature of the claims or alleged evidence make it thus?
Try taking a look for yourself and gauging the credibility of their claims, or taking a closer link at the kind of sites they link to.
wishface said:
I am predisposed to at least consider alternative sources of evidence, providing one can supply them and demonstrate their credibility.
Well, you're clearly not a proponent of prison plannet then ;)

Credible can only be used to describe the readers, not the articles.
We could play a game.

For every factual innaccuracy that anyone can find announced on prisonplanet in its news articles I could name five from the USG. Maybe more!
Jazzz said:
We could play a game.

For every factual innaccuracy that anyone can find announced on prisonplanet in its news articles I could name five from the USG. Maybe more!
How about for every factual innacuracy we can find in your posts you find five from the USG. That's much easier on us.
wishface said:
why do you say that? does the outlandish nature of the claims or alleged evidence make it thus?

I'm interested; perhaps there is more to the story than the accepted line. I don't know, but I am predisposed to at least consider alternative sources of evidence, providing one can supply them and demonstrate their credibility.

You never taught to consider your sources? No? Neither was Jazzz. Schools today eh? :rolleyes:
STFC said:
But it's from Prison Planet!!! Post some credible links.

rocketman said:
What, like Fox News?

<awards rocketman medal for displaying usual completeness of Conspiracists lack-of-logic>

<and another medal for smart Conspiracist use of their usual smear that anti-Conspiracists are gullible dupes of the establishment>

You know its perfectly possible for Conspiracy sceptics to think that PrisonPlanet and outlets like Fox are dodgy and unreliable, at the same time??

:D :)

editor said:
If it's on Prison Planet, it's almost always going to be a load of fruitloop shit for the terminally gullible.

Which is why, rocketman, conspiracy theorists and their made up evidence free notions discredit genuinely investigative research.

I'm a historian by background and training, and the lack of historical method of most conspiracy theorists, along with their absence of rigour in research, their absence of any realistic notion of what constitutes credible evidence, and their total LACK of scepticism towards or criticism of their favoured sources, drives me to distraction.
wishface said:
I am predisposed to at least consider alternative sources of evidence, providing one can supply them and demonstrate their credibility.

In other words you've reached your conclusion already and are predisposed to believe anything that supports it. Prison Planet is a good source for you because it posts up stuff -- any stuff -- that chimes with what you already think.

What Blagsta says is right -- assess your sources more sceptically FFS. Just because Prison Planet purports to be 'anti establishment' doesn't make it reliable or credible.

If it was serious about persuading people of certain things, that site would cut out a lot of the bonkers made up unsourced/dodgily sourced nonsense that it uncritically includes. Instead, it relies on undercritical, undersceptical people like you to lap it all up.
Maybe slightly off topic....I remember watching events unfold on 911 in a canteen on Canary Wharf.A young lad of the same trade as me (structural steel erector) asked me if i thought the towers would fall,i said not a chance as they were designed,as all towers are,to maintain their integrity should a number of members fail.

Then when we saw them collapse the way they did,i thought it unbelievable.I still do.

Just my tuppence worth.
No links needed.

handy1 said:
Maybe slightly off topic....I remember watching events unfold on 911 in a canteen on Canary Wharf.A young lad of the same trade as me (structural steel erector) asked me if i thought the towers would fall,i said not a chance as they were designed,as all towers are,to maintain their integrity should a number of members fail.

Then when we saw them collapse the way they did,i thought it unbelievable.I still do.
No need to do any research for yourself, or consult the opinions of any experts infinitely more qualified than you on the subject then, eh?

Perhaps you and your canteen chum could point out which massive skyscraper structures have been designed to take such high speed intentional crashes and why the WTC's own engineer finds nothing unusual about its collapse?

William of Walworth said:
I'm a historian by background and training, and the lack of historical method of most conspiracy theorists, along with their absence of rigour in research, their absence of any realistic notion of what constitutes credible evidence, and their total LACK of scepticism towards or criticism of their favoured sources, drives me to distraction.

Erm, yeah, right, sure thing.

I don't quite get where I became a conspiracy theorist in your rigorous analysis - I suspect you may have confused a philosophical point on the evolution of such philosophies with being a defence of them. But nuances do escape some people.

But, since you blow your own trumpet, I'm a cultural historian trained using a hybrid history plus sociology approach; and it's the sociological impact and meaning of such evolution that interests me.

Don't, please, tar me with your silly brush,

Moving on - is there anyone here who truly believes we actually do know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as per 911?

Well, we know it was the guys in the planes wot dunnit, but what else don't we know? It's that fertile space of government-created doubt that permits conspiracy the ground in which to breed.
rocketman said:
Moving on - is there anyone here who truly believes we actually do know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as per 911?.
Oh come on - who knows every single fact there is to know about any such massive event?
rocketman said:
Moving on - is there anyone here who truly believes we actually do know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as per 911?

No, of course not. But thinking that there's probably a fair bit about it that we don't know, and that the US Government (and others) don't want us to find out, is not the same as giving credence to every wild flight of fancy about what might actually have happened. There's a fair old difference between thinking that some intelligence chiefs or politicians may have had an inkling of an imminent attack and failed (deliberately or otherwise) to act, and believing that the whole thing was carried out by the CIA/Mossad/some bunch of proxies.

Conspiracies of omission (i.e. the LIHOP approach) are usually more convincing that conspiracies of commission - but cock-up is IME generally more convincing than either.
editor said:
No need to do any research for yourself, or consult the opinions of any experts infinitely more qualified than you on the subject then, eh?

Perhaps you and your canteen chum could point out which massive skyscraper structures have been designed to take such high speed intentional crashes and why the WTC's own engineer finds nothing unusual about its collapse?


I don't doubt there are people infinitely more qualified than me.

All i said was that in 20+ years of erecting steel structures upto and including doing the engineering side i cannot see that a building would collapse in such a way.

I understand this was an unprecedented event.

And by the way i have read the link you posted plus countless more.But thanks anyway.
editor said:
Oh come on - who knows every single fact there is to know about any such massive event?

Exactly. So it's interesting, isn't it, that the tendency is to mythologise such events, as it makes more sense as myth than they do as reality. And then if you chuck some modern media theory at it, you end up with a position that potentially claims a position in which the media story presented of such events is also a mythological construct, as it's based on what isn't knowable, or on facts which cannot be fully explored, as they are not all fully known.

So even the consensus opinion then becomes a myth - kind of like the idea that everyone in EastEnders can afford to spend all their time in the pub, which no one else in the UK can. A created myth about modern life.

Reading this back, I probably haven't made myself totally clear, but that's life, and since there is no one true way, I'm not interested in being right, merely in proposing an idea, that people can tear apart and get their little teeth into (hopefully).
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