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Noam Chomsky: 9-11: Institutional Analysis vs. Conspiracy Theory

fela fan said:
Enjoyed reading post #553, cheers jazzz!

The man obviously knows how to speak sense, unlike some of his detractors.

Bit too sunny there, mate?

The words of a police inspector are used to prove his 'strong beliefs'. :rolleyes:

He is caught in the great illusion that our race defines who we are when, in fact, the body is just a biological computer that we can control or allow to control us. The white race, black, Asian, Chinese, whatever, are software programmes carried in the DNA and played out through the brain. To identify who we are with a software program would be considered insane if we were talking of Super Mario or the Sims or some other computer game at the local store.

I guess Icke's got a corrupting virus or possibly a remote access trojan. Fkin loon.

That is not who we are, but who we are told we are. And until we know different we will always be a manipulator's dream.

Told by whom? Can this idiot take any responsilbity for himself?
I can't believe Icke is on the same thread as Chomsky.
Icke's just updated theological bullshit for the credulous generation. 'They' made me do it, 'Satan made me do it'; , 'the illuminati are manipulating us', 'Satan is tempting us' etc... It's great stuff for those who seek to blame everything 'outside' of themselves. 'My life is shit - it must be cos of reptiles'...
it makes sense that Icke is on the same thread as chomsky, as they are, I would say, polar opposites...

Chomsky doesn't believe in a new world order agenda, he plays down any idea of government complicity in 9/11... he definitely takes the 'official view'. Icke is quite opposite to this. I don't necessarily subscribe to everything he says, but he's certainly interesting. I just bought my first book by him yesterday, actually.
Blagsta said:
Jazzz said:
I didn't read any quote saying that banking or political cartels were exclusively Jewish, and I am certain you would not find one.

*words fail me*

Yes well that's what can happen when you discover you have no argument.
I think you should give up on this one. 99 % of people here can see why what Icke writes is anti-semitic. If he didn't have a problem with Jews (not all Jews though just the bad ones, I bet some of his best friends are Jewish), then why does he mention the religion/race of anybody in the context of an evil world order? Would someone for whom religion was not an issue and did not think it played a role mention someone's religion in this context? As 8den pointed out ealrier why not mention their shoe size or their nationality?
Badger Kitten said:
Man is a foaming fruitbat.

in ...and the truth shall set you free, he wrote that:

"I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War. This Jewish/non-Jewish Elite used the First World War to secure the Balfour Declaration and the principle of the Jewish State of Israel). They then dominated the Versailles Peace Conference and created the circumstances which made the Second World War inevitable. They financed Hitler to power in 1933 and made the funds available for his rearmament." [7]
Strange that you pull up this quote and not something about reptiles to support your assertion. If one thinks that WWII must be interpreted no deeper than to suppose every single Jew was persecuted, then yes, he's a 'foaming fruitbat'. But unfortunately I don't believe this to be the case. War is a massive money-spinner for banks - they may even back both sides in a conflict - and Hitler didn't just create a war machine out of an already war-damaged Germany just by force of will. He was loaned colossal sums of money by Western banking interests, and those lending it knew exactly where it was going. They don't care about human suffering in the slightest.

Here's one of Hitler's backers. Amazing, no? Can anyone be president or do a few families control the world? A bit of googling suggest other backers included the Rockefellers, Harrimans and Warburgs.
Jazzz said:
Yes well that's what can happen when you discover you have no argument.
Do you believe Icke's assertion that Queen Elizabeth II is a Satanist, child sacrificer, shapeshifting reptilian and a major Illuminati figure?

And what did Icke have against Bob Hope, please? He didn't look like much of a shape shifter to me.

Do you believe in shape-shifters too, Jazzz?
My god, it sounds like a conspiracy! Hang on, but surely wouldn't this powerful elite need to meet regularly to discuss how to control the world. They'd need to find some grove where the could get together, maybe somewhere in the woods, somewhere with OWLS!

Your grand conspiracy goes no deeper the people with power have power. And it's not a secret.
axon said:
I think you should give up on this one. 99 % of people here can see why what Icke writes is anti-semitic. If he didn't have a problem with Jews (not all Jews though just the bad ones, I bet some of his best friends are Jewish), then why does he mention the religion/race of anybody in the context of an evil world order? Would someone for whom religion was not an issue and did not think it played a role mention someone's religion in this context? As 8den pointed out ealrier why not mention their shoe size or their nationality?
If we limit the sample to those who are either Jewish or have actually read any of Icke's stuff the 99% is the other way around. But thanks awfully for your advice.
editor said:
Do you believe Icke's assertion that Queen Elizabeth II is a Satanist, child sacrificer, shapeshifting reptilian and a major Illuminati figure?

And what did Icke have against Bob Hope, please? He didn't look like much of a shape shifter to me.

Do you believe in shape-shifters too, Jazzz?
I don't believe in shape-shifting reptiles, no, sorry to disappoint.
Jazzz said:
If we limit the sample to those who are either Jewish or have actually read any of Icke's stuff the 99% is the other way around. But thanks awfully for your advice.
Wow! You know the percentage of posters on this thread that are Jewish. Or was that an assumption? (know affectionately as a Jazzumption).
Not that being Jewish actually gives someone a monopoly on detecting anti-semitism.
But the catch is this: anyone who believes what Icke says except the shape-shifting lizards shit must by simple logical arithmetic believe the remainder - which is an International Jewish Conspiracy®
axon said:
Wow! You know the percentage of posters on this thread that are Jewish. Or was that an assumption? (know affectionately as a Jazzumption).
Not that being Jewish actually gives someone a monopoly on detecting anti-semitism.
Well, I invited other fellow Jewish posters who thought Icke was anti-semitic to come forward, I don't believe anyone did. Just thought there was some irony there.
Jazzz said:
Well, I invited other fellow Jewish posters who thought Icke was anti-semitic to come forward, I don't believe anyone did. Just thought there was some irony there.
And, of course, if they said they were Jewish, you'd believe them, yes?

And because no one has decided to publish personal details about themselves for your benefit, you think that somehow backs up your 'argument,' right?

Great stuff as usual, Jazzz.
Jazzz said:
Well, I invited other fellow Jewish posters who thought Icke was anti-semitic to come forward, I don't believe anyone did. Just thought there was some irony there.

In the words of Bill Hicks, 'how fucking scientific'.
oh ffs, axon's assertion was hardly 'scientific'. But let's say openly Jewish. Doubtless editor/blagsta/pk/badger kitten are all secretly putting away the matzos :p
editor said:
And, of course, if they said they were Jewish, you'd believe them, yes?

And because no one has decided to publish personal details about themselves for your benefit, you think that somehow backs up your 'argument,' right?

Great stuff as usual, Jazzz.
To be honest, if someone's being accused of anti-semitism, I think it's fair to see if any of the accusers are willing to say they are Jewish, no?
I think it's pretty irrelvant, to be honest. You're just trying to deny them eligibility to say that Icke is anti-semitic on the grounds of them now being semitic themselves, however you don't need to be a semite to recognise anti-semitism any more than you need to be a woman to recognise misogyny.
Maybe not. But I think if the debate was about whether someone being misogynistic, and the accusers didn't have a woman, the woman doing the defending might just feel it worth pointing out, I reckon.
Jazzz said:
To be honest, if someone's being accused of anti-semitism, I think it's fair to see if any of the accusers are willing to say they are Jewish, no?
Why on earth does this make the slightest difference?
Worth pointing out is totally subjective. How many Jewish posters are there on the site, and how many of those are both reading this thread and are sufficiently familiar with Icke's rantings? I could just as easily assert that Icke is anti-Roma, and use the absence of any other Rom on this thread to delegitimize any opposition.
axon said:
I think you should give up on this one. 99 % of people here can see why what Icke writes is anti-semitic.
I think u've got yr figures wrong, axon. I don't think he's anti-semitic (I wouldn't be reading him if I thought that was his stance) nor raverdrew, nor jazzz. by yr calculations, therefore, there are 300 other posters in this thread who think he *is* anti-semitic.

Icke's work is about the gameplan of what he calls the illuminati. these are powerful and influential world figures, and a few of them happen to be Jewish, especially the bankers. talking about them doesn't make him anti-semitic.
I don't think ickle is anti semitic, i do think he's certifiable.

Personally i'd find it rather funny to sedate him, have some subcutaneous scale implants and a bit of lizard tatoo work on on arm done, then watch the reaction when he wakes up to see a note saying "soon you will be one of us!"
editor said:
And what did Icke have against Bob Hope, please? He didn't look like much of a shape shifter to me.
in the book, 'thanks for the memories' by Brice Taylor, Hope is alleged to be a man who 'owns' mind-controlled slaves (such as were created with project MKultra) and participates in their brain-washing. He was a 'slave-controller' who allegedly loaned out his slaves to presidents, world leaders and other influential figures (including british royalty), according to Brice, who herself claims to have been 'owned' and abused by Hope.

I don't know myself what Icke says about Bob Hope, but clearly he is not the only one with 'unusual' allegations about him.
Bob_the_lost said:
I don't think ickle is anti semitic, i do think he's certifiable.

Personally i'd find it rather funny to sedate him, have some subcutaneous scale implants and a bit of lizard tatoo work on on arm done, then watch the reaction when he wakes up to see a note saying "soon you will be one of us!"
:D :D
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