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BBC "Conspiracy Files" on 911 was clearly biased

At just over an hour in, Shayler starts going on about false flag operations in history, including Italy. 1 hr 7mins in there is an eerie interview with Alexander Litvinuenko. Clearly the flim was finished before his assassination, but this must be one of the last things he said on camera. Well spooky.
Backatcha Bandit said:
OK, so a video of moulten 'something' (that appears remarkably similar to the moulten metal produced by a ) running out of a corner of a WTC tower moments before it's collapse might not raise any questions in some minds.
FFS: not this thermite bullshit all over again.

It's already been discussed to death ad infinitum here and ripped apart by a host of suitably qualified experts elsewhere.

Who gives a fuck what Shayler thinks about it? What's his expertise in thermite and demolition processes?
BB said:
OK, so a video of moulten 'something' (that appears remarkably similar to the moulten metal produced by a thermite reaction) running out of a corner of a WTC tower moments before it's collapse might not raise any questions in some minds.
Looks more like plastic to me, a lot more. Look at the way the material moves and then look up the dictionary definition of "plastic".

But Kudos on doing FA research and buying into the bullshit those fools sell you.
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