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Latest doubts about 911 commission: Former Vice President calls for "Phase 2"

you can fuck off with your 'polite and patient'. I went all the way up to Birmingham to investigate the story and came back verifying it. You aren't the slightest bit interested in it, except to throw shit. Fuck off! I don't know why I ever bothered trying to indulge your crap. If you aren't happy, well shove it up your arse, frankly!
Blimey. You've really lost it. Your trip to Birmingham just exposed the daftness of your claims. You proved absolutely nothing and made yourself a laughing stock in the process.

I guess throwing your toys out of the pram in a big huffy, hissy conspiraloon-a-fit is all you've got left after your 'arguments' have been so thoroughly ripped apart and exposed as steenkin' bullshit.

I suggest you have a nice little lie down.
You can fuck off too! I've made thousands of posts on the subject of 9/11 on these very boards.

Like the holographic planes? :D

LOL you've posted erronous, error filled nonsense for years.

Just because you've made thousands of posts doesn't mean anything you posted was true

I can't be arsed dealing with your poisonous, hate-filled, jism-debate. :rolleyes:

Once again, if I had proof of the greatest criminal conspiracy of all time, I wouldn't be posting it on urban either.

I'd be polishing my pulitzer.
It's really no longer my style to lower myself to the shoutybollocks anymore, I have better ways to procrastinate.

you can fuck off with your 'polite and patient'... . Fuck off! I don't know why I ever bothered trying to indulge your crap. If you aren't happy, well shove it up your arse, frankly!


You can fuck off too! I've made thousands of posts on the subject of 9/11 on these very boards.

I can't be arsed dealing with your poisonous, hate-filled, jism-debate. :rolleyes:
So let me get this clear, he's being modest, and you take that to mean it wasn't successful?

911 was a historical event Hamilton is merely saying the complete story of 911 will need to be told by the historians.

This is pathetic semantics dressed up as a point.

Again so I have this clear, Republicans didn't want a damaging report published just before the election. Tried to fill the commission with their men, and failed. So in fact their plan didn't work. The Commission got more money, and came to a unanimous consensus. The Committee consider themselves a success. No one has pointed out where they went wrong.

They received transcripts.
Where's the problem eddy? The commission came to a unanimous consensus, they are satisfied.

And I notice you'll still failed to point out a single conclusion they came to that is wrong.
No I actually think that they did a good job.

Zelikow was their man.

Hamilton says he thinks they where 'set up to fail', something you laughed at me for saying.

I don't say that they are wrong on any particular point, but Hamilton himself talks about how the commission did not set out to look who got things wrong, as that was not their remit.

Regarding the concealed interrogation tapes of Abu Zubaydah, you try to brush that off and make out that the commission chairmen are happy. But that is not what they have been saying is it?

And no they are not happy with those aspects, such as co-operation, time and money, despite the fact that they are happy that they did a good job considering, and they came to the unanimous decision that they agreed with the contents of the report.

Your just being silly with that one, so I'm not allowed to quote a commission chairman who says he thought they where set up to fail, and provide a link, when I was trying to make the point that he had said that?
Aw I thought I was on ignore.

Jazzz please continue your splendid protracted flounce away from this thread and 911 truth bullshit.

Oh, I haven't promised I won't post. I am just far less inclined to debate the subject of 9/11 (I use the word 'debate' in the loosest possible sense) with the likes of you and editor. There is no need for me to indulge vile attacks and lines of questioning that never lead anywhere. So, if you receive my attention, it will likely be me telling you to fuck off. And if I insult you, don't flatter yourself that it's an ad hominem, it will simply be an insult which you richly deserve.

Clear? Good!
There is no need for me to indulge vile attacks and lines of questioning that never lead anywhere.
When it comes to 'vile attacks' you're one of the worst offenders.

Your recent foul mouthed outbursts aimed at me have been a disgrace.
Does this thread serve any purpose now (other than allowing some to gloat while others hurl abuse)?
I was readying it for the bin a while ago, but I'd thought I'd give the Troofers one last chance to finally present some credible and meaningful new evidence.
There are a lot of pretty convincing films and books out there.

Can I ask why none of the powerful men accused in films such as Loose Change have ever called a lawyer and won damages, to my knowledge?

I am sceptical of both Bush and the theorists you see, and in the United States the lawyers make the law.

I am determined to stay neutral on this issue so please don't swear at me if you think I am taking sides - I am not.
There are a lot of pretty convincing films and books out there.
There's only 'convincing' if you choose to swallow their highly selective, agenda-led, amateur 'analysis' and ignore the expert testimony available in less exciting reports elsewhere.

What are you 'convinced' of then?
I am convinced of the fact that hundreds of thousands of people the world over have been murdered under the direct order of the United States, especially when Kissenger has acted as an advisor.

Aren't you?
I am convinced of the fact that hundreds of thousands of people the world over have been murdered under the direct order of the United States, especially when Kissenger has acted as an advisor.

Aren't you?
Sorry, I'm not interested in an amble off-topic somewhere.

What are you convinced of from watching 9/11 DVDs?
When it comes to 'vile attacks' you're one of the worst offenders.

Your recent foul mouthed outbursts aimed at me have been a disgrace.

They've been bang on the money, and you know it. You dish out relentless abuse and questioning which leads absolutely nowhere. But of course, you dish it out but can't take it. So for once I take my ultra-polite hat off (which I generally wear all the time), give you a bit back, and now you are whining I'm 'one of the worst offenders'? Lordy lord! Grow up. :rolleyes:
The topic as far as I am aware concerns the possibility that the US security service planned and enacted 911.

My point was not that I have been convinced by a video, only that many decent people have, along with the not so decent people.

I am asking why the video people haven't been sued, and I suppose now I am also asking whether anyone is in doubt over the accepted hundreds of thousands of men women and children who have died at the hands of US or US trained and licenced forces.
I am asking why the video people haven't been sued,
You gotta love an argument based on, "it must be the truth because they haven't been sued yet!"

The Internet is full to overflowing with bullshit, lies and bonkers claims but seeing as most of it comes from loons with zero credibility (and probably even less cash), why should anyone waste their precious time and money giving them the oxygen of publicity?

Or you could swing the argument around and ask why none of the conspiraloons have sued the many, many debunkers who have publicly ridiculed their claims.
You dish out relentless abuse and questioning which leads absolutely nowhere. But of course, you dish it out but can't take it.
It only leads nowhere because you refuse to back up your wild claims and avoid answering on-topic questions because they'll expose the paucity of your argument. Your evasive conduct on the current 'bottled water' thread is a perfect example.

And where have I "abused" you in this thread? All the abuse is coming from you.
It only leads nowhere because you refuse to back up your wild claims and avoid answering on-topic questions because they'll expose the paucity of your argument. Your evasive conduct on the current 'bottled water' thread is a perfect example.

And where have I "abused" you in this thread? All the abuse is coming from you.

You have abused a great deal in the past. There is absolutely no need for me to answer your stupid questions, which we both know go on for ever. There is no need for me to answer personal questions (like what bottled water I might drink) in particular. I wish to ignore you as much as possible because discussion is rarely constructive. Your manner of relentlessly asking questions and demanding answers (it doesn't matter what answers you receive, you carry on regardless) is simply a method of harassment. It should stop. That's why I've told you to shove your questions up your arse, which is where they should go. It's a very fair instruction.

Now if the ignore function could stop people harassing me I would use it all the time.
Nowhere have I said "nobody sues they must be guilty".
I asked a question above, keen to engage in discussion with both supporters and retractors, and I will look forward to curteous and inquisive replies!

Give me a break I'm new here!
If asking what brand of bottled water .jazz. drinks is somehow a personal question.. Um , am I in the right place at all? Right planet, even??
If asking what brand of bottled water .jazz. drinks is somehow a personal question.. Um , am I in the right place at all? Right planet, even??
Perhaps if you bothered to look up the the thread in question before shoving in your oar in, you wouldn't be standing on Planet Clueless right now.

Still, you've clearly got something in common with Jazzz: he's not so keen on undertaking basic research before engaging keyboard either.
If asking what brand of bottled water .jazz. drinks is somehow a personal question.. Um , am I in the right place at all? Right planet, even??

I don't know why you are confused Khan Unis. Of course it's a personal question. It's not a sensitive one and fine to ask once but no-one can demand an answer to it (as editor does with all manner of questions), it's none of their business.
If asking what brand of bottled water .jazz. drinks is somehow a personal question.. Um , am I in the right place at all? Right planet, even??

errr.. if you are new, I'd stay out this particular crossfire KU! :D

don't let me stop you posting about 9/11 though
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