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'911 We Know' reveal disturbing lists

Stanley Edwards said:

Ans it's true :)

Was a very beautiful and special night :)

She said you were teh groovy ride :cool: . But, and no surprise, I was better. :D Great view from up there.
At 9PM there is a ten piece Saxophone and ballet performance on Plaza Nueva.

All for free :)

I guess some banned posters would have suspected the mods would be busy right now.

Fuck I'm bored. Very hot here today. 33 new fangled degrees. Drinking ice cold beer to stop my brains melting.

Last in?

lightsoutlondon said:
She said you were teh groovy ride :cool: . But, and no surprise, I was better. :D Great view from up there.

I liked the fact that there were a thousand and more windows looking down on us, but the only people who could actually see us were the guys with the cameras in the skies plotting an explosion.
Lyceum said:
So, you're saying Zionism is not evil, you fucking brainwashed fuckboot?
Um, you do know that Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an anti-semitic Russian frogary, don't you? Not much to do with actual Zionism apart from the root of the name. But then someone as sane and rational as your good self will already know that.
Jazzz said:
oh and this chap wouldn't have any pilot experience would he

or hang on... just maybe it's the monothought clique at Urban75 that are the crazy ones? ;)

Have you noticed the factor common to the three little spiels you've posted so far, Jazzz?

If you have it'd probably make good sense to reflect on it, IMHO. :)
Lyceum said:
Never said you did. You obviously agreed with the decision.

You stupid, unintelligent cunt.

Did I express my views on the closure of the thread? I merely stated what happened as historical fact.

Which makes you as unthinking and doltish as I took you for.

Silly cunt.
Lyceum said:
And you fucking dopes keep believing this shit????

Dear Credutard nutjob, you are 100% wrong.

sincerely yours,


PS I knowez who dids it.


Pete the Greek said:
So are hafl the posers in this thread.

I bet jazzz was thinking of getting a repeat on his prescription for Diazepam, following the closure of the 9/11 conspiraloon thread.

Now he gets a new lease of life thanks to this CUNT lyceum.

What is so challenging for you about 9/11 that it forces you to become so abusive?
krow said:
The diffusion model of consumers applies to 9/11 truth thoery:

Innovators (2.5% pop)
Brave people, puling the change. Innovators are very important communication.

Early Adopters (13.5% pop)
Respectable people, opinion leaders, try out new ideas, but in a careful way.

Early Majority (34% pop)
Thoughtful people, careful but accepting change more quickly than the average.

Late Majority (34% pop)
Skeptic people, will use new ideas or products only when the majority is using it.

Laggards (16% pop)
Traditional people, caring for the "old ways", are critical towards new ideas and will only accept it if the new idea has become mainstream or even tradition.

Let me guess: You believe that taking the "911 truth" view makes one an "innovator"?
Jazzz said:
What is so challenging for you about 9/11 that it forces you to become so abusive?

Jazzz the Architect posted up some more questions about structures for you on the thread thats a homage to his pwnage of you, going to go answer em?
Jazzz said:
right, well some of us do, thank god.

But Jazzz these former US military men are working for the establishment - they are trying to deflect from the fact that Bush & Co knew an attack was imminent by deflecting attention from the uncomfortable facts and on to one of the most bizarre and most easily disprovable theories - that the plane and occupants said to have hit the Pentagon was 'disappeared' and that a missile hit the Pentagon. If they support the theory it can't be true!

But hold on, that is what we are meant to conclude! Former US military men are lining up to join the truth finders because that is the only way to sow the seeds of doubt....

No, no hold on. The CIA are behind the conspiracy theories not in order to hide a bigger conspiracy theory but just to hide their incompetence. The US population would rather be ruled by an all powerful clique of lizards than an incompetant bunch of cowboys.

No hold on...i was right first time. The USA doesn't exist, it's all a movie with a bad plot. :) :p
Stanley Edwards said:
At 9PM there is a ten piece Saxophone and ballet performance on Plaza Nueva.

All for free :)

I guess some banned posters would have suspected the mods would be busy right now.

Fuck I'm bored. Very hot here today. 33 new fangled degrees. Drinking ice cold beer to stop my brains melting.

Last in?

Probably is a returner; they haven't expressed much surprise at suggestions that these two threads aren't long for this world. Although having said that, there are plenty of conspiraloons around.
8den said:
Jazzz the Architect posted up some more questions about structures for you on the thread thats a homage to his pwnage of you, going to go answer em?
To be honest, I am tired of TA. There is little to be gained from further discussion with him, even though I'm sure he would yap at my heels like a lost puppy for a long time to come.

I'm sure he knows I was right.
Groucho said:
But Jazzz these former US military men are working for the establishment - they are trying to deflect from the fact that Bush & Co knew an attack was imminent by deflecting attention from the uncomfortable facts and on to one of the most bizarre and most easily disprovable theories - that the plane and occupants said to have hit the Pentagon was 'disappeared' and that a missile hit the Pentagon. If they support the theory it can't be true!

But hold on, that is what we are meant to conclude! Former US military men are lining up to join the truth finders because that is the only way to sow the seeds of doubt....

No, no hold on. The CIA are behind the conspiracy theories not in order to hide a bigger conspiracy theory but just to hide their incompetence. The US population would rather be ruled by an all powerful clique of lizards than an incompetant bunch of cowboys.

No hold on...i was right first time. The USA doesn't exist, it's all a movie with a bad plot. :) :p
That wasn't very nice. :D :p ;)
Nemo said:
Probably is a returner; they haven't expressed much surprise at suggestions that these two threads aren't long for this world. Although having said that, there are plenty of conspiraloons around.

The turn up on a message board, get laughed off, then just keep moving on:

Lyceum said:
Great post, Krow!;)

It means half of the population, no matter how many facts you put in front of them, if they look around and don't see any encouragement from the mainstream society, will be skeptical. Michael Moore is now saying 9/11 was an inside job if that helps.
krow said:
It means half of the population, no matter how many facts you put in front of them, if they look around and don't see any encouragement from the mainstream society, will be skeptical.


It's a cracker.

The people of Greyland have 55 different words for the colour grey.

Is grey a colour?

Are they mad?
Jazzz said:
To be honest, I am tired of TA.

Yes I can see how being shown up as a clueless idiot would be tiresome

There is little to be gained from further discussion with him, even though I'm sure he would yap at my heels like a lost puppy for a long time to come.

I'm sure he knows I was right.

Jazzz you got pwned. I know you got pwned. Everyone reading it knows you got pwned. And at four am in a cold sharp clear mind, you realise that you make up lies about mass murder, you know you got pwned.
krow said:
It means half of the population, no matter how many facts you put in front of them, if they look around and don't see any encouragement from the mainstream society, will be skeptical.
Either that or it means that only half the population are so credulous as to believe any old bollocks just because some loon with a computer has posted it on the internet.
8den said:
Yes I can see how being shown up as a clueless idiot would be tiresome

Jazzz you got pwned. I know you got pwned. Everyone reading it knows you got pwned. And at four am in a cold sharp clear mind, you realise that you make up lies about mass murder, you know you got pwned.
er no, sorry.

It's rather amusing to see you keep wittering on about your defeated hero though, but I don't think it really does much for you, it's a bit pathetic really.
Can I just categorically state that I am completely open to the idea that there is more behind the whole 9/11 thing than at first appeared?

Can I also categorically state that the same might also be true of any number of historical events, which we now accept as fact. The origins of the first world war for instance.

HOWEVER I never never never never never never never feel the need to fucking bore the arse off of all the people on the internet about it, over and over and over again and I WILL take the piss out of and abuse mercilessly anyone who does.

FUCK you people are boring. GIVE IT A FUCKING REST.
fucthest8 said:
Can I just categorically state that I am completely open to the idea that there is more behind the whole 9/11 thing than at first appeared?

Can I also categorically state that the same might also be true of any number of historical events, which we now accept as fact. The origins of the first world war for instance.

HOWEVER I never never never never never never never feel the need to fucking bore the arse off of all the people on the internet about it, over and over and over again and I WILL take the piss out of and abuse mercilessly anyone who does.

FUCK you people are boring. GIVE IT A FUCKING REST.


fucthest8 said:
Can I just categorically state that I am completely open to the idea that there is more behind the whole 9/11 thing than at first appeared?

Can I also categorically state that the same might also be true of any number of historical events, which we now accept as fact. The origins of the first world war for instance.

HOWEVER I never never never never never never never feel the need to fucking bore the arse off of all the people on the internet about it, over and over and over again and I WILL take the piss out of and abuse mercilessly anyone who does.

FUCK you people are boring. GIVE IT A FUCKING REST.


*bows down*
Jazzz said:
er no, sorry.

It's rather amusing to see you keep wittering on about your defeated hero though, but I don't think it really does much for you, it's a bit pathetic really.

You can lead Jazzz to sanity, but you cannot make him see it.

So the US is killing and psychologically experimenting on it's people but stop talking about because it's boring?

That pretty much is Jazzz's opinion yup.
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