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What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

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Azrael23 said:
Look if you think I meant to say that, whatever. But I told you what I meant. You can`t start responding to what, you think I think...

Listen to me.

No they aren`t but the levels of brutality were, I saw a group of peaceful sitdown protestors sprayed with tear gas. I saw a woman with a helmet on have it ripped off whilst praying and have tear gas sprayed in her face....
I saw CS grenades just tossed into groups of youths, people beaten with batons, kicked.

Leaving aside you moving the goal posts again...
This is news to you? Look up the Chicago Democratic convention riots 1968 some day.

Azrael23 said:
They had a fucking field day and it ain`t gonna get better now they have bloody sound cannons.

Where's your evidence that the police have sound cannons?
Why don`t you ever want to find out things for yourself. Go and research things for yourself. You learn more that way.

People are so used to being spoonfed these days its atrocious.


sound weapon on UN Vehicle.

Republican Convention Photos



How do you know they're sound weapons?

(even though you just denied them being used at Seattle)
Blagsta said:
How do you know they're sound weapons?

(even though you just denied them being used at Seattle)

Your a real cretin.....

Do some research i`m not going to waste anymore time on you. You need to start asking real questions. What do you expect to prove?
Rough translation: I have no idea if they're sound weapons or not so I'm gonna chuck my toys out of the pram
William of Walworth said:
Questions 1 to 8 in my earlier post await your attention :p

Azrael23 said:
Sorry they were all conspiracy theories and your a conspiraloon. I refuse to answer them because they are drawn upon scant evidence and are merely ill contrived......conspiracy theories....


YEAH!! :rolleyes:

Thats right Azrael, I'm as outlandish a conspiraloon as you, with an equally weird take upon things .... as is clearly visible to all readers of this thread ...
No william of wallyville, I was trying to show that its a bit stupid to expect me to answer your questions when you and others consistently ignore mine.

Of course I`ll answer them, just when I can be assed... ;)
Blagsta said:
Rough translation: I have no idea if they're sound weapons or not so I'm gonna chuck my toys out of the pram

Same old same old innit? ;)

show a picture of something that looks suspisciously (sp) like a comms transmitter but claim its a sound weapon even though one of the pictures even shows a thing pointing in the air!!! Than tell you you're an idiot for not being gullible.

Bit like that argument for religion God refuses to prove that he exists because he really cool and thats beneath him.

Ain't got no time for any of it.
It is a fucking sound weapon..... :D

"oooh I ain`t got no time for issues of liberty and life....plenty of time for money though...." Its mildly cretinous.
Azrael23 said:
Of course I`ll answer them, just when I can be assed... ;)

You American?

(just out of interest like, it's not very relevant to anything)

Thank you for your time if you do answer them, but I think the onus really is on you to convince people that the 'power surge' suggestion in EARLY news reports of 7/7 was down to something nefarious .... if you want to assert that it was, you really need to answer a lot of other questions if you want to make that convincing.

A general statement that the BBC (or other agencies) are quite capable of running Government propoganda, with historical examples of them doing so, is not the same as proving that that's what they were doing on that occasion, or proving that if it was propoganda, it was part of a deliberate attempt at a cover-up.
Azrael23 said:
It is a fucking sound weapon..... :D

"oooh I ain`t got no time for issues of liberty and life....plenty of time for money though...." Its mildly cretinous.

Who you talking about here?

Prove its a sound weapon. You said it I day it could be but in all proabability its not.
Markyd said:
Prove its a sound weapon. You said it I day it could be but in all proabability its not.

I didn`t say any such thing, I said quite clearly THIS IS A SOUND CANNON, the pictures were in response to some cynic asking me to PROVE there were any such things.... :rolleyes:

Errr the weapon system is called LRAD, or Long Range Acoustical Device.

Hence these big radar looking things on top of Police armoured vehicles have LRAD plastered on the back of them as well as a diagram showing the effectiveness at different frequencies/directions. :rolleyes:

Its also been in the papers.
These are the first signs of Sonic Attack:
You will notice small objects, such as ornaments, oscillating.
You will notice a vibration in your diaphragm
You will hear a distant hissing in your ears
You will feel dizzy
You will feel the need to vomit
There will be bleeding from orifices
There will be an ache in the pelvic region
You may be subject to fits of hysterical shouting,
or even laughter
These are all sign of imminent Sonic destruction
Your only real protection is flight
If you are less than ten years old,
then remain in your shelter and use your cocoon
But remember: You can help no-one else,
No-one else,
No-one else......


I have head of sonic devices being developed for crowd control. They were bsed on some idea about developing sonic weapons for military use that would emit sound waves at the same frequency the human body resonates at. but they also found that it was totally impractical. the use of vlf (very low frequency) devices though is possble (think being next to a really loud bass speaker and the uncomfortable feeling you get). no idea though if it ever went any further than a concept
Pingu said:

I have head of sonic devices being developed for crowd control. They were bsed on some idea about developing sonic weapons for military use that would emit sound waves at the same frequency the human body resonates at. but they also found that it was totally impractical. the use of vlf (very low frequency) devices though is possble (think being next to a really loud bass speaker and the uncomfortable feeling you get). no idea though if it ever went any further than a concept

It went much further than concept because they are being strapped to the top of US police and UN vehicles. ;)
Azrael23 said:
I didn`t say any such thing, I said quite clearly THIS IS A SOUND CANNON, the pictures were in response to some cynic asking me to PROVE there were any such things.... :rolleyes:

Errr the weapon system is called LRAD, or Long Range Acoustical Device.

Hence these big radar looking things on top of Police armoured vehicles have LRAD plastered on the back of them as well as a diagram showing the effectiveness at different frequencies/directions. :rolleyes:

Its also been in the papers.
Acoustical suggests listening does it not?

FFS never watch Mythbusters :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
I didn`t say any such thing, I said quite clearly THIS IS A SOUND CANNON, the pictures were in response to some cynic asking me to PROVE there were any such things.... :rolleyes:

Errr the weapon system is called LRAD, or Long Range Acoustical Device.

Hence these big radar looking things on top of Police armoured vehicles have LRAD plastered on the back of them as well as a diagram showing the effectiveness at different frequencies/directions. :rolleyes:

Its also been in the papers.
You stupid, ignorant fucking moron.

A LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) is not a 'weapon' used at demos in the US.

It's "a long-range hailing and warning, directed acoustic device designed to communicate with authority and exceptionally high intelligibility in a 15-30 degree beam."


Oh, and about Seattle....
i am sad to say that azwotsit is actually partially correct

the us military do use sonic weapons for crowd dispersal and have used them on ships for some time now.

some sources




they are primarily used for message transfer but can also be used as a non lethal weapon by sending pulses or tones instead of the highly focused voice stuff

though i have no idea if they are used by UK or even US police forces
The LRAD can cause hearing damage if you are too close to it (like most things that emit noise really), therefore....they used teargas in Seattle therefore......the police are bad.....therefore the lizards are in control.
hence the partially bit of my post

actually imagine them trying them out at a festie..

fuck those sounds mate get some good d&b going through them.... wicked...
axon said:
The LRAD can cause hearing damage if you are too close to it (like most things that emit noise really), therefore....they used teargas in Seattle therefore......the police are bad.....therefore the lizards are in control.

I never said aliens were running our economic system. So please don`t slander me like that.

I said the police have new sonic weapons (i`ve proven this to be true) and that as the brutality in seattle has shown, they are more than prepared to use any means to fight mass peaceful protest.
They provoteur by just attacking the protestors then anyone who doesn`t run for the hills is shown on the news as a rioter.

You know all this to be true, U75 did not at first strike me as a naive group of people, your all savvy on the nature of the govt and the "powers that be"....
I`m seeking to expose all this machinery of state we`re all up against. Its not about me or my point or getting out my truth. Do some reading yourself if you disgree with my theory about the banking elite so be it. But please recognise the issues on which my theory is based on in the first place.
Don`t you stand against the police state moves by the US and UK govts? Look at recent legislation. Don`t you stand against the fake climate of fear generated by the media? The lies about wars...from the balkans right upto recent media attacks on Iran. Please we can`t just go along with it and dismiss people who want to talk about govt complicity in terror as somehow mentally ill.
Azrael23 said:
I never said aliens were running our economic system. So please don`t slander me like that.
I know, I was just being flippant :)

Azrael23 said:
I said the police have new sonic weapons (i`ve proven this to be true) and that as the brutality in seattle has shown, they are more than prepared to use any means to fight mass peaceful protest.

But the use of force in the Seattle protests is not new or news. The fact that police have sonic weapons is irrelevent, the police have always used means at their disposal to control protestors. I think you just like the idea of the state using sonic weapons 'cause it makes you think of mind control and vibratory fields :D
Amazing how the state can be so jaw droppingly incompetent and yet completely cunning and devious at the same time.

Keep secrets? I doubt they could keep cress.
TheLostProphet said:
Amazing how the state can be so jaw droppingly incompetent and yet completely cunning and devious at the same time.

Keep secrets? I doubt they could keep cress.

They are jaw droppingly incompetent thats why its easy to find stuff like this out. However never underestimate the power of the media, one of the reasons the Nazis got to power was because they understood the power of propaganda.

You tell people something enough times and it becomes true. By the time you hear something about say, 9/11 You`ve already been told another version a thousand times.... Which is where something called cognitive dissonance sets in....They are cunning in their use of psychology that is all.
Jazzz said:
He wasn't aware of the rule: I warned him myself about it.
He's notched up a whole collection of FAQ-busting offences in just the last 6 hours:
1. cut and paste-a-thons
2. unacceptable mod personal abuse
3. conspiraloonery
4. fucking about with user names.

So what the fuck's he still doing posting here?
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