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What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

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Azrael23 said:
This place exists to air issues and views, not to play host to your personal witchhunts, which seem to be based mainly on boredom.

You're paranoid.

Of late, you've been flooding this site with a whole range of 'issues and views', most of which are unsubstantiated and lacking in any convincing proof and evidence -- to an extent that's bound to attract difficult questions to you from sceptics, including from the editor.

Just because some conspiratastic forums you may (?) hang out in, are really unlikely to throw up such challenging questions to your own theories, that doesn't mean you can avoid more deeply rooted scepticism here. It's the way it is on Urban -- deal with it. I'd expect the same if I went to a conspiracy laden forum and started asking difficult, sceptical questions.

You should also try seeing it from the editor's POV -- if theorists like you and zArk are able to start multiple threads on all sorts of conspiracies unhindered and unquestioned by the moderators and other posters, then it can be expected that word will get about through your networks that Urban is a conspiracy-friendy site, and more and more outlandish theories will get posted and more and more fruitloops will descend and burden the site with shite. He doesn't want Urban to gain the reputation of being a conspiracy dominated site, and neither would I, neither would lots of others here.

In relative terms you're reasonably sane and rational and MOSTLY argue in a way thats a close cousin to sensible discussion, even if the contents of some of your more outre theories doesn't help your prospects of persuading others, by being so truly bizarre. Some of your co-CTists (and I've seen the sort of thing they post on other sites) are far less restrained.

I think the editor's quite right to make things somewhat tough for you, in order that les autres are not encouraged. When your mask of courtesy slips at times (eg calling him a shill, calling him a fuhrer, etc.) it might be a sign of what your posting style might become -- I speculate -- if you were allowed free reign. At least the constant challenges to you, besides being necessary so as to keep reminding you what the rational reaction to a lot of your bizarre theories is, and so as to keep you in check.

It's a relief to be honest.
FridgeMagnet said:
No, this one is kosher; I've seen pictures of it from different angles, and checked out the website of the manufacturer. They seem to have deployed them in New York for the Republican convention, though I've never heard any reports of them being used, and it's been officially stated that they're being tested in Iraq, where they could be doing anything. It's a focussed sound device called the LRAD - I've posted about it before.



See - same thing as on the truck.

See, Azrael, I'm inclined to trust Fridgmagnet when he posts the above, not that I ncessarily trust CNN, but it does look like he (and you) is onto something with these LRAD devices.

But the way you present so many different theories, and such an indiscriminate stream of them, is going to make your task of persuading people of the truth of the few semi-solidly-based ones you have, that much more difficult for you.

Perhaps the editor (and other posters like me) were so sceptical when you first started talking about these LRADs, because they were just the latest on here from you, in the way of a whole string of far more deeply implausible stuff.

Discriminate more discerningly yourself, and others might find it easier to discriminate as well.
We don`t need a 200 word explaination of why its my fault you wouldn`t believe me.

So can we talk about militarisation of the police now? Or do I have to PROVE there is such a thing as the police? :D
Blagsta said:
OK, I'll grant you this one - they do appear to be some kind of sonic crowd control devices on those police vehicles in Seattle.
Err, the link I posted up ages ago explained that it can be used to blare out clear voice messages to the crowd - e.g an order to disperse.

AFAIK, there is no evidence of the thing being used as a "weapon" against US citizens.
The IDF are using sound control against Palestinians. Admittedly it doesn't kill them, but I guess they could turn it up and then it would, what do you think. Imagine standing in front of a bass amp on 11 times by a hundred and you'll get the idea of what these devices CAN do.

Enjoy your May Day demo this year, but wear ear muffs (not that they will stop it). And as you march, try to remember why you're marching, who you're marching against, what they represent, how they have continually over the years defended their position with money, force, and the law (bought and paid for by them).


Assuming of course that they allow you to march under this legislation currently being slid through:


As for conspiracy theories, has it occured to you that the wild theories (of which there are many) are planted by the establishment to discredit the real theories. Any mention of Jekyll island is immediately lumped in with UFOs etc. Mention Bildeburg and you must also believe in Lizards ruling the world. Talk about Kissinger etc attending Bohemian Grove and you obviously subscribe to the hollow moon bases theory.

Your naivety and ignorance continue to astound me and many others world wide who see what is happening and would quite like to stop it.
Azrael23 said:
We don`t need a 200 word explaination of why its my fault you wouldn`t believe me.

So can we talk about militarisation of the police now? Or do I have to PROVE there is such a thing as the police? :D
This is just illustrating your problem again - you grab hold of random items, don't source them and treat them as evidence for unconnected things. LRAD does not indicate "militarisation" of the police any more than tear gas.
FridgeMagnet said:
This is just illustrating your problem again - you grab hold of random items, don't source them and treat them as evidence for unconnected things. LRAD does not indicate "militarisation" of the police any more than tear gas.

Alone it is not an indication. The big picture shows militarisation of the police is a real issue. Not only that but we`ve seen constant threats against posse commitatus in the US.
Theories are something you actually have to work on, you know. It's not as simple as just picking the top n links from Rense and saying "look these prove it!"
DOA said:
The IDF are using sound control against Palestinians. Admittedly it doesn't kill them, but I guess they could turn it up and then it would, what do you think. Imagine standing in front of a bass amp on 11 times by a hundred and you'll get the idea of what these devices CAN do.

Enjoy your May Day demo this year, but wear ear muffs (not that they will stop it). And as you march, try to remember why you're marching, who you're marching against, what they represent, how they have continually over the years defended their position with money, force, and the law (bought and paid for by them).


Assuming of course that they allow you to march under this legislation currently being slid through:


As for conspiracy theories, has it occured to you that the wild theories (of which there are many) are planted by the establishment to discredit the real theories. Any mention of Jekyll island is immediately lumped in with UFOs etc. Mention Bildeburg and you must also believe in Lizards ruling the world. Talk about Kissinger etc attending Bohemian Grove and you obviously subscribe to the hollow moon bases theory.

Your naivety and ignorance continue to astound me and many others world wide who see what is happening and would quite like to stop it.

Well said, the arrogance around here gets boring after a while.... :D
FridgeMagnet said:
Theories are something you actually have to work on, you know. It's not as simple as just picking the top n links from Rense and saying "look these prove it!"

I have to admit i`ve never actually been on rense. I saw the loose change video that I think they brought out.

Some things aren`t a theory. Some things are just fact.
My favourite conspircay theory is the one where they tell us that the USG had nothing to do with the 911 attacks, but rather they were guilty of spectacular incompetence, and guilty of ignoring all the intelligence they were getting due to 'intelligence fatigue'.

This one's a fucking hooter. To believe it requires massive leaps of faith.
fela fan said:
My favourite conspircay theory is the one where they tell us that the USG had nothing to do with the 911 attacks, but rather they were guilty of spectacular incompetence, and guilty of ignoring all the intelligence they were getting due to 'intelligence fatigue'.

This one's a fucking hooter. To believe it requires massive leaps of faith.

Don`t challenge dogma....

"You can topple ideology but not the armies they enlist" :rolleyes:
Azrael23 said:
Its no worse than calling me a conspiraloon you hypocrite


You can threaten to ban me all you like, its a sign you feel threatened. You`ve stuck your reputation firmly on one side of the fence and you refuse to let me question your views, if I do....I`m a conspiraloon.

So how am I allowed to ask ten questions on 9/11?
Ah, the victim gambit.

Azrael, apart from some nutty beliefs, you don't seem like such a bad sort, but this nastier, more abusive side you're showing lately isn't helping you.

And there's NO point picking fights with a mod: gaining victim status by getting banned is pointless, since all we'll ever know about it is that your name will have "Banned" after it. And many of us won't shed a single tear: you're not going to become some kind of Martyr To The Cause on Urban, for sure.
Blagsta said:
OK, I'll grant you this one - they do appear to be some kind of sonic crowd control devices on those police vehicles in Seattle. However, the way you initially brought the subject up heavily implied that the police routinely used them in the UK. Maybe be a bit more careful with your use of language in the future then we can save all this nonsense?

This is the point I think. Azrael23 seems to easily fall into wild use of language that takes his points off into another realm. If his point is that there is technology in the hands of the US police that UK police are considering adopting, that this technology is a sonic crowd control device and that we should be concerned, then fair play. To describe this device as a weapon I would accept, provided that the caveat is also posted - that it is intended to be non-lethal. It is a crowd control device, a nasty one that doesn't leave marks in the way that truncheons do (also a weapon of crowd control intended to be non-lethal) and isn't expected to invoke the same emotional response from on-lookers on TV as tear gas or rubber bullets would, or even water canon (all of which the UK police have, as well as machine guns and armoured vehicles)

Unfortunately, when an individual who has posted conspiracy theory idiocy then posts about a sonic cannon about to be used by the police in the UK, this will be greated with hilarity and scorn and dismissed - but there is a real issue behind it. I think it is fair to say that the police are becoming more and more 'militarised' in their 'crowd control' techniques, and in their operational priorities. This is not a police state, but warnings that we are sleepwalking into one are not far off the mark.
Azrael23 said:
errr its also a coloquial term for someone who enjoys abusing a position of (almost no) power....
Not where I come from. I don't blame anyone who takes being called "fuehrer" amiss. You must have realised it was potentially offensive, even if you didn't actually MEAN to be offensive (which I can't believe).
re the police and militarisation thing

ithere was a tv prog the other week that included a phrase similar to

"the police used to be the servants of the people and upheld the law. Nowadays they are the servants of the law and uphold the establishment."

which hit home quite a bit
Groucho said:
Unfortunately, when an individual who has posted conspiracy theory

But what exactly is conspiracy theory?

For we know what conspiracy is in practice. It's the stuff that politicians do in the halls of power. Throughout history.
Pingu said:
re the police and militarisation thing

ithere was a tv prog the other week that included a phrase similar to

"the police used to be the servants of the people and upheld the law. Nowadays they are the servants of the law and uphold the establishment."

which hit home quite a bit
Yeah, but that's not true. They've always been there to uphold the establishment.
Pingu said:
re the police and militarisation thing

ithere was a tv prog the other week that included a phrase similar to

"the police used to be the servants of the people and upheld the law. Nowadays they are the servants of the law and uphold the establishment."

which hit home quite a bit

That's certainly what they do nowadays.
fela fan said:
But what exactly is conspiracy theory?

For we know what conspiracy is in practice. It's the stuff that politicians do in the halls of power. Throughout history.

Actually...as was linked to on the 'Should there be a conspiracy forum' thread there are some very specific elements and psychologies that go into a CT:


So no, it's not what polticians have done throughout history.
fela fan said:
No, he displays insanity in many of things he does and says.

OK fela, back this up with some actual psychology and observation, not merely your opinions and judgements about Blair.
fela fan said:
But what exactly is conspiracy theory?

For we know what conspiracy is in practice. It's the stuff that politicians do in the halls of power. Throughout history.


Of course people seem to think you can`t do anything about it because "you`ll never find out anything thats really going on, and you`ll never change anything....."
Lock&Light said:
fela, I'm often saddened by the fact that you cannot be taken seriously. :(

But the question is lock, by who? By who? By you? By everybody? Nice use of the passive voice there mate.

As for the answer, some don't take me seriously, some do. Life.

Also, i don't give a fuck. I'm just here to post up what my brain transfers to my typing fingers.
kyser_soze said:
OK fela, back this up with some actual psychology and observation, not merely your opinions and judgements about Blair.

Last time I checked compulsive lying is a sign of mental illness, carrying nail clippings round your neck in a bag is a sign of madness and being knowingly responsible for the deaths of thousands is also an indication of insanity.
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