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Wankers of the World (well Bulmental, Lowkey, Galloway and Williamson) Unite for No2NATO Conference, London 25 Feb. Urban75 are invited to attend.


EXPLODED TIM! (Help me!!!)
So many reactionary apologists for brutishness in one location just asking to to be challenged. I'm booking my place, even though it's going to cost me 80p with Eventbright. I'm also contacting St Pancras New Church to question their booking policy

So many reactionary apologists for brutishness in one location just asking to to be challenged. I'm booking my place, even though it's going to cost me 80p with Eventbright. I'm also contacting St Pancras New Church to question their booking policy

we paid £60 billion to NATO last year?
Fringe elements have a conference. So what? That's the democracy everybody purports the Ukraine war to be about.

The people behind this event are among the last remnants of the old radical left. Nothing has replaced it. Few will take any notice, even in the left milieu, but anybody who regards him or her self as radical left and backs NATO, in this war or in anything else, is self-deluding. They are backing the very system they pretend they want to overthrow. And that has nothing to do with whether Russia is right or wrong. The failure among so many contemporary lefties to understand that this war was inevitable for 30 years, given what's happened in that part of the world, is staggering. Yes, it's brutal, as the OP states. But so has brutality been a major feature of our past, and so, without a shadow of doubt, will it be a feature of our future. The lucky ones are those in countries like this one, who manage to escape it (for now) while picking sides in conflicts elsewhere when they can be bothered to notice them, as few receive the daily coverage this war has enjoyed.

We should get used to it all, as it's here to stay, short of a international systemic collapse (which would actually result in yet more brutality.) The current union militancy provides some hope at home, but aside from that politics seems to have been reduced to 'Eek, look what so-and-so is saying on Twitter! And not only that, suchabody in this or that country is a dictator! A dictator-can you believe it in this day and age?'
Fringe elements have a conference. So what? That's the democracy everybody purports the Ukraine war to be about.

The people behind this event are among the last remnants of the old radical left. Nothing has replaced it. Few will take any notice, even in the left milieu, but anybody who regards him or her self as radical left and backs NATO, in this war or in anything else, is self-deluding. They are backing the very system they pretend they want to overthrow. And that has nothing to do with whether Russia is right or wrong. The failure among so many contemporary lefties to understand that this war was inevitable for 30 years, given what's happened in that part of the world, is staggering. Yes, it's brutal, as the OP states. But so has brutality been a major feature of our past, and so, without a shadow of doubt, will it be a feature of our future. The lucky ones are those in countries like this one, who manage to escape it (for now) while picking sides in conflicts elsewhere when they can be bothered to notice them, as few receive the daily coverage this war has enjoyed.

We should get used to it all, as it's here to stay, short of a international systemic collapse (which would actually result in yet more brutality.) The current union militancy provides some hope at home, but aside from that politics seems to have been reduced to 'Eek, look what so-and-so is saying on Twitter! And not only that, suchabody in this or that country is a dictator! A dictator-can you believe it in this day and age?'

They're not the radical left. They're a bunch of cynical chancers and the clueless. You don't have to be a NATO supporter to know that. As to their democratic rights. They have the right to meet in any location or venue that will have them. However, others have the right to do their best to mess up their propaganda fest. I've just written to the supposedly inclusive church that is hosting to point out that notorious antiSemite Chris Williamson broadcasts on behalf of, and defends the actions of a regime that denies women basic rights and sentences lesbians to death.
They're not the radical left. They're a bunch of cynical chancers and the clueless. You don't have to be a NATO supporter to know that. As to their democratic rights. They have the right to meet in any location or venue that will have them. However, others have the right to do their best to mess up their propaganda fest. I've just written to the supposedly inclusive church that is hosting to point out that notorious antiSemite Chris Williamson broadcasts on behalf of, and defends the actions of a regime that denies women basic rights and sentences lesbians to death.
They all have a history on the broad radical left, or at least some of them do (I'm unaware of at least one of those you mention, which is hardly surprising given their profile.) I have no time for them, but in terms of cluelessness, they're about equal to the pro-NATO pseudo-left.

That you have done what you say is also an assertion of your democratic rights, no more or less equal to theirs.

And do you honestly think that their 'propaganda fest' is any match for the one we enjoy daily right across the world's media?
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And what the fucking hell is 'an inclusive church' supposed to be? Is this the fuck what we've been reduced to?
And what the fucking hell is 'an inclusive church' supposed to be? Is this the fuck what we've been reduced to?

New St Pancras New Chuch has chosen to self-identify as an inclusive church. Do you have a problem with it making such an assertion? I don't know what, I've been reduced to. What do you feel you've been reduced to?
New St Pancras New Chuch has chosen to self-identify as an inclusive church. Do you have a problem with it making such an assertion? I don't know what, I've been reduced to. What do you feel you've been reduced to?
Good for them, especially for (snigger) 'self-identifying.' I remember a radical left that was fairly hostile to God and his earthly minions, and quite rightly took sympathetic vicars and priests for what it could get .

I've long believed myself to have been reduced to a bit of a cynical cunt. You?
Good for them, especially for (snigger) 'self-identifying.' I remember a radical left that was fairly hostile to God and his earthly minions, and quite rightly took sympathetic vicars and priests for what it could get .

I've long believed myself to have been reduced to a bit of a cynical cunt. You?
Most of the "Radical Leftists" performing at this conference either work for or take regular appearance fees from the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. You may be a cunt, but the fact that you seem to be so easily taken in by the rhetoric coming of the Russian regime suggests that you are not nearly cynical enough.
Most of the "Radical Leftists" performing at this conference either work for or take regular appearance fees from the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. You may be a cunt, but the fact that you seem to be so easily taken in by the rhetoric coming of the Russian regime suggests that you are not nearly cynical enough.
As should be obvious from my posts across multiple threads, far from being taken in by them, I've tried to explain, adequately or not, what they are and why they're in power in the first place, and what this means in the current situation. I saw the kind of place Russia is (and can never not be) over several long visits 1988-93, as I've also referred to here, and why it became obvious to me that the Russia we see now was pretty much inevitable.

Observing a society in meltdown, with foreign encouragement of the meltdown, it did cross my mind that I was in the place which was to prove our eventual end (ie it wasn't some Third World backwater, but a nuclear power), but it went on the backburner until recently.
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Venue capacity 600. Looks like the last batch log rockets has been released. If twitter is anything to go by, most of those tickets have been secured by people not intending to attend.

On the question of giving them money, the MOST they're going to end up with is 40 x 80p, which I imagine is probably booking commission anyway.

Fringe elements have a conference. So what? That's the democracy everybody purports the Ukraine war to be about.

The people behind this event are among the last remnants of the old radical left. Nothing has replaced it. Few will take any notice, even in the left milieu, but anybody who regards him or her self as radical left and backs NATO, in this war or in anything else, is self-deluding. They are backing the very system they pretend they want to overthrow. And that has nothing to do with whether Russia is right or wrong. The failure among so many contemporary lefties to understand that this war was inevitable for 30 years, given what's happened in that part of the world, is staggering. Yes, it's brutal, as the OP states. But so has brutality been a major feature of our past, and so, without a shadow of doubt, will it be a feature of our future. The lucky ones are those in countries like this one, who manage to escape it (for now) while picking sides in conflicts elsewhere when they can be bothered to notice them, as few receive the daily coverage this war has enjoyed.

We should get used to it all, as it's here to stay, short of a international systemic collapse (which would actually result in yet more brutality.) The current union militancy provides some hope at home, but aside from that politics seems to have been reduced to 'Eek, look what so-and-so is saying on Twitter! And not only that, suchabody in this or that country is a dictator! A dictator-can you believe it in this day and age?'

Anti-imperialist cynical isolated old man chat bot has entered the room. Again.
And what the fucking hell is 'an inclusive church' supposed to be? Is this the fuck what we've been reduced to?

Well, if you identify with 'them' as you seem to do as part of the same 'old radical left' that you categorise them as (ffs at that) then yes, speaking at weirdo churches that seem happy to host any old bunch of murderous regime supporting cunts then yes, that's what you've been reduced to. But plenty of others haven't thanks.

Does it occur to you to reflect on why a good number of this 'old left' that you look at through misty eyes have so happily been supporting Assad, Putin, etc. the last years (not to mention a good bunch of them falling into some Covid denying/GBNews/conspiracy hole as well) and how that might not have been some wild anomaly or deviation from their politics, but actually something quite integral and flawed with it?
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Ah but don't you see, NATO forced Putin to invade and occupy Ukraine after other countries peaceably joined up with NATO. How can Uncle Vlad keep the neighbours under his bloodstained thumb if they keep dallying with Western alliances?

and yet theyre preferable to posts fawning over shiny western weaponry and getting thrills from the next wave of the militarisation of the planet

You can thank Mr Putin for bringing that about. The invasion of Ukraine has proven to be a shot in the arm for NATO, as well as a kind of rallying point for that alliance and its friends. There's been more talk from European countries about not relying on the Yanks so much for military support.
and yet theyre preferable to posts fawning over shiny western weaponry and getting thrills from the next wave of the militarisation of the planet
I see very little evidence of that. The majority of people are supportive of Ukraine without glorifying the notion of war. Most of us, I think it's fair to say, would much prefer this wasn't happening in the first place.
Ah but don't you see, NATO forced Putin to invade and occupy Ukraine after other countries peaceably joined up with NATO. How can Uncle Vlad keep the neighbours under his bloodstained thumb if they keep dallying with Western alliances?

You can thank Mr Putin for bringing that about. The invasion of Ukraine has proven to be a shot in the arm for NATO, as well as a kind of rallying point for that alliance and its friends. There's been more talk from European countries about not relying on the Yanks so much for military support.
Talk is cheap
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