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Voter suppression (UK)

I see it actually appertains to redrawing electoral boundaries to confer unfair advantage (I did not actually know that thanks). However in this particular context it was Mogg who first used the word incorrectly when he admitted that the attempt to gerrymander the vote by introducing ID in favour of the vermin had backfired.
Didn't even get to vote this year at all. Apparently we have a new mayor, I didn't know we had one at all
First time I've seen a number for the "greeters" that were deliberately deployed to reduce the recorded number of turn-aways; so 40%, then. That seems higher than I thought thy were going to do; interesting.
From last week's LRB; Margaret makes a good point.
With photo ID apparently ensuring the integrity of the vote why do ballot papers still need to be numbered?

New report from Local Government Information Unit anticipates serious problems with voter ID

Voter ID: General election could face serious disruption - survey

Voter ID could cause "serious disruption" to the general election, a local government think-tank has said. Next year will see the first general election where all voters will have to show a valid form of voter photo ID. The government claims the system will crack down on potential voter fraud. But electoral administrators surveyed by the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) warned they will not have enough staff to implement the new rules, without more funding.
Even their gerrymandering of boundaries is unlikely to prevent the vermin losing a whole swathe of seats [imo]. At least that's been the opinion of Electoral Calculus for quite some time.

I've probably already said that I've avoided the photo ID bit by getting a postal vote & I ticked the box for "until I tell you otherwise"
Surprised that you, of all posters on here, should be so untroubled by citizens losing their right to engage with the democratic process.
No one will lose their right to vote. A document is issued free of charge for those who don't have one of the other identifying documents.

What is more concerning from those figures shown, not one was over 40% turnout.

If people really are that apathetic about voting, I really can't see lack of a document being a significant issue.

In general though, what a waste of time and effort.
That made me think ---

Since I achieved voting age, I am pretty sure I've never missed a general election nor a referendum, maybe missed just one or two local / council / parish elections. I even participated in the PCC votes.
Sadly, I don't think my choice made much difference in any of them.

But I do consider it important to cast my vote - even if it's for someone other than the candidate that is "first past the post" --- personally, I think that proportional representation should be discussed again, there are some areas with very disparate populations besides the adherents to the party of the usual winner of seats.
Vermin's recently appointed place-man at the Electoral Commission sees no problems with photo ID.

As usual, no mention whatsoever of the 'invisible' effect of barriers to voting that prevent people even turning up.

oh dear ...

tbh, I would encourage people to get postal votes arranged in time for the next GE, although I've got several alternatives which are on the acceptable list.

My travels around the UK over the past few days saw a real shortage of the usual vermin support placards - but a surprising amount for the Greens.
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