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US election 2020 thread

Do you think that Biden is a Trojan horse for far left extremists?
I watched the Dem party quickly become cheer leaders for Biden when Bernie became threatening. The party knows that socially responsible is on the minds of ordinary Americans but they didn't have the courage to pursue it with Bernie. They would have been immediately branded as socialists and commies by the Repubs.

But it's the elephant in the room for Americans and Trump himself even promised it. Too bad he lied.

So as for Biden, the Dem party had to make a choice on which candidate to push forward. For some reason it was to be Biden even though he wasn't the Dem. people's choice. Why Biden? Because the others that weren't longshots could have also been branded as commies, etc.

I think the Dems have made another bad choice and for the same reason why Hillary was a bad choice. Now their only saving grace will be Trump's huge and growing negatives. Maybe?

This isn't complicated krtek.
I watched the Dem party quickly become cheer leaders for Biden when Bernie became threatening. The party knows that socially responsible is on the minds of ordinary Americans but they didn't have the courage to pursue it with Bernie. They would have been immediately branded as socialists and commies by the Repubs.

But it's the elephant in the room for Americans and Trump himself even promised it. Too bad he lied.

So as for Biden, the Dem party had to make a choice on which candidate to push forward. For some reason it was to be Biden even though he wasn't the Dem. people's choice. Why Biden? Because the others that weren't longshots could have also been branded as commies, etc.

I think the Dems have made another bad choice and for the same reason why Hillary was a bad choice. Now their only saving grace will be Trump's huge and growing negatives. Maybe?

This isn't complicated krtek.
Do you use the same aftershave as Marty1? Only there's a familiar smell around here...
To be clear, it's usually the American Trumpers who are the lowlife in my opinion.
I take a position that makes it hard for any American to like me. That's because I make it obvious that I regard Trump as a mentally ill sociopath/narcissist.
But I regard Biden as basically dumb as a brick, mostly on account of him having aged so much from 4 years ago.

The US's big problem is that they have fallen so far back on quality of life for the ordinary people that the only thing that's going to get that country back is a change to 'socially' responsible capitalism and away from the failed American way. But the problem is, they are still brainwashed into believing that socially good government is socialism or even communism.

America is not doing well but many of the ordinary people are brainwashed into thinking they're still the greatest. They're not! Here's an example of some proof. Canada ranked #1 country in the world for Quality of Life | News

Note that the US has dropped down to 17th. on quality of life! Just 3 places up from China already!
Also note the parameters being used to decide countries' rating.

  • A good job market
  • Affordability
  • Economic stability*
  • Family friendly
  • Income equality*
  • Politically stable*
  • Safety * (the guns)
  • Well-developed public health system*
  • Well-developed public education system*
* No bloody wonder!

California may be leading the way in certain aspects - there’s talk of a new tax for the ultra wealthy and Uber and Lyft have been told by the courts that they must class workers as employees rather than self employed gig workers.

It’s a start at least in that particular state.
You were in Ottawa back then?
No, not Ottawa. I meant that I was there in being born and remembering it all happening.. The NDP screamed bloody murder about the 'war measures act' but I thought it was quite appropriate.
That is, assuming Pierre's remark was connected to it.
A ‘paid troll’ - how much does that pay then?

And where does such a job get advertised?


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Nobody pays anyone to troll Urban. We do (or did) get a lot of clearly political spam, almost exclusively Russian, to the extent where I would just say "oh it was another putinbot", but that's different. If you want to pay people to troll you do it on Twitter where it's quicker and easier and one person can run dozens of troll accounts at once. Forums are terrible for this stuff, very poor reward to effort ratio.
Marty still hasn't said enough for me to figure him out and I haven't gone searching. So far he seems reasonable enough.

He does, doesn't he?

That is, until you get round to searching and find his posting dubious far right links and talking points. His conspiracy theories links. All of which are excused by "context" he says. He also "likes" racist tropes about black people and finds covid deaths a chortle.

And he's been kicked off half a dozen threads for trolling.

He leads us on quite the merry dance, and more fools us for responding.
No, not Ottawa. I meant that I was there in being born and remembering it all happening.. The NDP screamed bloody murder about the 'war measures act' but I thought it was quite appropriate.
That is, assuming Pierre's remark was connected to it.

I was in Montreal - letterbox bombs, and armed soldiers on every block.
I think Trump's people are watching this website, so please do not give him any good advice on how to win. As a desperate man, he is mercenary enough to take up almost any suggestion.
Kim Klacik is a fresh face running for Congress in Baltimore and causing a stir with her ad campaign.

Nobody pays anyone to troll Urban. We do (or did) get a lot of clearly political spam, almost exclusively Russian, to the extent where I would just say "oh it was another putinbot", but that's different. If you want to pay people to troll you do it on Twitter where it's quicker and easier and one person can run dozens of troll accounts at once. Forums are terrible for this stuff, very poor reward to effort ratio.

So he is just another cunt like marty1

Kim Klacik is a fresh face running for Congress in Baltimore and causing a stir with her ad campaign.

Ah yes. Kim Klacik, endorsed by Trump and against defunding of the cops.

Baltimore Sun - We are currently unavailable in your region


Whatever voters may think of the Republican nominee in Maryland’s 7th Congressional District (and judging by the results of last April’s special election, which she lost by a 3-to-1 margin, probably not much), Kimberly Klacik certainly has the ability to capture the attention of President Donald Trump. This week, Mr. Trump retweeted her 2 1/2-minute campaign video, and by Wednesday morning, it had been viewed more than 7 million times. The video features the Middle River resident walking past Sugar Hill Tavern Liquors on Druid Hill Avenue in Penn North and a lot of boarded up buildings and seemingly lifeless, trash-strewn streets to make the point that Democrats have caused a variety of urban ills from loss of jobs to violent crime and drug addiction. If Black lives matter, insists Ms. Klacik, who is Black, Black people living in Baltimore ought to support a candidate who will fix the city’s problems.
“Do you care about Black lives?” She asks. “The people who run Baltimore don’t.”

Several things are curious about this. First, is the candidate’s ability to get President Trump’s attention by portraying Baltimore in the worst possible light. Call her the worst civic promoter in history, but there’s some sort of peculiar talent on display here. Last summer, she was leading a camera crew that set out to embarrass Rep. Elijah Cummings by showing West Baltimore’s blight and blaming it all on him. President Trump took note when the video made Fox & Friends and happily joined in his own trashing of the city, the 7th District and Mr. Cummings, then chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and frequent administration critic. Mr. Trump meted out his retaliation (among other things, Mr. Cummings had complained about squalor in border facilities) with over-the-top gusto, calling Baltimore a “rat and rodent infested mess” and “Worst in the USA.” Ms. Klacik, a loyal member of the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee, was left to explain that she hadn’t wanted the matter to blow up into a “political mess.”
Or had she?

If Ms. Klacik were running to be Baltimore’s next mayor or at least a member of the City Council, her claim that Democratic leaders had ruined the city would at least be understandable. But she is actually running against Democrat Kweisi Mfume for the seat in the U.S. House of Representatives formerly held by the late Mr. Cummings. Whatever one may think of members of Congress, they don’t run cities, counties or even states, they represent one of 435 votes in one chamber of the federal legislative branch. Maryland’s 7th extends far beyond the city to Howard and Baltimore counties.

And while complaining about city leaders, current and past, is fair game for anyone (and among our favorite pastimes), it’s ludicrous and overly simple to blame the city’s ills on party affiliation. Concentrated poverty, substance abuse and a war on drugs that disproportionately criminalized low-income African Americans, racism and red-lining, the loss of blue collar jobs, collapsing public infrastructure, broken families and failing schools, these are among the major culprits. We’re all ears if a Republican, Democrat or, frankly, interplanetary visitor, has immediate means to correct any or all of them. It’s telling that Candidate Klacik offers no remedies in her video. Not one.

No, what’s happening here is not an earnest 38-year-old candidate seeking to show “reality” to an electorate that has unwisely swooned for one party, it’s an attempt to blunt the African American vote that overwhelmingly supports Democrats, including Joe Biden, with the narrative that Democrats have failed American cities. The video isn’t really for 7th District consumption; like its predecessor video, it’s meant for a national audience. That’s why it uses a map to show how other U.S. cities are under Democratic control and why it features comments from older African American men who object to “defunding” police, a favored GOP talking point on the national stage. Once again, Baltimore is made to play the role of Urban Horror and to scare people who have never been here, will never visit and likely will never realize that, overall, average household income in the 7th District is above the national average. Ms. Klacik’s part is to be a political stalking horse, to at least blunt Black support for Democrats on behalf of Mr. Trump, who in 2016 won all of 8% of Black votes.

If Ms. Klacik wants to talk about the wonderful things Republicans, such as Maryland’s governor, have done for West Baltimore she is welcome to try. Perhaps she can start with Gov. Larry Hogan’s decision five years ago to cancel the Red Line, the $2.9 billion east-west light rail project, that would have created thousands of jobs and served the very district she seeks to represent. Or maybe she’ll prefer to gloss over that part of reality, too.
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Apparently Trump took over the Washington Post with a massive banner ad and walk thru video when you logged onto their site.

View attachment 227327
Some people on Twitter got mad:

And articles were published:

You believe that Biden has been taken over by radical leftists, though.

Such trolling.
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