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US election 2020 thread

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Thought this wouldn't be a good look for the orange choker.
Of course, this will be seized upon by the swivel-eyed loons as evidence that Covid catching Trump was a Dem plot, all along. In fact, I'm surprised our very own Trumplet hasn't been along to tell us so. Perhaps he though we'd save him the bother. There you go, Trumplet.
Yep. It’s older people that I read have been most turned off trump by his behaviour around covid and Florida is full of retirees isn’t it. Am tempted to ask my trump-voting Florida aunt what she reckons but also it’s just painful talking about it with her.

So is Arizona. My boss goes out there every winter.
Yep. It’s older people that I read have been most turned off trump by his behaviour around covid and Florida is full of retirees isn’t it. Am tempted to ask my trump-voting Florida aunt what she reckons but also it’s just painful talking about it with her.

Florida also has a sizeable spanish-speaking population which is being herded into voting trump by scurrilous bollocks being shared over whatsapp in the same manner that shady right-wing types got Bolsanaro into power. Democrats are barely aware of this and doing nothing to counter it.
The problem is that you can get numbers like that and still lose the electoral college. The states that Biden needs to win are much closer than that.

I wonder what would happen in a situation where Trump won despite a (fag packet maths here) 40 million vote deficit relative to Biden.
I wonder what would happen in a situation where Trump won despite a (fag packet maths here) 40 million vote deficit relative to Biden.
That's one large fag packet! Last time it was Clinton 66m, Trump 63m. My memory of US constitutional law is hazy going on shit, but whilst the college mechanism itself is part of the constitution, how states allocate their votes is decided by them (winner takes all vs a couple of small ones that do it proportionally). To change anything would involve all the hullaballoo of changing the constitution, along with lots of states asserting their independence. Also, if someone like Trump benefitted from it in the future, they or their party in the House wouldn't be keen to set that ball rolling.
Real men don't need plexiglass :cool:

The commission organizing general election debates will allow Mike Pence to participate without plexiglass barriers around him at Wednesday's contest after the vice president's team objected to their planned use, a member of the debate commission tells CNN.

But Kamala Harris and the debate moderator will be allowed to erect barriers separating them from the vice president.

The plexiglass dividers, which were announced by the commission on Monday night, were the latest in a string of changes made to ensure the virus is not spread at the debate as the White House deals with a growing number of infections inside Donald Trump's administration.

The commission and both campaigns had been meeting all Tuesday to hammer out last minute details of the debate, the commission member said, and will meet again Tuesday evening, when the commission expects to resolve any outstanding issues. But the commission member said it is not a requirement that plexiglass surround Pence.

Harris "is the one who wanted plexiglass, so if she has plexiglass surrounding her so she is cut off from everyone else, that is fine," said the commission member. "If (Pence) doesn't want plexiglass, that is up to him."

If two out of the three have plexiglass, the third person should be fine.

Bet Trump doesn't use plexiglass - Biden and the moderator will.
He’s tweeted to say that he’s decided to withhold the stimulus until after he wins the election. No money for ‘hardworking families’ until they ensure he gets a second term.

If they’re not all bots then it seriously looks like that has just lost him a hell of a lot of supporters, people who voted for him last time but now don’t know how they’re going to survive the coming weeks having lost their jobs.
Interesting read here.

In an era of stark political polarization, it is difficult to find any one place that is a true microcosm of the country. But it is possible to find places on which the November election pivots. These communities that hold the key to the vote are as varied as the nation — and they reflect a notable inversion of its politics.

Polls now show Joe Biden with a surprising opportunity to capture Sun Belt suburbs that have voted reliably Republican for decades. He is also performing better
than Hillary Clinton did in 2016 — but perhaps not as well as Barack Obama did in 2008 and 2012 — in heavily white, historically blue Frost Belt small towns and midsize cities where Donald Trump enjoyed a breakthrough in 2016.

Woke up in the middle if the night (well, now) so flicked a bit of the debate on; Pence taking a similar but different tack to Trump, simply completely failing to respect time limits and continuing to talk despite multiple, and I mean multiple, interjections from the moderator.

The app I was listening to it via crashed twice, which is either a government conspiracy or a mental health feature.
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