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GA - 61k votes left according to their state voting manager. Aim to be complete by noon (so 5pm GMT)
Those will have to go 2:1 for Biden then.
GA - 61k votes left according to their state voting manager. Aim to be complete by noon (so 5pm GMT)
Nah that's entirely logical - if you think abortion is murder then stopping the mass murder of thousands of children can easily be far more important than anything else.
Those will have to go 2:1 for Biden then.
If they were really being logical, they'd realize that the only proven way to prevent abortion is to expand access to birth control. Abortions have gone down in the term of every Democratic President since Roe v. Wade.
It's a form of fundamentalism. There is but one truth in the matter. Everyone who doesn't agree is under the control of satan.I don't think these people are very logical, hence so many of them claim to be pro-life while also being pro-gun, pro-war, anti-mask, anti-universal healthcare etc etc etc.
Georgia could be a dead heat.
Haha! Pretty Dem counties returning votes that are even more likely to be Dem (ie by mail). I'm not getting deeper into it than thatThat's more maths than I can fit on the back of this envelope so I'm out.
That specific form of voting tech was outdated even 20 years ago. I think most places are pretty watertight from that point of view now, outside of voter error in completing the ballotwill it get into the world of hanging chads and so on?
though PA should sew things up so it won’t really matter. Senate race may be more crucial there.
It's a form of fundamentalism. There is but one truth in the matter. Everyone who doesn't agree is under the control of satan.
You feel like it might happen but it's really taking the lid off it and not sure it's actually that far given the in fact fairly limp turnout of headbangers.Anyone think that the hatred is deep enough that electors might do their own thing? Only 33 states have a law requiring electors to go with the popular vote. In the rest - including Georgia and Pennsylvania - the electors are free actors. Convincing just one Biden elector to vote for Trump could change everything.
Unlikely. Going rogue and voting for Sanders instead of Clinton when Clinton has lost, as one elector did last time iirc, is essentially just a bit of naughty but harmless fun. To do so and change the actual result - nah, won't happen. Republicans wouldn't support it, for starters.Anyone think that the hatred is deep enough that electors might do their own thing? Only 33 states have a law requiring electors to go with the popular vote. In the rest - including Georgia and Pennsylvania - the electors are free actors. Convincing just one Biden elector to vote for Trump could change everything.
That specific form of voting tech was outdated even 20 years ago. I think most places are pretty watertight from that point of view now, outside of voter error in completing the ballot
Do they still use electronic voting machines in the US? Because all that shit is as far from "watertight" as such things can possibly be.
Trump campaign briefing in ten minutes apparently, get some liniment to rub on your aching sides.
The ones that don't produce a paper hard copy are being phased out, even in the South
Producing a paper hardcopy makes all the electronic shit redundant, doesn't it? Unless one is the type to think that backhanders to voting machine companies are an essential part of the democratic process...
the paper hardcopy is for verification presumablyProducing a paper hardcopy makes all the electronic shit redundant, doesn't it? Unless one is the type to think that backhanders to voting machine companies are an essential part of the democratic process...
It can make navigating the ballot paper a hell of a lot easier when you have multiple elections to vote in and if there's a paper trail then shrugProducing a paper hardcopy makes all the electronic shit redundant, doesn't it? Unless one is the type to think that backhanders to voting machine companies are an essential part of the democratic process...
But that's precisely what makes the type of machines NoXion describes dodgy. There needs to be a paper trail so that you can't just wipe chunks of votes electronically (by accident or design).Well, you‘d have thought that the electronic shit would make the counting almost instantaneous...
Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.
Haha, mail in ballots about to create the mother of all Senate elections in January
It's 48-48 atm. Two other races ongoing are Alaska (very probably GOP) and North Carolina which is poised as delicately as the Presidential is in that state. So call it 49-48, guess at how NC ends up and yep, the two GA seats will decide who controls the chamberIf there's a run-off, is control of the senate in the balance or does that rely on some other counts going a particular way too?