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US election 2020 thread

I reckon the atmosphere in the White House must be more toxic than the surface of Venus at the moment, He's probably roaming around throwing tantrums and screaming at people. Melania is probably sending for supersize burgers, tipping salt on them and saying "Here Hun, eat this it will be good for you"
Apparently Fox has already called Arizona for Biden (ahead of AP, etc) and Trump made an angry phone call to Murdoch about it and Murdoch refused to tell Fox to back track. I would post the link but it was a mail story.

Edit - found mirror link now

Mirror Online: Furious Trump team 'called Rupert Murdoch moaning about Fox calling Arizona for Biden'.
tbh they shouldn't have called it that early. It's still in the balance now
why should we be interested in the tweets of Gangari the Warrior, with his massive reach on twitter of 110 followers?

For your delight and entertainment his/hers was the most extreme Twitter account I could find (in fact I reported some of their Tweets!)
Did anyone see Michael Moore interviewed on Newsnight? Trump supporters are all white supremacists and members of militia. They are all educationally subnormal. Some barmy dissembling about evangelicals. Trump put people in cages (unlike erm Obama and Biden who put people in cages).

Maybe I’m being unfair to suggest Moore is representative of elite liberal thinking. But the interview suggests that nothing has been learnt from 2016 and 2020. Just a doubling down of the ideas that caused a defeat to a TV personality and a narrow victory this week when the circumstances made it almost impossible to lose. A refusal to even consider a vision that transcends group attachments, without denying them.


The remainer/FBPE crowd and 'thickie racists' leap to mind.

You don't have to go to the US to see some pretty disgusting attitudes, most of the EU threads here contain them....
For your delight and entertainment his/hers was the most extreme Twitter account I could find (in fact I reported some of their Tweets!)
It neither delights nor entertains me. I could find some no mark on twitter saying any fucking stupid thing I like - it doesn't mean anything
Trump is just SOOOO extreme though ...
Clearly many are able to filter it out and see the vague causes he claims to represent ...
I don't get it, but then I protect myself from popular culture and right wing viewpoints except through the filter of others...
I was watching a talk by Chris Hedges the other day and he started with an analysis of the downfall of Michael Jackson ...
And he himself is a Presbyterian minister so believes in the supernatural ...
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Did anyone see Michael Moore interviewed on Newsnight? Trump supporters are all white supremacists and members of militia. They are all educationally subnormal. Some barmy dissembling about evangelicals. Trump put people in cages (unlike erm Obama and Biden who put people in cages).

Maybe I’m being unfair to suggest Moore is representative of elite liberal thinking. But the interview suggests that nothing has been learnt from 2016 and 2020. Just a doubling down of the ideas that caused a defeat to a TV personality and a narrow victory this week when the circumstances made it almost impossible to lose. A refusal to even consider a vision that transcends group attachments, without denying them.

The strange thing about Michael Moore is that he is consistently self contradictory. I remember the interview he did with I think Owen Jones before the 2016 election, where on the one hand he made similar characterizations about Trump supporters, that this was the last hurrah of white supremacist dinosaurs, but then went on to correctly predict that Trump would win by winning the 'rust belt' states Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, because people there have turned to Trump after being consistently being fucked over by both parties for years. So I think he probably agrees with a lot of those criticisms of the Democrats and liberalism, but then he still seems to feel the need to play the crowd by mocking the fat thick rednecks.
tbf the evangelicals are barmy, and there is a scarily large number of them. Monomania about abortion, belief in the rapture, and all that - 26% of voters in 2016 self-identified as 'white evangelical Christians'. source In parts of the US of course the figure is much higher.

The way the right has colonised religion in the US in the last half century is of course itself deserving of much attention - it's not happened by accident. But how do you reach out to them when their leaders call you satan? If you are vocally pro-choice, for instance, bang, just for that millions of people will never vote for you.
The strange thing about Michael Moore is that he is consistently self contradictory. I remember the interview he did with I think Owen Jones before the 2016 election, where on the one hand he made similar characterizations about Trump supporters, that this was the last hurrah of white supremacist dinosaurs, but then went on to correctly predict that Trump would win by winning the 'rust belt' states Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, because people there have turned to Trump after being consistently being fucked over by both parties for years. So I think he probably agrees with a lot of those criticisms of the Democrats and liberalism, but then he still seems to feel the need to play the crowd by mocking the fat thick rednecks.

He definitely called it correctly in 2016, though he never sounded impressed by the intelligence of his fellow Michiganders.

From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling, the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we use to call the Middle Class. Angry, embittered working (and nonworking) people who were lied to by the trickle-down of Reagan and abandoned by Democrats who still try to talk a good line but are really just looking forward to rub one out with a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs who’ll write them nice big check before leaving the room. What happened in the UK with Brexit is going to happen here. Elmer Gantry shows up looking like Boris Johnson and just says whatever shit he can make up to convince the masses that this is their chance! To stick to ALL of them, all who wrecked their American Dream! And now The Outsider, Donald Trump, has arrived to clean house! You don’t have to agree with him! You don’t even have to like him! He is your personal Molotov cocktail to throw right into the center of the bastards who did this to you! SEND A MESSAGE! TRUMP IS YOUR MESSENGER!

For those still stressing this is why Arizona has been called. There just aren’t enough votes left for Trump.

Maricopa County: 340k still to be counted. Biden vote share 52%
Pima County: 46k to be counted. Biden vote share 60%
Yuma County: 17-18k still to be counted. Trump vote share 53%
La Paz county: Less than 1k to be counted. Trump vote share 68%
Coconino County: 13k still to be counted. Biden vote share 62%
For those still stressing this is why Arizona has been called. There just aren’t enough votes left for Trump.

Maricopa County: 340k still to be counted. Biden vote share 52%
Pima County: 46k to be counted. Biden vote share 60%
Yuma County: 17-18k still to be counted. Trump vote share 53%
La Paz county: Less than 1k to be counted. Trump vote share 68%
Coconino County: 13k still to be counted. Biden vote share 62%
Been covered. Unlike in other states, late mail-ins are not necessarily pro-Biden, and lots of registered Republicans among the remaining votes to be counted. I'm not banking on Arizona. I'm more hopeful now about Pennsylvania.
For those still stressing this is why Arizona has been called. There just aren’t enough votes left for Trump.

Maricopa County: 340k still to be counted. Biden vote share 52%
Pima County: 46k to be counted. Biden vote share 60%
Yuma County: 17-18k still to be counted. Trump vote share 53%
La Paz county: Less than 1k to be counted. Trump vote share 68%
Coconino County: 13k still to be counted. Biden vote share 62%
It's not stressing, it's recognising that the late arriving ballots being counted broke heavily for Donald Trump and that Maricopa County has been reliably Republican for decades. There's a reason Arizona hasn't been called by a lot of people and there are plenty of pundits saying that we can't be sure until the next batches of mail ballots have gone through
Been covered. Unlike in other states, late mail-ins are not necessarily pro-Biden, and lots of registered Republicans among the remaining votes to be counted. I'm not banking on Arizona. I'm more hopeful now about Pennsylvania.
Yep. There's been a little bit of confusion about where these votes came from (ie were they in the mail, were they dropped off on election day etc) which also affects their likely composition. The drop offs may be more independent voters, which may or may not be better for Joe Biden. Given the margins involved, the voting history of the state and the lack of clear insight into who sent these votes in, I can quite see why it's not been universally called
La Paz:

There's less than 1,000 left.
Yeah, but we're tired.
Oh, ok, we'll finish off tomorrow. Let's go have a beer.
Fair enough tbh
I think what folks over here don't realise is that this is kind of how elections are all the time over there. California still has a quarter of its vote to count for example! The thing is that most of the time it doesn't really matter anyway and even when it does, there's still two months until the winners take office so why hurry? With multiple races on the same ballots, it takes a while.

Anyway, not aimed at you specifically lbj, just at anyone who may be agog at how it takes several days to get to a clear winner
Fair enough tbh
I think what folks over here don't realise is that this is kind of how elections are all the time over there. California still has a quarter of its vote to count for example! The thing is that most of the time it doesn't really matter anyway and even when it does, there's still two months until the winners take office so why hurry? With multiple races on the same ballots, it takes a while.

Anyway, not aimed at you specifically lbj, just at anyone who may be agog at how it takes several days to get to a clear winner
Yep, totally fair. And not unique to the US either. You're right that we expect a winner when we wake up in the morning - and said winner takes charge straight away of course.
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