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US election 2020 thread

Would be interested to see popular vote in senate votes vs seats for Rs and Ds.

OK, so in the last three senate elections, not including this one, republican candidates have received 99.7 million votes in senate elections, democrats 124.9 million. Net change in senate seats in that time period: +9 to the republicans.

Because I haven't slept in 24 hours

Worth pointing out that AZ isn't dead yet - a data error had it at 99% counted earlier but it isn't and is technically still live

Anyone else get uncontrollable :hmm: any time there's a data error, or technical issues, or the machine ran out of ink and a city official had to leg it to city hall to get a replacement...

The shenanigans are afoot!
can i feel cautiously optimistic? wisconsin , michigan and nevada takes him over the line yes?
Anyone else get uncontrollable :hmm: any time there's a data error, or technical issues, or the machine ran out of ink and a city official had to leg it to city hall to get a replacement...

The shenanigans are afoot!
Think it was just the media agency at fault, not the state election people
democrats have won the popular vote in 7/8 of the last 8 elections i just read (including this one). I dont know what you do with that, apart from be reminded what a nuts system it is, but it might be worth bearing in mind a bit when people write all the 'idiot democrats should have done this this this' takes.
The system benefits them as well though. Any move towards better or more proportional representation would be a move away from the ridiculous two party system. Same reason Labour don't support PR over here.
I do wonder if all the footage of ’dems’ queuing up and voting early provided motivation to the opposition to try and counter it, like if they’d done it a bit more quietly (looking at you, Harris county) they might have sneaked it some places. Though probably not a huge factor.
See your point but you play to the rules of the game and in all honesty if you lose Florida on the same day they vote by a mile to raise their minimum wage then you probably want to look at whether you're offering voters what they actually want

conversely, heavily democratic California passed Proposition 22, which strips Uber drivers etc. of their employment rights. Almost like people support parties like they would a football team rather than having any particular political values.
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