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Urban v's the Commentariat

Given the example I gave, getting a you tube channel up and running and providing regular new content to encourage people to subscribe would seem to be the full step.

I've noticed quite a few people on YouTube now have a Patreon account. I'm guessing that this is due to YouTube tightening up their advertisement revenue-sharing scheme - lots of complaints about people having their videos demonetised, sometimes for no apparent reason at all.
I've noticed quite a few people on YouTube now have a Patreon account. I'm guessing that this is due to YouTube tightening up their advertisement revenue-sharing scheme - lots of complaints about people having their videos demonetised, sometimes for no apparent reason at all.
That's exactly what cayleigh elise said - and due to the nature of her subject matter she wasn't even sure how long her you tube channel would get any advertising for in the future.
That's exactly what cayleigh elise said - and due to the nature of her subject matter she wasn't even sure how long her you tube channel would get any advertising for in the future.

I've noticed that Google typically make it extremely difficult to redress grievances brought about by their systems - false DMCA flagging used to be the bane of those creating videos that someone, somewhere might take offense to for whatever stupid reason. That seems to happen less often now, thankfully. But now it seems that YouTube themselves, through either whatever human staff they have (probably nowhere near as much as is actually needed, considering the popularity of YouTube and the stinginess of modern tech companies), or whatever boneheaded algorithm they use to identify videos, is directly fucking with their userbase.

There's definitely some kind of push to make YouTube more shiny and corporate. Although maybe they should try working on preventing videos created by 4chan sickos from getting into kids' video feeds, before they try to make themselves into the next Disney Channel or whatever.
I don't necessarily think it's any worse than the current dying system of patronage, where the financial or propaganda needs of press barons shape what's written. But it's definitely something that we should be keeping an eye on.

Strikes me as well that it is something that only makes sense within the current way in which people navigate the world, as individuals who are having various sorts of transactional relationships with other individuals. Obviously I am not going to say that people should instead be giving money to the Guardian or god forbid the Torygraph or worse, but this sort of shift I think does represent a change. Money that might otherwise be going to institutions is instead going to individuals. I wonder whether that says something about tendency towards monopoly under capitalism.
Laurie and Molly get the mention on Breitbart.

This news will come as acutely embarrassing to a number of figures on the political Left who lauded Auernheimer during his trial and incarceration. New Statesman writer Laurie Penny praised Auernheimer in bylined opinion pieces as well as on Twitter, where she called for his release using the hashtag #freeweev.

Artist and writer Molly Crabapple, another prominent figure on the Left, wrote an emotional account of Auernheimer's sentencing in VICE. "I didn't go there to write an article. I went because his conviction was wrong, and my friends and I cared for him. I meant to be another body filling the courtroom, to provide whatever support that's good for," she opined.

Rewind and come again:

“You fucking wicked kike whore,” Andrew Auernheimer, The Daily Stormer’s webmaster, said in a voicemail for Gersh. “This is Trump’s America now.”

The Making of an American Nazi
Not sure Laurie's particularly in with the Novara crew? I got the impression Eleanor was there from quite early off her own bat, working basically for free for a fair chunk of time. Don't think there's much to be grumbled at about that, even if the jump from edgy upstart outfit to a paid gig with something like Red Pepper is a well-trodden path. The joint podcast for the Staggers with her sister on the other hand...
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I think Laurie was interviewed on the main Novara FM show once.

Eleanor has way better politics afaik (I mean, that isn't difficult...)

Having said that, there are possibly all sorts of social / alumni connections behind the scenes that us mortals wouldn't know about.
They were all gr8 student m8s. Laurie tried to elbow her way onto Novara but failed and accused them of being sexists. Aaron said they wanted people that didn't already have columns and telly appearances and 100k twitter machine followers. As luck would have it, Laurie's privately educated UCL grad sister was around. See Workers' Girder's leftygoss pullout sections from 2013.
Just watched Ash Sarkar vs. Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain. :facepalm: FFS she didn't half faff about being coy about the national anthem and the monarchy. Where's Ian Bone when you need him?! :D

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Aaron said they wanted people that didn't already have columns and telly appearances and 100k twitter machine followers.

Think that one died when they took on Paul Mason.

she didn't half faff about being coy about the national anthem and the monarchy.

Oh I dunno, enjoyable bit of old-fashioned telly trollery I thought. Ian Bone used to do similar back in the day iirc, albeit without an eye for future controversial opinioneering oppotunities.
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You know she got to them though, the Daily Mail was reduced to headlining with "Piers Morgan clashes with woman" because "journalist" would sound too respectful.

He did look like he was going to have a stroke. Can't quite imagine how he would have coped if she'd been a bit more forthright (honest?) in what she thinks, he might have imploded or something.
Suggesting "Wearing My Rolex" as the new national anthem is great. That's better than getting into all the guff about verse two being about bashing your enemies and the song itself being about the Queen rather than the country.

But it's not nearly as good as Martin Wright in full M'AM mode simply saying "We want to abolish the monarchy by any means necessary" on one late night TV chat show and slightly terrifying the luvvies.
Suggesting "Wearing My Rolex" as the new national anthem is great. That's better than getting into all the guff about verse two being about bashing your enemies and the song itself being the Queen rather than the country.

But it's not nearly as good as Martin Wright in full MA'AM mode simply saying "We want to abolish the monarchy by any means necessary" on one late night TV chat show and slightly terrifying the luvvies.
Textbook Aaron. He was convinced the Green Party was the future back then. Now he's convinced that his dream of padding around number 10 and various ministries, probably in his socks like Joseph Stiglitz, is within his grasp.

He might still be better off with the forgiving Greens if he wants to be an MP — as far as I've heard it getting on the Labour slate's not an easy job when you've got criminal conviction baggage, haven't done the in-party time and made a lot of aggro waves on your way through...
He might still be better off with the forgiving Greens if he wants to be an MP — as far as I've heard it getting on the Labour slate's not an easy job when you've got criminal conviction baggage, haven't done the in-party time and made a lot of aggro waves on your way through...

I imagine he fancies himself as a maverick advisor rather than an MP...
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