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Urban v's the Commentariat

Carry on then. Weirdos.

In case you hadn't noticed, there is something of a debate evolving about what constitutes a food desert and issues relating to it. That's an issue that's worth discussion, especially as it affects so many people across the country. There are also people here who've had direct experience of it and that makes the discussion even more worthwhile.

If that doesn't interest you then don't bother with it. If it does, then contribute.
Despite all that, my gran is fortunate in that she has help from family, albeit remotely for the most part. My cousin is fairly close by and can help with odd jobs etc.

But what do people do without a support network? What if they don't have a computer or can't afford an Internet connection?
Despite all that, my gran is fortunate in that she has help from family, albeit remotely for the most part. My cousin is fairly close by and can help with odd jobs etc.

But what do people do without a support network? What if they don't have a computer or can't afford an Internet connection?

True. Being isolated both geographically and socially (especially common among the sick, elderly and disabled) only adds to the problem. It makes an already difficult situation worse, especially if you're also under threat from welfare 'reform', budget cuts, tax credit cuts, benefit sanctions and suchlike.
True. Being isolated both geographically and socially (especially common among the sick, elderly and disabled) only adds to the problem. It makes an already difficult situation worse, especially if you're also under threat from welfare 'reform', budget cuts, tax credit cuts, benefit sanctions and suchlike.

and a general failure to recognise the existence of rural poverty.
peter cushing said:
I know how absurd this is likely to sound, but please, I'm not a weirdo, you must listen. The spirit of LLETSA....has returned, and has taken a new host. If the evil is to be destroyed, and it is imperative that we do so, he must be prevented from escaping to the sanctuary of the burger thread, where no power on earth, pardon the terrancentricism, can cause him any harm.
It's Jonathan Jones's reheated slop from the other day, which at least gave the story behind the Raft Of The Medusa painting a mention.
There is a reason that Angela Merkel’s response, in June, to a demonstration where the bodies of drowned migrants were buried on the front lawn of the Bundestag was stony silence.
Made up. Didn't happen. About 100 "symbolic" holes were dug.

“Is it me,” said my friend, “Or is it just...okay to say things that are violently racist now? Has that always been okay, and I just didn’t notice till now?”
Yes it is ok, it's just trolling or pranksterism when your dickhead hero du jour does it. The one your wretched mate did a portrait of and sent postcards to ffs.

Fascism happens when a culture fracturing along social lines is encouraged to unite against a perceived external threat.
Bag o'shite. Wtf is going on in Oxford.
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except the entire 'liberal' left press who seem to think a slightly irritable old bloke from old labour tradition is stalin. Watching them shit themselves over this is almost better than indyreff. OMG PEOPLE ARE VOTING WRONG! well I thought you liked democracy sooo much? shitheads

Of course they despise him, Corbyn is the asteroid that created the Chicxulub crater to their Saurian population.
C4 News had our Laurie on tonight. She was put up against Stephen Bush (NS) to cheerlead for JC. I assume that our Owen was otherwise engaged.

No real 'beer on keyboard' moments that I can remember.....she seemed a little nervous.
C4 News had our Laurie on tonight. She was put up against Stephen Bush (NS) to cheerlead for JC. I assume that our Owen was otherwise engaged.

No real 'beer on keyboard' moments that I can remember.....she seemed a little nervous.

I can see why she was nervous. Arguing against someone who also works for the NS might be seen as biting the hand that feeds. I've also had no answer from a certain Ms Lewis about the NS refusing to recognise the NUJ, either.
Didn't get past 1:25 and the "squeezed" middle class tears. That's where the "mutiny" shit in her buke and the "autonomist tradition" she claimed to come from leads is it.
Didn't get past 1:25 and the "squeezed" middle class tears. That's where the "mutiny" shit in her buke and the "autonomist tradition" she claimed to come from leads is it.

She's spent a year in the US where middle-class is sort of used in the same way that we say working-class.
She's spent a year in the US where middle-class is sort of used in the same way that we say working-class.
True Ed, but she was responding to Bush's point about JC not appealing to the middle class, as understood in the conventional UK manner...I think.
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