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Urban v's the Commentariat

More than anything else, the NUS has served as a "nursery" for the sort of self-interested, self-obsessed members of the political class who formed the younger cohort of "new Labour". They have little interest in actual confrontational action (remember the NUS wankshaft during the student riots disavowing the riots?), but plenty of interest in posturing and preening.

One of the women in AWL, a former NUS Womens Officer, was pushed down the stairs by Derek Draper, Murphy, Twigg, Fitzsimmons, that cohort really were an unpleasant bunch.

He is beginning to look like that actor who played mad cult/coven leaders/ etc in early 70's films, Mike Raven.
Had to nick this. Terrific spot.
they don't drink enough or take enough fucking drugs these youngsters, no-one could have maintained this level of vigilence in the olden days.

(I fully accept that jumping around in a field listening to techno whilst off your face was not the viable revolutionary strategy we thought it was at the time, but at least it was fun)
On facebook London Black Revs posted up a video of Venezuelan police being chased by a gang of right-wing students, calling these students their 'brothers and sisters'. I pointed out that this was what was on the video, and that they were sharing a video from a Venezuelan right-winger. They deleted my comment and banned me from the page. wtf

They've also argued that Charlie Hebdo is a racist/fascist publication. I unliked their page in disgust. That showed 'em.
Does Daniel Hanan count as commentariat? Anyway, today - in relation to the 75th anniversary of the Katyn massacre - he said:

Daniel Hannan

"The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must perish in the revolutionary holocaust." Karl Marx, 1856.

Marx actually said no such thing - that's actually a straightforward made up quote - a quote made up by holocaust deniers. Which tells you all you need to know about who Hannan has been swimming with.
Does Daniel Hanan count as commentariat? Anyway, today - in relation to the 75th anniversary of the Katyn massacre - he said:

Daniel Hannan

"The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must perish in the revolutionary holocaust." Karl Marx, 1856.

Marx actually said no such thing - that's actually a straightforward made up quote - a quote made up by holocaust deniers. Which tells you all you need to know about who Hannan has been swimming with.

In The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon (1852), Marx gives this description of the lumpenproletariat:

Alongside decayed roués with dubious means of subsistence and of dubious origin, alongside ruined and adventurous offshoots of the bourgeoisie, were vagabonds, discharged soldiers, discharged jailbirds, escaped galley slaves, swindlers, mountebanks, lazzaroni, pickpockets, tricksters, gamblers, maquereaux [pimps], brothel keepers, porters, literati, organ grinders, ragpickers, knife grinders, tinkers, beggars — in short, the whole indefinite, disintegrated mass, thrown hither and thither, which the French call la bohème.[3]

Its impossible to imagine Marx would say something like that

though he did have a dislike of the 'lumpen'.
Seymour's new project - please give generously, because, er, hope is precious.

This is about hope guys.


We do not despair, but we are despair-curious.

Across literary form and theoretical loyalty, obsessed with politics, economics, artand the (post)(anti)human, Salvage declares for austere revolutionary pessimism.

Salvage-Marxism embraces the Socialist rococo, the feel-good where we can and the feel-bad where we must, the utopian and the unflinching. Salvage will bring together the work of those who share a heartbroken, furious love of the world, and our rigorous principle: Hope is precious; it must be rationed.

Salvage is not the foundation of a future Left. It may be a time-capsule for one.

Salvage is not a pole of attraction - although we hope to repel the right people.

Salvage is not a tool of agitation, however devoutly we hope for the situation to become agitated.

We appeal to those who share our hatreds: support us. Give us money. We commit to striving for a habitable Left, one that deserves to survive. We will use this to make the first issue of Salvage: Amid this Stony Rubbish.

Alternatively, for £50, I'll knock together a pdf in the Socialist Stone Cladding & Flock Wallpaper which will repel everyone and double up as a screwdriver (of agitation!). I'll draw the pictures too.
...or he could just join Left Unity which actually seems to be putting his "repellant time capsule of despair" idea into practise.
I get it now - they want to be a punk rock band but without playing any instruments. DIckheads.
How to Be an 80's Punk

Fight the stereotype. In the 80s punks had the reputation of being a bit dumb or uneducated, mostly because they were young.
You, however, are more street smart and wiser about the ways of the world.

The 2000s are a less innocent time. So fight the stereotype of a dumb punk by reading up on your anarchist literature Twitter and quote Alan Watts throw whorephobia accusations at them until their heads spin. Haters gonna hate, but that doesn't mean you have to embrace the stereotype of the dumb punk.
I get it now - they want to be a punk rock band but without playing any instruments. DIckheads.

That really is it isn't it? They want to dress up and play at something, the rest is incidental. The Left just has the best dressing up box and the right air of 'cool', if you don't actually really do anything that is. All it needs is for someone to start running a Lib Dem themed club night in Hackney and before long they'd all be dressed up as '90s Paddy Ashdown and reclaiming the Liberal Laminate Flooring instead.
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