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Urban v's the Commentariat

Looks like he's laying the smack down on some fools but got stuck looking for something that rhymes with "disgust us" - "Pie crust"?

View attachment 69279

Salvage? Flotsam more like, trotsam even.

It doesn't mean anything though does it.

It is just style emptied of any content; pretended feeling, pretended radicalism, bad bad acting...which ignoring how socially useless it is, also seems personally pretty sad for him.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
So the NUS accuses people who condemn gender segregation by far-right Islamists as waycists/Islamophobes but apparently is now policing who can and cannot wear drag or say 'ohnoyoudidn't? They are so far from the average person in this country that they might as well be in Jonestown
He's a bit of a creep isn't he. Pimpdaddy Dick.

View attachment 69236

BTW it's interesting that in this exchange Seymour sees himself as the john, rather than the prostitute economically coerced to perform sexual labour. If he was faced with either eviction or giving blowjobs for 20 quid I imagine that he might not be presenting sex work as a choice like any other - like choosing cornflakes or weetabix in Tesco.
On facebook London Black Revs posted up a video of Venezuelan police being chased by a gang of right-wing students, calling these students their 'brothers and sisters'. I pointed out that this was what was on the video, and that they were sharing a video from a Venezuelan right-winger. They deleted my comment and banned me from the page. wtf
fucking hell, that jazz hands thing takes the biscuit. Are these people real?

Do you really have to use such celiac exclusionary metaphors?

As to the jazz hands thing am I alone in seeing them as a gesture associated most with Al Jonson Singing "Mammy". It's certainly something that leaves me feeling uncomfortable
Rococo as highbrow though - that's a new one. It's just overdone shit - like a farmer putting on an illuminated carnival cart.

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The mack-daddy/would be john wanking himself off in a car around the corner from campus crying as he ain't got the money nor charisma to get what he wants without it - puts his foot down- this has gone too far he stamps. It's getting far too rococo:

The thing that bothers me about the decisions of the NUS, however, is that in both cases there is an attempt to resolve these complexities through a kind of identity absolutism. The premise appears to be that there is an authentic identification rooted in a real, collective lived experience which is being purloined inauthentically by groups who, lacking that experience, do not have a legitimate claim to that identity. This actually goes against the grain of the current, growing common sense that race and gender are social constructs (whatever social construction is taken to mean) rather than being fixed essences; that balkanised cultures are impossible to sustain, and that hybridisation and fusion are the norm; that identities are not absolute, and are always exceeded by forms of difference - something that those fighting Islamophobia have been compelled to emphasise over and over. And I would say that this is the better side of the emergent common sense, the side that we should fight to keep
On facebook London Black Revs posted up a video of Venezuelan police being chased by a gang of right-wing students, calling these students their 'brothers and sisters'. I pointed out that this was what was on the video, and that they were sharing a video from a Venezuelan right-winger. They deleted my comment and banned me from the page. wtf

You made the mistake of causing them inadvertent public humiliation. For that they will have marked your card as a racist enemy of the class, because revos can be quite childish like that. ;)
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