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Urban v's the Commentariat

Indeed, he's part of the populist appeal that sustains them.

Top gear is his main outlet.

  • Guinness Book of Records holder for most watched factual programme in the world
  • Sold to 214 territories worldwide
  • 2 million subscribers to the Official Top Gear YouTube Channel with over 500 million video views
  • 19 million Facebook fans
  • Top Gear Magazine global circulation: 1 million
  • 5.7 million unique users on Topgear.com
  • Over 8.9 million downloads of Top Gear game apps
  • Over 1.5 million visitors to Top Gear Live

has he ever been rescued by Ryan Gosling though?
Indeed, he's part of the populist appeal that sustains them.

Top gear is his main outlet.

  • Guinness Book of Records holder for most watched factual programme in the world
  • Sold to 214 territories worldwide
  • 2 million subscribers to the Official Top Gear YouTube Channel with over 500 million video views
  • 19 million Facebook fans
  • Top Gear Magazine global circulation: 1 million
  • 5.7 million unique users on Topgear.com
  • Over 8.9 million downloads of Top Gear game apps
  • Over 1.5 million visitors to Top Gear Live

So you are in a debate with Queen and Iron Maiden right?
Are you saying that it is? That is isn't? What? What are you saying?

i'm saying i watch top gear even though i don't drive. I'm saying i'd never read anything by laurie penny until you starting banging on about her on christmas day 2010, and every day since, like it mattered. Why does she matter to you? What does clarkson represent?
i'm saying i watch top gear even though i don't drive. I'm saying i'd never read anything by laurie penny until you starting banging on about her on christmas day 2010, and every day since, like it mattered. Why does she matter to you? What does clarkson represent?

Not really clear what you're saying at all here i'm afraid. Say it. Free-speaker.
This post doesn't make much sense...

If he was influential (IE had influence) then surely he could say whatever he liked and have the same or similar levels of support? People with influence don't just move the debate forward, they shape it.

Not that I agree he even moves it forward - I think he provides colour to a certain mindset, but that has no real impact in terms of stirring anything up - it's also worth saying Clarkson does sometimes throw in curveballs where he is supportive of the left, off the top of my head he has claimed leftwing women are better looking than rightwing ones, and he has said stuff in support of trade unions (at a different time to calling for the N30 strikers to be shot in a very ironic and tongue in cheek way).

ETA: (obviously not saying that claiming left women are more attractive is actually a leftwing thing to say)
If you define influence strictly as being able to say whatever you want and have it change things, then no, I don't think Clarkson has influence. On the other hand he has the ability to change things when he addresses certain topics and tropes. And I don't think that influence means being able to say whatever you like, either - I can't think of anyone who could say anything on any topic and be greeted with the same level of interest and have the same level of impact.
If you define influence strictly as being able to say whatever you want and have it change things, then no, I don't think Clarkson has influence. On the other hand he has the ability to change things when he addresses certain topics and tropes.

What? He can say things and change things or he can't?
In what way is appeal debate then? Am i in a national debate with Justin Bieber? (he's my fav)
are you in debate with any of the commenatriat? Do they read you as you read them?

yet there is, self evidently, all sorts of debate going on. People talk to each other and they're far, far more likely to be responding to something Clarkson said on TG than to something LP says in the NS or a broadsheet. You haven't noticed?
are you in debate with any of the commenatriat? Do they read you as you read them?

yet there is, self evidently, all sorts of debate going on. People talk to each other and they're far, far more likely to be responding to something Clarkson said on TG than to something LP says in the NS or a broadsheet. You haven't noticed?

I didn't say that they were part of some debate we just all happened to be part of - you attributed that power to clarkson you weirdo.

So what? I said you have to live in some sort of crazy bubble to think that Clarkson dictates debates - either one where you think everyone else is a thick mug dictated too by top gear or some other crazy world wtf i don't care about him and never hear about him apart from people like you telling me again that he speaks for me. Double bubble.
I didn't say that they were part of some debate we just all happened to be part of - you attributed that power to clarkson you weirdo.

So what? I said you have to live in some sort of crazy bubble to think that Clarkson dictates debates - either one where you think everyone else is a thick mug dictated too by top gear or some other crazy world wtf i don't care about him and never hear about him apart from people like you telling me again that he speaks for me. Double bubble.

The ordinaries lap him up:D
Apart from slagging Mexicans for being lazy and blathering on about health and safety etc...Have I missed something?
Do you have any examples of what you mean by Clarkson changing some things in one direction and not in others?
I don't think it's all that controversial to say that his output on Top Gear and elsewhere has been influential in promoting and reinforcing a set of particular reactionary - anti-environmental, anti-feminist, casually racist - positions. I would also agree with what you said earlier, that sometimes he has said things in other directions, which have not had the same effect. They're not part of his media profile or backed by those who support that.
I don't think it's all that controversial to say that his output on Top Gear and elsewhere has been influential in promoting and reinforcing a set of particular reactionary - anti-environmental, anti-feminist, casually racist - positions. I would also agree with what you said earlier, that sometimes he has said things in other directions, which have not had the same effect. They're not part of his media profile or backed by those who support that.

OK I see what you're saying, - I do disagree though with the idea that he is influential in that I don't see how he drives forward and shapes public debate, rather than simply being an entertainer who adds colour to certain popular and well established social tropes including some of those you mention.
OK I see what you're saying, - I do disagree though with the idea that he is influential in that I don't see how he drives forward and shapes public debate, rather than simply being an entertainer who adds colour to certain popular and well established social tropes including some of those you mention.
I think he drives those tropes forward, and reinvigorates them. (Well, not any more really, but he used to.)

Like I said, maybe that doesn't mean he has personal influence since he's very limited in the areas that he's made a difference, but everyone is limited to some extent. Clarkson could probably have influence in other areas based on his position as a public figure if he put effort into it, but he doesn't seem to want to.
I think he drives those tropes forward, and reinvigorates them. (Well, not any more really, but he used to.)

Like I said, maybe that doesn't mean he has personal influence since he's very limited in the areas that he's made a difference, but everyone is limited to some extent. Clarkson could probably have influence in other areas based on his position as a public figure if he put effort into it, but he doesn't seem to want to.

I agree he could have influence if he wanted, but doesn't - I would imagine that he is more interested in earning a good living and having fun which seems fair enough.

You seem to be saying that he is a Schrodinger's Clarkson in the way he both does and doesn't have influence... Like some kind of "quantumn reactionary".
I agree he could have influence if he wanted, but doesn't - I would imagine that he is more interested in earning a good living and having fun which seems fair enough.

You seem to be saying that he is a Schrodinger's Clarkson in the way he both does and doesn't have influence... Like some kind of "quantumn reactionary".
This is what I don't understand about what you're posting. People can have more influence in certain areas than others. Clarkson can say what he likes about 18th century romantic poetry and it will have barely more more effect on the world than if I said it. There's no consistent influence score.
This is what I don't understand about what you're posting. People can have more influence in certain areas than others. Clarkson can say what he likes about 18th century romantic poetry and it will have barely more more effect on the world than if I said it. There's no consistent influence score.

You keep saying where he doesn't have influence but seem reluctant to spell out and provide examples where he does have influence?
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