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Urban v's the Commentariat

Doesn't seem like anyone's wanting to lay into the commentariat. I think that's a good thing on the whole. They aren't really worth the effort. So much of it now is incestuous. Someone writes something vaguely controversial...that spawns eight articles about the original...somewhere along the line someone objects to one of the articles and says so...this gets a robust response...bingo! Commentariat Spat...cue article about the row...cue 10 more about..."aren't ya just sick of these Internet spats"...long as somewhere along the line, someone else has written something vaguely controversial then we can start all over again. Fuck the lot of them. They should fuck off and live on an island.

You didn't get the memo? Newsflash. The Commentariat surrendered. Urban won. Job done. Game over. Go home. Goodnight.
Yeah, watch that. Get one with real chicken in. There's a kinda ersatz version made with reconstituted chicken matter. If you want something edible, go with the former. If it's the authentic experience you're after, go for the second after 8 pints of Stella and get someone to smack you in the mouth while you're in the queue.

Despite living in Middlesbrough until 1999 I have never had a parmo. I even went to the Europa (??) a couple of times but just had chips.

I am returning to the UK after a 14 year absence at the end of the month and I will visit boro just to show my kids :cool:
I am still not going to eat a parmo, although I might get a upex or newboulds pie. Anything could happen.
Nice one. Was it unconditional or did they get to keep the odd guest spot on CIF and the Twitter accounts?

Fully unconditional but not really. Urban Poliza Supervisionatzi has full control of those things that matter but anyway it's over, gadanga, capisce?
Despite living in Middlesbrough until 1999 I have never had a parmo. I even went to the Europa (??) a couple of times but just had chips.

I am returning to the UK after a 14 year absence at the end of the month and I will visit boro just to show my kids :cool:
I am still not going to eat a parmo, although I might get a upex or newboulds pie. Anything could happen.

I've only had one or two, actually. I prefer pizza :)

And apologies for forgetting you are from boro! I remember you saying you were coming back, and we talked about your bike which you got from Parly Road.
its true, penny's working in catford tesco now

Penny would fucking explode if she ever set foot in catford tesco

working class people of all stripes (white, black, asian, male, female, gay, transvestite, straight, 'loonies' etc..) all getting on with stuff perfectly integrated and on the whole treating each other as equals and with respect*, and doing so instinctively because they recognise they have more shared experience and things in common with each other than things that divide them. All done as part of ordinary day to day life without a moment's thought, consideration or introspective reflection on doing it - unlike the fake, agonised, laboured, condescending way that she and her type seem to think should govern the social interaction & relations of others

* apart from the odd machete wielding lunatic
Doesn't seem like anyone's wanting to lay into the commentariat. I think that's a good thing on the whole. They aren't really worth the effort. So much of it now is incestuous. Someone writes something vaguely controversial...that spawns eight articles about the original...somewhere along the line someone objects to one of the articles and says so...this gets a robust response...bingo! Commentariat Spat...cue article about the row...cue 10 more about..."aren't ya just sick of these Internet spats"...long as somewhere along the line, someone else has written something vaguely controversial then we can start all over again. Fuck the lot of them. They should fuck off and live on an island.
they do. very occasionally one of them says something that gets noticed somewhere other than in their own rarified circles, but mostly they just talk to themselves.

That's a problem with this series of threads, gives them the impression they matter.

There are commentators with real influence though. Clarkson for example.
if he articulates something, and gets people talking about it he's moving the debate in exactly the way Ms Red would love to. Isn't that influence?
He doesn't have a lot of choice. He has been influential in supporting an existing reactionary position. He couldn't just say whatever he liked and have the same support.
What debate that i'm part of is that clarkson part of?
his robust, reactionary interventions have been across a whole range of issues, over many years. They're far more likely to be discussed by ordinaries than anything a commentariat ever says. It's hard to avoid the fallout when he says something controversial. You have to actively go looking for columnists, it's vanishingly unlikely they'll find you as a chance conversation at work or in tesco.
He doesn't have a lot of choice. He has been influential in supporting an existing reactionary position. He couldn't just say whatever he liked and have the same support.

This post doesn't make much sense...

If he was influential (IE had influence) then surely he could say whatever he liked and have the same or similar levels of support? People with influence don't just move the debate forward, they shape it.

Not that I agree he even moves it forward - I think he provides colour to a certain mindset, but that has no real impact in terms of stirring anything up - it's also worth saying Clarkson does sometimes throw in curveballs where he is supportive of the left, off the top of my head he has claimed leftwing women are better looking than rightwing ones, and he has said stuff in support of trade unions (at a different time to calling for the N30 strikers to be shot in a very ironic and tongue in cheek way).

ETA: (obviously not saying that claiming left women are more attractive is actually a leftwing thing to say)
they do. very occasionally one of them says something that gets noticed somewhere other than in their own rarified circles, but mostly they just talk to themselves.

That's a problem with this series of threads, gives them the impression they matter.

There are commentators with real influence though. Clarkson for example.

They don't matter. Not to ordinary people.

Clarkson on the other hand is a private school educated multi-millionaire who is one of the chipping norton set (currently in charge of the government and still very much part of murdoch media empire) part of the capitalist class in every sense of the word. His influence should never be based on what he actually says in his newspaper column.
his robust, reactionary interventions have been across a whole range of issues, over many years. They're far more likely to be discussed by ordinaries than anything a commentariat ever says. It's hard to avoid the fallout when he says something controversial. You have to actively go looking for columnists, it's vanishingly unlikely they'll find you as a chance conversation at work or in tesco.
They don't matter. Not to ordinary people.

Clarkson on the other hand is a private school educated multi-millionaire who is one of the chipping norton set (currently in charge of the government and still very much part of murdoch media empire) part of the capitalist class in every sense of the word. His influence should never be based on what he actually says in his newspaper column.

Are you saying that it is? That is isn't? What? What are you saying?
his robust, reactionary interventions have been across a whole range of issues, over many years. They're far more likely to be discussed by ordinaries than anything a commentariat ever says. It's hard to avoid the fallout when he says something controversial. You have to actively go looking for columnists, it's vanishingly unlikely they'll find you as a chance conversation at work or in tesco.

I managed it. No one i know beyond my dad knows who he is. What sort of debate is this?
They don't matter. Not to ordinary people.

Clarkson on the other hand is a private school educated multi-millionaire who is one of the chipping norton set (currently in charge of the government and still very much part of murdoch media empire) part of the capitalist class in every sense of the word. His influence should never be based on what he actually says in his newspaper column.
Indeed, he's part of the populist appeal that sustains them.

Top gear is his main outlet.

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