there's an arguement on my facebook feed with someone (whose white housemate has dreads) saying it's not OK for white people to have dreads
the long winter nighrts must fly by.....someone said:
"It is ok to have dreads - grow up"
Her reply:
"says white person to people of colour"
I was looking for a vid of a dreadlocked Irish guy doing improv reggae with a local fellow doing beatbox in Goa or someplace but I couldn't find it and came across this intersectionality nightmare instead. A really white englishwoman entertaining Indian people with Irish dancing.someone said:
"It is ok to have dreads - grow up"
Her reply:
"says white person to people of colour"
For those of you who wish you hadn't gone to university (I think that quite often myself) what do you think you would have been better off doing?
there was a statesman article on the politics of black hair recently- tangenitally related. It wasn't mental though, it made sense. Unlike the no dredds for whitey idea
New Statesman liberal Sarah Ditum doesn't like the expansion of "No Platform" to non-fascists:
Barring a well known and widely publicised columnist like Bindel is akin to letting fascists win
The other way of looking at it is that it's faintly comical that NUS or some intersectionalists on twitter actually think that a well known columnist can be meaningfully no platformed in the first place.
nice elision of silencing Zionist ranter with silencing a woman talking about feminism. Context free freedom of speech
it's hilarious NUS conferences even think they are relevant to anything. Most students just see them as a thing to get discounts
This Alan Johnson bloke's a proper turd though
This Alan Johnson bloke's a proper turd though
what a stupid title anyway
"the intellectuals are driving the students mad"
er seriously
He might have been writing about the student at the end of the video who hints darkly about dirty “Israeli money” not being “wanted here.”
to be fair i can't stand most of that BDS stuff and this:
is a bit
but seriously, if you want to do a proper critique of this stuff then do so without whinging about swearing and making yourself look like a dick