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Urban v's the Commentariat

i went to middlesbrough a couple of years ago, thought it was ok. better than newcastle.
i went to ayresome park twenty years ago though, that was shit.
i think this gives the game away somewhat
I live in middlesbrough; an especially insalubrious bit of Middlesbrough. It's recently emerged that Middlesbrough tops the national league for both antisocial behaviour and for weapons seized during stop and search...everyone carries a knife. Now given that there are 'nice' bits of Middlesbrough and problem behaviour is concentrated in certain areas...

Where in boro are you? Are you or any of your mates activists?
Detroit techno legend Jeff Mills is also clearly a fash. Look at his label name and logo:
if it's good enough for frances....

actually, he's proper fucking shit. nobody round here likes him either.

One of his more memorable 'jokes' was "Is there any pakis in? I fuckin hate pakis, me. Have you heard about the new deodorant for Pakis? It's called Vanish. You spray it on, they disappear and everyone wonders where the smell is coming from". Oh how the assembeld ranks of Brummie aspirant-yuppies adored him.

He arrived late one night and tossed my mate Stuart his car keys to park his motor (it was a posh club in the Country donchaknow). He did. And pissed on the back seat while he was at it.
Where in boro are you? Are you or any of your mates activists?

Well actually, I'm not especially inclined to reveal my location. That's not exactly the usual etiquette is it? Anyway...I'm kinda waiting to be banned...for apparently leading a bunch of virtual sleuths to suspect that I'm someone who I gather did something a few days ago which I know fuck all about. As you can imagine, I'm not exactly getting good vibes from this place.
Yeah, some of my mates are kinda activists in a loose sense..as you know political activism round here isn't exactly a major 'force'.
But that's largely in the past and we're kinda reduced to winding up liberals online...which sorta serves a purpose.
er when you say better than in Newcastle in what way? Where you on drugs or something? (no offence Boronians)
the people. they looked normal in boro. in newcastle every single bloke looked like a steroid abusing ape that had been shaved, dipped in fake tan, given a shit haircut then forced to wear a capped sleeve tshirt two sizes too small.
that shopping centre in gateshead was even worse.
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