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Urban v's the Commentariat

He'll never take me alive, filthy board cop!

Well, if you think of it like the occasional lodger might go "Oh, let's have a bash on Ronnie's puter, see what he's been doing - Oh what he's been posting on some boards, I'll have a go at this". And then displays similar attitudes/ways as Rondog coz he's a mate of Ronnie's - And people do tend to seek out mates who are similar in attitude/ways to themselves, then not all that long odds at all I don't reckon.
That really is piss weak, you know.

Just because you "occasionally lodge" at someone's house that doesn't mean that your posts are going to sound so identical in tone and content that established posters will mistake you for the same person. It's unbelievably unlikely - even more so given the distinctive nature of Ronnie's style.
So ban me
That really is piss weak, you know.

Just because you "occasionally lodge" at someone's house that doesn't mean that your posts are going to sound so identical in tone and content that established posters will mistake you for the same person. It's unbelievably unlikely - even more so given the distinctive nature of Ronnie's style.

But just know...if that was me, I'd say so...why wouldn't I ? I always own up to my indiscretions, at least once I'm 'caught'. Since I can't actually prove that wasn't me...although neither can you prove it was...I don't suppose this counts as being 'caught' so I might not own up on this occasion so ban me anyway. That way I've got fuck all to lose, have I? And since I've got fuck all to lose I may as well come clean...so here goes: It wasn't me!
At least 8 people have access to this IP address, two of whom are here now finding this whole thing most entertaining. So ban me please and spare me the amateurish detective work and inept speculation. I'll take my 'distinctive' style elsewhere.

One final thing on which I will come clean. On reviewing Manning's youtube clps, I was a little disappointed...I remember him as being much funnier than that...I suppose he's dated...but there was a time that he was funny...in between the other stuff.
But just know...if that was me, I'd say so...why wouldn't I ? I always own up to my indiscretions, at least once I'm 'caught'. Since I can't actually prove that wasn't me...although neither can you prove it was...I don't suppose this counts as being 'caught' so I might not own up on this occasion so ban me anyway. That way I've got fuck all to lose, have I? And since I've got fuck all to lose I may as well come clean...so here goes: It wasn't me!
Did you know firky before you posted here? He seemed very keen to welcome you at the time, so forgive me for being curious.
No. I know nobody on here...well except the guy who posted about the anarchist bookshop. Nor am I well acquainted with the urban zeitgeist or whatever you called it. There's clearly something that has gone on here that I know nothing about involving dodgy accounts and I can see I've walked into the middle it so fair enough. I'm back because I'm off work with a broken ankle and thought I'd kill a bit of time. Clearly my timing was bang off. I fucked off last time because someone doubted what I was saying about my locality and its degree of antisocial behaviour and general criminality and, given the hand that I'd been dealt at the time, my credibility was about all I had to give a shit about.
I live in middlesbrough; an especially insalubrious bit of Middlesbrough. It's recently emerged that Middlesbrough tops the national league for both antisocial behaviour and for weapons seized during stop and search...everyone carries a knife. Now given that there are 'nice' bits of Middlesbrough and problem behaviour is concentrated in certain areas...namely, outside my fuckin front door...perhaps your other moderator might like to acknowledge that stepping outside at night for a pint of milk might indeed prove a daunting task...especially for my teenage daughter. Only last time, I was dismissed as something of a fantasist.
The weird thing is that when I fucked off last time, I'd hit a bit of an all time low...financially, drink-related the lot...always to a backdrop of little gobshite would-be gangsters making everyone's life a misery. Having someone tell me I was making that stuff up was just a bit too much. Then a few days after signing off, quite unaccountably, I got offered a really good job and have been doing better than I have for years. I'm even thinking of moving. It's just a bit too ironic that I come back and get accused of being a sock puppet. If I'm gonna say something I'll say it and I'm not apologising for or owning up for something I haven't done...weird coincidence or not. So ban me please. I can do without this shit.
i think this gives the game away somewhat

No you don't. You just don't know about the set-up where I live...and you ought to be grateful for that, not chipping in with your childish speculations. You're a lousy poster and your intuition's no better than your logic. Get over yourself or say exactly what you mean. Little snide gnomic accusations are about your limit it seems. Either spell out what you mean or wind your neck in.
No you don't. You just don't know about the set-up where I live...and you ought to be grateful for that, not chipping in with your childish speculations. You're a lousy poster and your intuition's no better than your logic. Get over yourself or say exactly what you mean. Little snide gnomic accusations are about your limit it seems. Either spell out what you mean or wind your neck in.
i am grateful i do not have the dubious pleasure of your company. and you're of dubious quality through and through, with your harking back to the halcyon days of yore when bernard manning was flavour of the month, your claims of being persecuted, your VERY flimsy story about banned posters - not one but two it seems - using your computer.

if as you say all is above board then why did you suddenly disappear in january and not post till now - especially strange if there are, as you say, people formerly associated with this site in your home?

i think you are one of or in the milieu of the people who were banned the other night. and if i were editor you'd have been banned several hours since.
This is Ronnie. Before I'm banned I'd just like to say how much I value my mate Alan. He's a prince among men a real diamond and I'd like to state here in public that the £20 I lent him was a gift and I don't want it back. Now you can ban me.

Fuckin hell you don't give up do you. That thing your siting on is your arse. The bendy bit half way down your arm is called your elbow. Hope that helps.
I'm so glad about being banned I think I'll take Alan down the pub later then buy him a curry...in fact I swear this is what I'm doing.

Fuckin hell you don't give up do you. That thing your siting on is your arse. The bendy bit half way down your arm is called your elbow. Hope that helps.
I'm so glad about being banned I think I'll take Alan down the pub later then buy him a curry...in fact I swear this is what I'm doing.
This is Ronnie. Before I'm banned I'd just like to say how much I value my mate Alan. He's a prince among men a real diamond and I'd like to state here in public that the £20 I lent him was a gift and I don't want it back. Now you can ban me.

Alan - it's an anagram of anal.
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