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Urban v's the Commentariat

So you're nothing to so with Melanchoia then? Or the other poster?

Yeah. I share the computer with that poster...if that's the name they used. He's an occasional lodger. I'm sure he said there was another one though...Dave something or other...although that may have been CIF...but I'm sure he claimed to have been banned from urban twice. The second time he reckoned it was real quick...under a couple of hours. He's back on Friday. I'll ask him.
Yeah. I share the computer with that poster...if that's the name they used. He's an occasional lodger. I'm sure he said there was another one though...Dave something or other...although that may have been CIF...but I'm sure he claimed to have been banned from urban twice. The second time he reckoned it was real quick...under a couple of hours. He's back on Friday. I'll ask him.
i wonder if you'll still have a log-in then.
Yeah. I share the computer with that poster...if that's the name they used. He's an occasional lodger. I'm sure he said there was another one though...Dave something or other...although that may have been CIF...but I'm sure he claimed to have been banned from urban twice. The second time he reckoned it was real quick...under a couple of hours. He's back on Friday. I'll ask him.

soz - I did think melancholia was you. He was funny as fuck on that anarchist bookshop thread anyway.
Yeah. I share the computer with that poster...if that's the name they used. He's an occasional lodger. I'm sure he said there was another one though...Dave something or other...although that may have been CIF...but I'm sure he claimed to have been banned from urban twice. The second time he reckoned it was real quick...under a couple of hours. He's back on Friday. I'll ask him.
Amazing that an "occasional lodger" should not only end up posting on the same boards as Ronnie but appear so similar in style and content that you thought that they were the same person.

What might be the odds on that, do you reckon?
what's also more curious is that only one person seems to have posted from that computer at a time. surely if there's two people in a flat or house and they both have memberships here then they would both post here over a range of dates.
Amazing that an "occasional lodger" should not only end up posting on the same boards as Ronnie but appear so similar in style and content that you thought that they were the same person.

What might be the odds on that, do you reckon?

Well honestly, I don't know. Although he had read most of my postings. Maybe I inspired him? Don't want to sound like a petulant twat, but I really couldn't give a toss. You want to ban me-feel free. You must do what you must do...but it wasn't me. If it was I'd say so.
I wasn't even banned. Why would I sign up in a different name to imitate myself? Not sure what you're getting at there.
Amazing that an "occasional lodger" should not only end up posting on the same boards as Ronnie but appear so similar in style and content that you thought that they were the same person.

What might be the odds on that, do you reckon?

Well, if you think of it like the occasional lodger might go "Oh, let's have a bash on Ronnie's puter, see what he's been doing - Oh what he's been posting on some boards, I'll have a go at this". And then displays similar attitudes/ways as Rondog coz he's a mate of Ronnie's - And people do tend to seek out mates who are similar in attitude/ways to themselves, then not all that long odds at all I don't reckon.

Please don't ban him though, I'm asking you. Most of this shit's come from the Bernard Manning thing. Which I started.
Right. I'm off. I'll check in later to see if I'm banned. If I'm not, I might even nip down to Morrison's for a bottle of cider to celebrate...then again, if not, I might console myself by nipping down...
Francis - Boys name. Frances - Girls name. No wrong spelling there, big guy.

I like names that end in an "iss" sound though, coz they sound like a state of being.

Are you telling me you post on these boards under a pseudonym :eek: I am shocked, shocked I tell you. It was the same when I found out discokermit doesn't sign his time sheets that way either.
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