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Urban v's the Commentariat

No he didn't but I'd already said that. Any time there's a major societal shift in attitudes, some people get caught on the wrong side of it. Very often it's more through age, ignorance, isolation or generally being outside the loop or zeitgeist as much of it being evidence that they're simply a wrong'un. No, Manning didn't change but nor did millions of others who didn't appear on television and 'advertise' their reactionary stance. Most of them are dead now. But, at heart, most were basically thoroughly decent people who were simply of a different era.
Maybe we should nip round and scrawl 'fascist' on their graves?
why? are all racists fascist? perhaps you need your understanding of racism and fascism tightened up.
That's a valid point. So would you ban Wagner...or just condemn the audience as racist? Pulp all of Evelyn Waugh...or just blacklist anyone who reads him?
If you really can't separate a person from their work then you're dismissing 99% of world culture.
did wagner write operas about paki's and niggers?
haha! ronnie barkers wordplay was a thousand times more inventive than manning. eric morecambe was a million times funnier without even opening his mouth, superb timing.
manning told the sort of shit jokes that unfunny people at work who think they're funny tell. jokes that don't rely on timing or any particular skill to deliver. jokes children could tell.

vanilla? as if manning was cutting edge or dangerous or something. you really are talking nonsense.

Ronnie Barker's wordplay? Remind me?...oh yeah the 1000s of ways you could just miss rhyming something with tits or willy or balls. How could I forget? Comedy gold.
And Morecombe and wise were safe, end-of-the-pier, boilerplate beige.

But I suppose that since you've just dismissed most of all world historical culture as inseparable from the person producing it if they had any opinions which would pass muster in a liberal 2013, I suppose you've gotta have something to cling to. Cos let's face it, anything anywhere pre about 1950 has been jettisoned in your book, no?
Is there nothing you're gonna miss? Orwell? Mozart? Elvis? Beatrix Potter?
Ronnie Barker's wordplay? Remind me?...oh yeah the 1000s of ways you could just miss rhyming something with tits or willy or balls. How could I forget? Comedy gold.
And Morecombe and wise were safe, end-of-the-pier, boilerplate beige.

But I suppose that since you've just dismissed most of all world historical culture as inseparable from the person producing it if they had any opinions which would pass muster in a liberal 2013, I suppose you've gotta have something to cling to. Cos let's face it, anything anywhere pre about 1950 has been jettisoned in your book, no?
Is there nothing you're gonna miss? Orwell? Mozart? Elvis? Beatrix Potter?
you're a bit thick, aren't you. a lot of the two ronnies material was not in fact written by the two ronnies. you have yourself separated the creators of the work from the work itself, though ignorance.
you're a bit thick, aren't you. a lot of the two ronnies material was not in fact written by the two ronnies. you have yourself separated the creators of the work from the work itself, though ignorance.

Well, no I'm not am I? I was simply making the assumption on good faith, based on dicokermit's citing of "Ronnie Barker's wordplay", that it was in fact the work of Ronnie Barker. Maybe you ought to take it up with discokermit? Possibly, even tell him/her that they're a bit thick? Mind you, I wouldn't do that. In fact, I think the recent lapse into insult is a little disconcerting. I'm starting to feel like a twitter feminist.
Well, no I'm not am I? I was simply making the assumption on good faith, based on dicokermit's citing of "Ronnie Barker's wordplay", that it was in fact the work of Ronnie Barker. Maybe you ought to take it up with discokermit? Possibly, even tell him/her that they're a bit thick? Mind you, I wouldn't do that. In fact, I think the recent lapse into insult is a little disconcerting. I'm starting to feel like a twitter feminist.
you're starting to look like a twat. and one thing i find suspicious is that there's a hiatus in your posting history from january to yesterday. i wouldn't be surprised if you're some sort of 'sock puppet' for one or more of the recently expelled clique.
you're starting to look like a twat. and one thing i find suspicious is that there's a hiatus in your posting history from january to yesterday. i wouldn't be surprised if you're some sort of 'sock puppet' for one or more of the recently expelled clique.

Right, so don't drop the insults. Ramp it up and start some baseless insinuation. Why is that exactly...because you made a mistake and called me thick over somebody else's error and rather than maybe apologise or admit you're wrong, you'd rather throw out unfounded accusations?

Classy stuff.
I wouldn't dream of accusing you of being a sock puppet for someone else...although, if I did can you guess who it'd be? Someone who adopts just those tactics...and is just that petulant. I'll give you a clue. They've got a 'column'.
Maybe I should go and you can get on with discussing how cliquish and hypocritical the commentariat are?
Right, so don't drop the insults. Ramp it up and start some baseless insinuation. Why is that exactly...because you made a mistake and called me thick over somebody else's error and rather than maybe apologise or admit you're wrong, you'd rather throw out unfounded accusations?

Classy stuff.
I wouldn't dream of accusing you of being a sock puppet for someone else...although, if I did can you guess who it'd be? Someone who adopts just those tactics...and is just that petulant. I'll give you a clue. They've got a 'column'.
Maybe I should go and you can get on with discussing how cliquish and hypocritical the commentariat are?
you think i'm durruti? :D
you're starting to look like a twat. and one thing i find suspicious is that there's a hiatus in your posting history from january to yesterday. i wouldn't be surprised if you're some sort of 'sock puppet' for one or more of the recently expelled clique.

He's not. I don't reckon. He flounced when Fridgemagnet accused him of lying about living in an area that was/is rife with crime and smack. But now he's back. And is sticking up for Bernard Manning. It doesn't get much better than this.
Right, so don't drop the insults. Ramp it up and start some baseless insinuation. Why is that exactly...because you made a mistake and called me thick over somebody else's error and rather than maybe apologise or admit you're wrong, you'd rather throw out unfounded accusations?

Classy stuff.
I wouldn't dream of accusing you of being a sock puppet for someone else...although, if I did can you guess who it'd be? Someone who adopts just those tactics...and is just that petulant. I'll give you a clue. They've got a 'column'.
Maybe I should go and you can get on with discussing how cliquish and hypocritical the commentariat are?
i see you're not denying you're ignorant. and you've yet to come back to my comment about your views on racists / fascists
you could perhaps stop mimicking their behaviour first...

No...you're gonna have to expand on that. Cliquish? Hardly...hypocritical? Certainly can't see how you'd make that leap...have I contradicted myself...gone back on any point I made earlier?
I think you're left with maybe trying to be deliberately provocative and contrarian...although all I'm saying is that in a technical sense , Manning is a good comic.
So I don't see how you justify the idea that I'm 'mimicking their behaviour'. I think you simply come up with anything else substantive to say so you threw in a complete non sequitur...which, now I come to think about it, is somewhat reminiscent of...erm...
No...you're gonna have to expand on that. Cliquish? Hardly...hypocritical? Certainly can't see how you'd make that leap...have I contradicted myself...gone back on any point I made earlier?
I think you're left with maybe trying to be deliberately provocative and contrarian...although all I'm saying is that in a technical sense , Manning is a good comic.
So I don't see how you justify the idea that I'm 'mimicking their behaviour'. I think you simply come up with anything else substantive to say so you threw in a complete non sequitur...which, now I come to think about it, is somewhat reminiscent of...erm...

why don't you explain how you are being made to feel like a twitter feminist...
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