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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

More Newsweek:

Two take-home things:

-US intelligence says Putin underwent surgery in April for advanced stage cancer.

- Attempted assassination attempt in March

"What we know is that there is an iceberg out there, albeit one covered in fog," says the DNI leader, who communicated with Newsweek via email and requested anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

Interesting summary about war time proganda by Anne Morelli in Principes élémentaires de propagande de guerre

  1. We do not want war.
  2. The opposite party alone is guilty of war.
  3. The enemy is inherently evil and resembles the devil.
  4. We defend a noble cause, not our own interests.
  5. The enemy commits atrocities on purpose; our mishaps are involuntary.
  6. The enemy uses forbidden weapons.
  7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous.
  8. Recognized artists and intellectuals back our cause.
  9. Our cause is sacred.
  10. All who doubt our propaganda are traitors
I think this is holding up well
Deadly secret: Electronic warfare shapes Russia-Ukraine war
AP. 04/06/2022
Ukraine has scored some successes in countering Russia’s electronic warfare efforts. It has captured important pieces of hardware — a significant intelligence coup — and destroyed at least two multi-vehicle mobile electronic warfare units.

Its own electronic warfare capability is hard to assess. Analysts say it has markedly improved since 2014, when Russia seized Crimea and instigated a separatist revolt in eastern Ukraine. But there are setbacks. Last week, Russia claimed it destroyed a Ukrainian electronic intelligence center in the southeastern town of Dniprovske. The claim could not be independently confirmed, and Ukrainian officials did not respond to a request for comment.

Ukraine has also made effective use of technology and intelligence from the United States and other NATO members. Such information helped Ukraine sink the battle cruiser Moskva. Allied satellites and surveillance aircraft help from nearby skies, as does billionaire Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite communications network.

Electronic war has three basic elements: probe, attack and protect. First, intelligence is gathered by locating enemy electronic signals. On attack, “white noise” jamming disables and degrades enemy systems, including radio and cellphone communications, air defense and artillery radars. Then there is spoofing, which confuses and deceives. When it works, munitions miss their targets.

“Operating on a modern battlefield without data is really hard,” said retired Col. Laurie Buckhout, a former U.S. Army electronic warfare chief. Jamming “can blind and deafen an aircraft very quickly and very dangerously, especially if you lose GPS and radar and you’re a jet flying at 600 miles an hour.”

All of which explains the secrecy around electronic warfare.
An RT watcher friend says fiat money is going to collapse and everyone is currently buying gold. Anyone want to help deconstruct what he is wittering about?
An RT watcher friend says fiat money is going to collapse and everyone is currently buying gold. Anyone want to help deconstruct what he is wittering about?
Presumably he is talking there about the rouble? There is a risk of hyperinflation for the rouble arising from its worthlessness on international markets. Russia is a big country with a lot of its own resources, though. It can probably survive by itself, which will allow its own currency to keep going.
Presumably he is talking there about the rouble? There is a risk of hyperinflation for the rouble arising from its worthlessness on international markets. Russia is a big country with a lot of its own resources, though. It can probably survive by itself, which will allow its own currency to keep going.

Fiat currency is going to collapse, buy gold (or bitcoin depending on your choice of crank) has been a massive thing across right wing media from Fox to Alex Jones for a while now. Whether it's the actual programming or the numerous scam/grift ads scattered through it. And other conspiracist outlets/cranky outlets (probably including RT). Of course it may be reflected in reality in Russia at the moment (the best scams usually having an element of truth), but the language of 'fiat collapsing' is quite typical of the very cranky stuff.
Fiat currency is going to collapse, buy gold (or bitcoin depending on your choice of crank) has been a massive thing across right wing media from Fox to Alex Jones for a while now. Whether it's the actual programming or the numerous scam/grift ads scattered through it. And other conspiracist outlets/cranky outlets (probably including RT). Of course it may be reflected in reality in Russia at the moment (the best scams usually having an element of truth), but the language of 'fiat collapsing' is quite typical of the very cranky stuff.
It’s just people with a stake in gold/bitcoins trying to scare other people on board to increase demand and price, in the case of the latter because it doesn’t really have any utility.

Putin's face is looking weirder than ever - not sure if it's an age thing, a health thing, or if the cunt's been storing nuts in his cheeks like some kind of war criminal chipmunk.
The head of Britain’s armed forces has dismissed as “wishful thinking” speculation that Russian President Vladimir Putin is suffering from ill-health or could be assassinated.

Agence France-Presse reports:

As the Conservative party chooses a successor to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Admiral Tony Radakin also said Britain’s next leader should be aware that Russia poses “the biggest threat” to the UK and that its challenge would endure for decades.

“I think some of the comments that he’s not well or that actually surely somebody’s going to assassinate him or take him out, I think they’re wishful thinking,” the chief of the defence staff said of Putin, in a BBC television interview broadcast on Sunday.
“As military professionals we see a relatively stable regime in Russia. President Putin has been able to quash any opposition, we see a hierarchy that is invested in President Putin and so nobody at the top has got the motivation to challenge President Putin,” Radakin added.
“And that is bleak.”
Russia’s land forces may pose less of a threat now, after suffering setbacks in the war in Ukraine, the military chief said.

The invasion has killed or wounded 50,000 Russian soldiers and destroyed nearly 1,700 Russian tanks, as well as some 4,000 armoured fighting vehicles, he estimated.

“But Russia continues to be a nuclear power. It’s got cyber capabilities, it’s got space capabilities and it’s got particular programmes under water so it can threaten the underwater cables that allow the world’s information to transit around the whole globe.”
Ukraine will dominate military briefings for Johnson’s successor when he or she takes office on September 6, Radakin said.

“And then we have to remind the prime minister of the extraordinary responsibility they have with the UK as a nuclear power, and that is part of the initiation for a new British prime minister.”

Opinion | Why Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan Is Utterly Reckless

NY Times 01/08/2022
The timing could not be worse. Dear reader: The Ukraine war is not over. And privately, U.S. officials are a lot more concerned about Ukraine’s leadership than they are letting on. There is deep mistrust between the White House and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine — considerably more than has been reported.

And there is funny business going on in Kyiv. On July 17, Zelensky fired his country’s prosecutor general and the leader of its domestic intelligence agency — the most significant shake-up in his government since the Russian invasion in February. It would be the equivalent of Biden firing Merrick Garland and Bill Burns on the same day. But I have still not seen any reporting that convincingly explains what that was all about. It is as if we don’t want to look too closely under the hood in Kyiv for fear of what corruption or antics we might see, when we have invested so much there. (More on the dangers of that another day.)
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