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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

Not really rumour or unsubstantiated but not reported by proper news outlets either; people in Zaporzhizhia have been issued with iodine tablets in case of radiation leaks from the power plant, which the Russians have been fucking about with, disconnecting from the Ukrainian grid and connecting to Crimea instead.

Nuclear power plants need a continual power supply, and a load on their own power output. It was a fuck up with a test of the backup generators which caused the Chernobyl explosion. The Russians do not have anyone at the Zaporzhizhia plant who is trained to operate the updated reactor.
Not really rumour or unsubstantiated but not reported by proper news outlets either; people in Zaporzhizhia have been issued with iodine tablets in case of radiation leaks from the power plant, which the Russians have been fucking about with, disconnecting from the Ukrainian grid and connecting to Crimea instead.

Nuclear power plants need a continual power supply, and a load on their own power output. It was a fuck up with a test of the backup generators which caused the Chernobyl explosion. The Russians do not have anyone at the Zaporzhizhia plant who is trained to operate the updated reactor.

It was on Sky News yesterday, which is a proper news outlet.

Also covered by the Guardian, ITV News, EuroNews, etc., etc.
Centre-right MP Goncharenko reports that sources tell him Ukrainian forces have "entered" Donetsk airport:

View attachment 342135

If I've got this right, that airport has been pretty much on the front line for years, until a Russian advance a few weeks ago.

Could mean that the lines are collapsing here as things disintegrate further north around Izyum.

I hope this collapse is happening and continues, it will save a lot of lives in the end.
Torygraph might be getting a little ahead of itself with speculation over the activities of 12th GUMO (hardware actually spotted just outside of Moscow, not in central Russia).

Movement of hardware usually only ever associated with the 12th directorate might be part of some intentional signalling theatre, prep for planned seasonal drills (RSVN exercises more common in autumn), anti-terror related, part of equipment maintenance/modernisation or requisition for war, and not necessarily heralding nuclear release. Unlikely to be accompanying warheads here as the appropriate specialised rail cars were not observed.
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Torygraph might be getting a little ahead of itself with speculation over the activities of 12th GUMO (hardware actually spotted just outside of Moscow, not in central Russia).

Movement of hardware usually only ever associated with the 12th directorate might be part of some intentional signalling theatre, prep for planned seasonal drills (RSVN exercises more common in autumn), anti-terror related, part of equipment maintenance/modernisation or requisition for war, and not necessarily heralding nuclear release. Unlikely to be accompanying warheads here as the appropriate specialised rail cars were not observed.
Meanwhile, La Repubblica reported that the Poseidon-armed submararine Belgarod has moved from its Arctic base... which it often does.

Story behind a paywall and in Italian, so here's one of the sketchy English accounts. For some reason its seems to be only in the RW press (story also in the Fail)
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It seems odd doing the moving nukes thing around publicly. Almost as if it were a stunt.
The point is that there isn't any clear evidence of that (and, ongoing, no more transport of nuclear warheads than is typical - all the "big five" regularly move warheads around).
The details secret (to some degree), yes. The overall conclusion, not necessarily. Arguably it becomes more important to increasingly be as transparent as possible with increasing threat/risk so that all parties know precisely where everyone stands.
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