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Ukraine invasion memes and viral content

Explosive snails. :D They'll need mystic meg to set them going if it takes 10 years for them to get to the front lines. :D
If this doesn't resonate with western pop culture-literate anglophone Russian apparatchiks of a certain age I don't know what will

I normally swerve this thread cos there ain't that much humour in it, but if you can't laugh at a Kremlin imposed governor reversing his car out of a high rise building, what can you laugh at?

Dumbass cowboy eh, I wonder whether he's dead yet.

Tex. He's been over there since 2014. I knows about him as a friend ended up marrying an ethnic Russian from Donbas and was going back and forth doing aid runs. He was always trying to persuade me of the virtues of this fella and his tankie bullshit. I checked him out and had him marked as a twat straight off.

I last saw my mate 2 days before the invasion and he was all like "Nah, it'll never happen. Why would Putin want to invade? Ukraine is a basket case, that's been stripped bare by American imperialism." I have seen him once since then, but he was on his bike and sort of didn't see me and his FB is fully locked down now. 🤷‍♀️
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