A cat politely sat on the flaming gardener.
Why? If I decided cluster bombs or whatever are a step to far what changes other than my sense of moral superiority?You could decide which weapons you’d oppose Ukraine using.
Would you make the same rationalisation for chemical weapons?
There is a knee-jerk reaction people are having to cluster bombs, but that is based on them being used by the invader. Which of course they have been and no one seemed to make much of fuss about it?
The question of should cluster bombs be used and if so when and where is one for Ukrainians to have. If there are sensible voices in Ukraine giving good reasoned arguments against their used then I will listen to them. But I'm not going to go along with a buch of old UK lefties and reflexively yell bad as soon as I hear the term, then sit there smug in how much better I am than the Ukrainians who want to us them.