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UK Votes to Leave EU

Dunno but the Sun seems to have a front page suggesting that his sentiment today was 'why should I do the hard shit?'

The initial attempt at a timetable looks to me like its giving more consideration to politicians getting their nice summer holiday and fitting things to the tory party conference schedule than it does the realities of external pressures to bring some quick certainties back to the picture. For now I'm not sure how viable the long delay that the October plan demands will be.

His casual assurance that he could deliver a remain vote, the ensuing panic as he and his establishment mates realised they could have backed a loser and the threats of Armageddon and the ensuing panic on the stock and currency markets that have followed, lie squarely at the feet of him and all the other Tories who slavishly followed his line and said establishment mates.
The Japanese used to have a custom that would really suit the given situation.
But we all know they will be in comfortable well paid positions once the dust settles, bastards.
No he did.
Thought so, but why hasn't it been mentioned? Why is he been allowed a three month grace period? Couldn't be to give the EU and the remainers a chance to come up with a once in a lifetime opportunity for the UK....should we care to reconsider our position?
I can only find the figure for the council - wsm is the arse end end of lot of posh people and london types (north somerset) . 53% leave. I would be surprised if wsm other than outlying areas was under 65% leave. I will be keeping my eye on this.

I've seen hardly any per-ward results for anywhere. A very quick search yielded only Peterborough, so if anyone knows the areas of that place they could decode the area results makeup:

Peterborough ward results: How did your neighbourhood vote?
I have to say I've found the liberal sneering truly nauseating today. They don't like democracy when it goes against them do they? Even now they still do not get just why this has happened and what role they might have played in it instead they just carry on in the same vein. I wasn't in favour of leave but I have to say it has been truly satisfying seeing the establishment all across the media take a kicking. I mean FFS it made the prime minister practically cry on live television!
Couldn't be to give the EU and the remainers a chance to come up with a once in a lifetime opportunity for the UK....should we care to reconsider our position?

....but how the hell can they allow a precedent like that to be set though....and compromising on what issues....free movement is the only game changer I would think....and its not as if we ever won any popularity contests amongst our "partners" even before this bombshell - this is the final bonfire of the member-ship card...
so only the educated should be allowed to vote? wanker!
btw i looked up the history of the word pleb the other day - i did not know this:

In ancient Rome, the term plebs was the general body of free Roman citizens who were not patricians, as determined by the census. From the 4th century BC or earlier, known as commoners or part of lower social status

Literary references to the 'plebs', however, usually mean the ordinary citizens of Rome as a whole, as distinguished from the elite—a sense retained by "plebeian" in English. In the very earliest days of Rome, plebeians were any tribe without advisers to the King. In time, the word – which is related to the Greek word for crowd, plethos – came to mean the common people."

I think there was an attempt to reclaim the word pleb by a section of the UK left at some point - maybe around the 30s or 40s? Ive seen books from that time published under the name Plebs, such as A Plebs Guide to Economics, Pleb's Atlas etc etc.
Thought so, but why hasn't it been mentioned? Why is he been allowed a three month grace period? Couldn't be to give the EU and the remainers a chance to come up with a once in a lifetime opportunity for the UK....should we care to reconsider our position?
I got the impression from assorted interviews on Ch4 news and newsnight this past evening that the EU would like to be shot of the Former United Kingdom of England and its Dominions ASAP.
I got the impression from assorted interviews on Ch4 news and newsnight this past evening that the EU would like to be shot of the Former United Kingdom of England and its Dominions ASAP.
You can't believe public words atm, though, surely. They have form to consider.
Being against the EU as a project Brexit is, while a surprise, heartening to me. If I had been living in the middle of the xenophobic campaign you had, I would probably be more able to identify with the fear many people of the left display, but still: What the English left seems to be most frightened of is democracy, as such. To be given over to the judgement of people of England, who are portrayed as racist, reactionary, irresponsible and stupid. I don´t know whether this is the case. I certainly hope not. Regardless: If that is the case, the people of England should still be the ones deciding the politics of England. The general sentiment of the English left seems to be grieving the loss of the power of Brussels who could be guaranteed to hold your own majority in check. the main arguments of the general "left" reads as fear of being an actual democracy. Without the UK. Without the EU. To hold on to such a fear of the people is a frightening place for any left to be. Anyway: Good luck, and welcome to the outside, from Norway (it´s probably going to be not that terrible.)
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I got the impression from assorted interviews on Ch4 news and newsnight this past evening that the EU would like to be shot of the Former United Kingdom of England and its Dominions ASAP.
Not actual real term interests and people who speak for them. Just a generic Eu? The Eu member states? The commissioners? The MEPs? The states? Who exactly?
Being against the EU as a project Brexit is, while a surprise, heartening to me. If I had been living in the middle of the xenophobic campaign you had, I would probably be more able to identify with your fear and your general sentiments in this matter, but still: What the English left seems to be most frightened of here is democracy, as such. To be given over to the machinations and judgement of the actual people of England, who are portrayed as racist, reactionary, irresponsible and stupid. I don´t know whether this is the case. I certainly hope not. Regardless: If that is the case, the people of England should still be the ones deciding the politics of England. The general sentiment of the English left seems to be grieving the loss of the power of Brussels who could be guaranteed to hold your own majority in check. Your arguments reads as fear of being an actual democracy. Without the UK. Without the EU. To hold on to such a fear of the people is a frightening place for any left to be. Anyway: Good luck, and welcome to the outside, from Norway (it´s probably going to be not that terrible.)
Thanks for posting Odrade
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