Termite Man
zombie flesh eater
funny, then, that no-one has picked me up for 'petulant teenager' or 'spoilt child'. Negative stereotypes.
don't you see a difference between saying 'petulant teenager' and 'spoilt child' compared with 'useless old tosser' , the first 2 are ways of behaviour that can be associated with the age groups whereas 'useless old tosser' has an implication that the uselessness is directly caused by the age. What LC said was out of order , I'm not denying that and I agree with your assessment of it. Just because you don't find useless old tosser to be offensive doesn't mean everybody finds it inoffensive, which is the point I'm making, the racist insult is jumped upon but the ageist ones aren't, should age related insults be more tolerated than racist ones.
If I was to have said the same thing to Refused not knowing his ethnic origin but basing his behaviour on the perceived behaviour of a racial group then it would still be racist as I'm placing a negative stereotype onto that group, so why is it a different situation with age?
but in the context of this thread the difference between that and a direct, personal, insult based on someones ethnic origin is stark, and reflects very badly on him. His refusal to apologise when told how offensive he's been is shameful.
ok you have a point here and I do think there is a difference between what Refused said and what LC said but the desire to denounce racism shouldn't overshadow ageism which is what I'm trying to get across.