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Tory UK EU Exit Referendum

It's rather an odd piece. She doesn't mention one example of how working class people will benefit from Brexit. Just that working class people have something to say, and now they have a chance to say it. But if it won't improve their working conditions or services or the social wage, isn't it rather a sideshow? And won't it benefit some fairly openly anti-working class people, such as Johnson?
Yes, but she hits the nail on the head wrt the way in which the leavists have exploited working anger/disillusionment with neoliberalism to foster support for Brexit.
The referendum has become a way in which they can have their say, and they are saying collectively that their lives have been better than they are today.
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Who is speaking for them though? Who is funding a campaign on their behalf? People looking out for their own interests, not theirs. The two probably don't overlap.
No, but if it seriously misrepresents her position I'll expect her to try to get it changed or complain publicly. It's a pretty strong statement.
nowhere in the article does she say 'and this is how things will change' or 'i set out below how things will change', rather she is saying 'the brexit vote is a chance for the working class to stick two fingers up at the government'. i don't know where you get your expectations from, you might be looking at a different article to me.
Brexit is the only way the working class can change anything | Lisa Mckenzie

It's not an especially good piece, but at least she's on the right side
Mckenzie has an unfortunate habit of making wide generalisations and talking about groups as if they were one homogenous whole. She's very guilty of that in this piece.

Working-class people in the UK can see a possibility that something might change for them if they vote to leave the EU. The women in east London and the men in the mining towns all tell me the worst thing is that things stay the same.

Really? All of them?
Aren't EU workers here part of the working class too? Who speaks for them? They don't even get to vote - they're literally disenfranchised. Why is there a tendency (from both sides) to conflate 'working class' with 'white British'?
nowhere in the article does she say 'and this is how things will change' or 'i set out below how things will change', rather she is saying 'the brexit vote is a chance for the working class to stick two fingers up at the government'. i don't know where you get your expectations from, you might be looking at a different article to me.
Perhaps - the headline is outrageous if it isn't her position, but perhaps not surprising in click bait world. Besides, I still find it odd to write that article and not even mention who is or isn't likely to benefit from Brexit.
"Virgil, the pod."

lol! ‘Leave’ And ‘Remain’ Boats Face-Off On The Thames

Bethany Pickering told Shelagh Fogarty that Mr Geldof was swearing at the fishermen

She said: "We didn't expect it would be a billionaire being condescending to fishermen.

"And we didn't expect that it would be as vicious as it was. There was a lot of negativity, which is not something I've found too often with the Remain campaign.

"I think potentially Bob Geldof did a lot of damage [to the Remain campaign], especially among the fishing communities that weren't sure how they were going to vote.
lol! ‘Leave’ And ‘Remain’ Boats Face-Off On The Thames

Bethany Pickering told Shelagh Fogarty that Mr Geldof was swearing at the fishermen

She said: "We didn't expect it would be a billionaire being condescending to fishermen.

"And we didn't expect that it would be as vicious as it was. There was a lot of negativity, which is not something I've found too often with the Remain campaign.

"I think potentially Bob Geldof did a lot of damage [to the Remain campaign], especially among the fishing communities that weren't sure how they were going to vote.
Didn't know bg was a billionaire
Has there ever been a political campaign in modern British history that has been quite as tone deaf as Remain?
It's rather an odd piece. She doesn't mention one example of how working class people will benefit from Brexit. Just that working class people have something to say, and now they have a chance to say it. But if it won't improve their working conditions or services or the social wage, isn't it rather a sideshow? And won't it benefit some fairly openly anti-working class people, such as Johnson?
I think the referendum now, for many people, rightly or wrongly, has become a referendum on the status quo. Doesn't really matter about the details anymore, lets give these cunts a kicking. Osborne's intervention this morning further assures this.
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