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The rise of fascism in the US

Liberals simply infiltrate the library and remove the books they find "problematic".

No they don't.

The laws would never have been passed if teachers reasoned with parents. They won't. That's the problem.

Republican book bannings have nothing to do with reason. They literally lie about the content of the books, as you have done in this very thread.

I could sit here until I'm blue in the face, liberals / the left NEVER draw a line in the sand and say how far is too far.

Give us some examples of where you think liberals have gone "too far". All you've provided so far are vague, baseless accusations based on provable falsehoods.
No they don't.
Yes they do.
Give us some examples of where you think liberals have gone "too far".
I don't need to.

It's really simple.

I'm right wing. I can rattle out examples where the right takes things too far. I can do this because I'm:

A) Reasonbly honest - I'm engaging in the discussion and it's participants in good faith.
B) Am capable of critical thinking.

You're left wing / liberal (Or at the very least NOT right wing).

My theory is that if YOU can't or WON'T be honest enough to give examples of when the left takes things to far, then

A) You're not being honest, you're not engaging in this discussion in good faith.
B) You're just another fucker who knows fuck all about anything, because you don't have a brain of your own and you just support your side out of social convience.
C) Because of B, you're a coward. There's CONSEQUENCES in the left for any departure from the cult-think. That's a side effect of the left being fascist in nature these days. That's why I genuinely believe that communism, socialism and fascism are the same thing.

PROVE ME WRONG! You can't, because you cannot and will not say when the left goes too far. If you do, there is consequences.

So when you scream "fascist" at us on the right, it's meaningless, if you're not even able to tell us how far, is too far for the left.

You're not being honest, I'm afraid. Pack it in and be honest.

Engage in the discussion in good faith. Appreciate that there are nuances in everything, otherwise you can't influence those you disagree with in what is supposed to be a democracy, be it the UK or the United States.
Yes they do.

I don't need to.

It's really simple.

I'm right wing. I can rattle out examples where the right takes things too far. I can do this because I'm:

A) Reasonbly honest - I'm engaging in the discussion and it's participants in good faith.
B) Am capable of critical thinking.

You're left wing / liberal (Or at the very least NOT right wing).

My theory is that if YOU can't or WON'T be honest enough to give examples of when the left takes things to far, then

A) You're not being honest, you're not engaging in this discussion in good faith.
B) You're just another fucker who knows fuck all about anything, because you don't have a brain of your own and you just support your side out of social convience.
C) Because of B, you're a coward. There's CONSEQUENCES in the left for any departure from the cult-think. That's a side effect of the left being fascist in nature these days. That's why I genuinely believe that communism, socialism and fascism are the same thing.

PROVE ME WRONG! You can't, because you cannot and will not say when the left goes too far. If you do, there is consequences.

So when you scream "fascist" at us on the right, it's meaningless, if you're not even able to tell us how far, is too far for the left.

You're not being honest, I'm afraid. Pack it in and be honest.

Engage in the discussion in good faith. Appreciate that there are nuances in everything, otherwise you can't influence those you disagree with in what is supposed to be a democracy, be it the UK or the United States.

well done, this is one of the most farcical responses I've ever read on here in twenty years
well done, this is one of the most farcical responses I've ever read on here in twenty years
Well done, you're about half way through a day without getting the people who agree with you thinking that you're a twat. What an achievement.

I disagree with you. But of course, for that to happen, I must be morally inferior, ergo, my view doesn't matter. There's no need to change my mind anymore than there is any need to change the minds of parents in Florida.

I mean, why bother wasting time changing people's minds, when all you have to do is take away their guns?

And I come back full circle on topic.
You do - supporting an out-and-out fascist in his repressive program.
I don't support it. I told you why it happened.

I've watched countless videos of concerned parents, raising legit concerns with the school boards, only to be met with intransigence, the school just goes on and does what it pleases regardless of what the parents think.

The left never wants to discuss the naunces or the concerns of normal people, because it fucking can't, how can it, when no one on the left has the guts to say how far is too far in BOTH directions.

That's bad for EVERYONE. EVERYONE losess.

But hey, don't listen to me, do what you always do. Double down. More of the same. And remember, you can't take things too far, because when you get a bad reaction from everyone else, it's probably because the right are full of evil cunts.
I don't need to.

You absolutely do. You made a claim, and I'm calling bullshit on it. That means you have substantiate your claim with evidence, or you're basically admitting that you're full of shit.

I'm right wing. I can rattle out examples where the right takes things too far.

That's irrelevant. I'm not contesting that claim.

My theory is that if YOU can't or WON'T be honest enough to give examples of when the left takes things to far

I'm not giving examples because it's not my claim, it's yours. My definition of what is "too far" is not going to be the same as yours, so it would be utterly irrelevant to your claim in any case.


That's not how it works you chump. You made the claim, the burden of evidence is upon you to support it. I am not making your arguments for you.

Engage in the discussion in good faith.

Coming from the person who says they don't need to provide evidence for their claims.
Go on then, explain how banning Maus is just the actions of concerned parents, rather than the move of a bunch of fascists who want to erase criticism of fascism from the curriculum?
First I would need to see the reason(s) given for banning the book.

If I haven't read the book, nor been given the reasons for why it was banned, I can't possibly give you an informed opinion one way or the other.
First I would need to see the reason(s) given for banning the book.

If I haven't read the book, nor been given the reasons for why it was banned, I can't possibly give you an informed opinion one way or the other.

And that's a good reason for putting someone on ignore, is it? Your own ignorance about the subject you're discussing? Have you actually looked into the reasoning behind any of the books being banned? Or are you just going off on your usual ignorant ranting?
And that's a good reason for putting someone on ignore, is it? Your own ignorance about the subject you're discussing? Have you actually looked into the reasoning behind any of the books being banned? Or are you just going off on your usual ignorant ranting?
I'm not a parent who lives in Florida, why would I have researched banned school books?

No one is going to turn into a monster because of books that weren't stocked in a school library.

If you think that's fascism, wait till you find out that people had their bank accounts closed, paypal accounts closed, mailchimp accounts closed, etc etc, just for being in Washington DC on January 6th.

How about banning Fox News from the military, because they critisized The President.

Is that fascism?
I'm not a parent who lives in Florida, why would I have researched banned school books?

Oh I dunno, because you're talking about it, and being ignorant about a subject you're discussing is generally not a good thing? Maybe?

No one is going to turn into a monster because of books that weren't stocked in a school library.

Nobody said that would happen. Banning books for spurious reasons is inherently a bad thing.

If you think that's fascism, wait till you find out that people had their bank accounts closed, paypal accounts closed, mailchimp accounts closed, etc etc, just for being in Washington DC on January 6th.

Oh, you mean the attempted coup against a democratically elected government?

How about banning Fox News from the military, because they critisized The President.

Is that fascism?

Are you talking about this: Veterans group: Ban Fox News on military bases

Because the veterans' group in question isn't actually part of the military, and their objection is not because of Fox News criticising the President.
Oh, you mean the attempted coup against a democratically elected government?
Can we dial down the hyperbowl propa-ganda please?

Answer the fucking question.

Do you think that people should have their bank accounts shut down and all sorts of other services BECAUSE they are on government watchlists, merely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Punishing those who take part in the democratic process in good faith for those who don't is fucking fascism.

Idiots dressed up like vikings running amok in government buildings aren't a threat, they're an asset in a pre-text to take away the rights of those who are a "threat".

Trump is a "threat" because he's anti-war. Is he the answer? Hell no, but he's safe as fuck compared to the likes of Biden and Hilary Clinton.

I'll leave you to moan on about fucking banned books for schools who can't even afford the books they really should have.

As for the US veterans who want to ban Fox News, yes those veterans are fascists.

US military personel aren't at home. They have sacrificed their home life, they should be free to watch what the fuck they want in their downtime, just like when they are at home.

Yes Fox News lies. CNN lies. We all fucking lie, everyone gets it wrong.

But no one gets it more wrong, than someone who is so fucking arrogant that they think they know better than what their fellow adult human beings should be allowed to consume in the way of information.

You couldn't give a flying monkeys fuck about the truth.

You just want the same old thing: More control? How much control? Always more!!!!

That's why you can NEVER say how far is too far, because there is no limit to the amount of control that is too far, as long as the "right" people are doing the controlling.

Ask a fascist how far is too far? They can never seem to answer. :hmm:

That's how you know I'm not a fascist. I can ALWAYS tell you how far is too far. I already have.

I DON'T believe that gender orientation / gender studies should be age restricted differently than the rest of sex studies.

What should and shouldn't be in gender studies is a different matter.

I don't know if you're a fascist or not, I don't know what's in your heart, but I'll tell you this.

If you can't say how far is too far for the left, you may very well be fascist.
Do you think that people should have their bank accounts shut down and all sorts of other services BECAUSE they are on government watchlists, merely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

They weren't though. They were engaged in a coup. People who attempt to overthrow a democratically-elected government should get their shit shut down.


What legitimate business involves forcing one's way into government buildings, resulting in being shot by security?

Punishing those who take part in the democratic process in good faith for those who don't is fucking fascism.

Exactly what democratic process involves trying to intimidate politicians with threats of violence along with breaking and entering?

Idiots dressed up like vikings running amok in government buildings aren't a threat, they're an asset in a pre-text to take away the rights of those who are a "threat".

Oh, so now they're "assets". I thought they were in DC on legitimate business? Can you get your story straight, please?

Trump is a "threat" because he's anti-war.

Says who? Can you actually provide any reliable quotes from anyone on that claim?

I'll leave you to moan on about fucking banned books for schools who can't even afford the books they really should have.

Changing the subject you admitted to being ignorant on. Well it's a move, I guess. A StakerOne specialty.

As for the US veterans who want to ban Fox News, yes those veterans are fascists.

It's not the US government, the Biden presidency, or the military hierarchy issuing an order though is it? It's a group of citizens exercising their rights to free speech.

Yes Fox News lies. CNN lies. We all fucking lie, everyone gets it wrong.

We all lie, sure, but some of us lie more than others. You're attempting to draw an equivalency where none exists. For example, CNN haven't been sued by two different voting machine companies for lying about how their products work or how their business operates. Funny that.

But no one gets it more wrong, than someone who is so fucking arrogant that they think they know better than what their fellow adult human beings should be allowed to consume in the way of information.

You couldn't give a flying monkeys fuck about the truth.

You just want the same old thing: More control? How much control? Always more!!!!

That's why you can NEVER say how far is too far, because there is no limit to the amount of control that is too far, as long as the "right" people are doing the controlling.

Funny, it's not the left who are introducing book banning laws, or repealing the long-standing legal protections that ensure people with uteruses have adequate access to medical care. Your ranting is full of shit.

That's how you know I'm not a fascist. I can ALWAYS tell you how far is too far. I already have.

Why are you so insistent on defending yourself against an accusation I've never made? It's pretty weird, man. Besides, that's a non-sequiter because even fascists can have their limits. But limits on what? That's a key point on which you need to be more specific.

I don't know if you're a fascist or not, I don't know what's in your heart, but I'll tell you this.

If you can't say how far is too far for the left, you may very well be fascist.

How far what? You keep banging on about this, but it means nothing because you haven't defined the parameters.
Well done, you're about half way through a day without getting the people who agree with you thinking that you're a twat. What an achievement.

I disagree with you. But of course, for that to happen, I must be morally inferior, ergo, my view doesn't matter. There's no need to change my mind anymore than there is any need to change the minds of parents in Florida.

I mean, why bother wasting time changing people's minds, when all you have to do is take away their guns?

And I come back full circle on topic.
Removing guns from the civilian population of the USA is the biggest step you could take towards civilising the place. A civilian, other than in very limited circumstances, does not need to own a firearm.
Can we dial down the hyperbowl propa-ganda please?

Answer the fucking question.

Do you think that people should have their bank accounts shut down and all sorts of other services BECAUSE they are on government watchlists, merely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Punishing those who take part in the democratic process in good faith for those who don't is fucking fascism.

Idiots dressed up like vikings running amok in government buildings aren't a threat, they're an asset in a pre-text to take away the rights of those who are a "threat".

Trump is a "threat" because he's anti-war. Is he the answer? Hell no, but he's safe as fuck compared to the likes of Biden and Hilary Clinton.

I'll leave you to moan on about fucking banned books for schools who can't even afford the books they really should have.

As for the US veterans who want to ban Fox News, yes those veterans are fascists.

US military personel aren't at home. They have sacrificed their home life, they should be free to watch what the fuck they want in their downtime, just like when they are at home.

Yes Fox News lies. CNN lies. We all fucking lie, everyone gets it wrong.

But no one gets it more wrong, than someone who is so fucking arrogant that they think they know better than what their fellow adult human beings should be allowed to consume in the way of information.

You couldn't give a flying monkeys fuck about the truth.

You just want the same old thing: More control? How much control? Always more!!!!

That's why you can NEVER say how far is too far, because there is no limit to the amount of control that is too far, as long as the "right" people are doing the controlling.

Ask a fascist how far is too far? They can never seem to answer. :hmm:

That's how you know I'm not a fascist. I can ALWAYS tell you how far is too far. I already have.

I DON'T believe that gender orientation / gender studies should be age restricted differently than the rest of sex studies.

What should and shouldn't be in gender studies is a different matter.

I don't know if you're a fascist or not, I don't know what's in your heart, but I'll tell you this.

If you can't say how far is too far for the left, you may very well be fascist.
Did you attend school at any time? If so, did you attend English lessons?


Why are conspiracy theory fuckwits always unable to spell? Is it a result of their extraordinarily low IQ, which is what makes them conspiraloons?
Removing guns from the civilian population of the USA is the biggest step you could take towards civilising the place. A civilian, other than in very limited circumstances, does not need to own a firearm.
That and reforming Health Care. Being one broken leg from months or years of debt or one short Mental Heath issue away from living beneath an underpass must affect your thoughts.
They weren't though. They were engaged in a coup. People who attempt to overthrow a democratically-elected government should get their shit shut down.

No they shouldn't.

Thanks to the FASCIST financial system that you support, because you're a FASCIST, people need a bank account for their day to day lives.

You're an establishment shill who supports the bankers rather than people when it comes to a fairer decentralsied financial system.

If someone does something wrong that offends the Biden fascist regime, you support a FASCIST ZERO TRUST, ZERO COST, social credits system where people are punished for wrong-think by having their bank accounts shut down.

How far and how much control you want this system to have over people's lives, you're not prepared to say, because FASCISTS don't want to form a social contract with the people, they just want to control them from the top down.

I believe those who attempt to overthrow a democratically elected government (The Biden administration wasn't democratically elected btw), should be tried by a court, with jury that is legal and represents a broad section of society.

Such people should do their time and enjoy the same rights as the rest of us without living in fear of their bank accounts being shut down.
Take away the guns and the health care requirement would lessen instantly.

I'm just waiting for S1 to pop up and call me a 'leftie'. :)

I believe in universal healthcare.

I believe the privatised model that exists in the US is the right taking things too far.

I can say that with zero consequence, because the right in the UK and in the United States aren't fascists.
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