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The rise of fascism in the US

Removing guns from the civilian population of the USA is the biggest step you could take towards civilising the place. A civilian, other than in very limited circumstances, does not need to own a firearm.

Nothing in the Constitution about bullet rationing. (Mentioned that once commenting on gang tragedy story on the Telegraph once...took 15minutes for NRA types to turn up though they did in numbers)

Nothing in the Constitution about bullet rationing. (Mentioned that once commenting on gang tragedy story on the Telegraph once...took 15minutes for NRA types to turn up though they did in numbers)
those Americans are so stupid that not one of them has ever thought of this, you must have chortled to yourself.
those Americans are so stupid that not one of them has ever thought of this, you must have chortled to yourself.
Not really. I can't remember which tragedy it was (there has been so many) but it was one of the armalite ones, and there was this group of about 10 that were trying to police the thoughts at the bottom of the Internet not just nationally but internationally. Shocked me actually. Stayed up til about 3 being told a bullet was an arm, despite licencing referencing arms and ammunition making them separate things.

Guns don't kill people, bullets do, seemed a reasonable compromise to me
We're talking about schools.

"Liberals" ban "problematic" books in schools all the time.

Florida is simply putting the power in the hands of parents.

Gay sexual oritentation can be discussed in the classroom, but the parents get to decide when it's age appropriate to do so and if the teachers go up against the parents, then they will be breaking the law.

I admit it could have been better thought out, but the left wasn't complaining about the rights of parents when liberal teachers were trying to peddle highly sexual content to young children.

IMHO the fairest and most sensible policy would be that parents of a school decide which year sex education starts and it's all or nothing with sex education covering ALL issues including gender and sexual orientation.

I'm not a parent, but if I were, I would want the school to teach my kids (that I haven't had yet!) sex education from about the age of 11.

ok why is this wanksock still around :hmm:
Wow, Greg Abbott is an absolute piece of shit.

I bet he calls himself a Christian as well.

Yeah, he's completely unrepentant and has told the government (who are suing?) that he'll see them in court and basically don't screw with Texas...
Wow, Greg Abbott is an absolute piece of shit.

I bet he calls himself a Christian as well.

He also is responsible for this:

The largest school district in Texas announced its libraries will be eliminated and replaced with discipline centers in the new school year.

Houston independent school district announced earlier this summer that librarian and media-specialist positions in 28 schools will be eliminated as part of superintendent Mike Miles’s “new education system” initiative.

Teachers at these schools will soon have the option to send misbehaving students to these discipline centers, or “team centers’” – designated areas where they will continue to learn remotely.

News of the library removals comes after the state announced it would be taking over the district, effective in the 2023-24 school year, due to poor academic performance. Miles was appointed by the Texas Education Agency in June.

In a press release announcing the schools participating in the “new education system” program, Miles said: “I am overwhelmingly proud that this many HISD school leaders are ready to take bold action to improve outcomes for all students and eradicate the persistent achievement and opportunity gaps in our district.”

Lisa Robinson, a librarian retired from the school district, told local news outlet KPRC2 that her “heart is just broken for these children that are in the [NES] schools that are losing their librarians”.

Houston’s mayor, Sylvester Turner, condemned the district’s move and said the solution to the problem of behavioral conduct was not to revoke access to books, especially in these underserved communities.

He said: “Are there students who need additional support? Yes, and I am 100% supportive of that. But it’s not an either/or. You don’t close the libraries, remove the librarians, and simply have the books on the shelf. What about all the other students? What are you saying to them?”

Someone is going to have to help me understand how removing resources and replacing them with "disciplinary centers is going to improve the school. These students are already underserved (and no one will be shocked to hear that these are mostly minority students). One thing that librarians do is to teach information literacy. They teach people how to filter resources and tell good ones from bad, reliable sources from propaganda. Houston is also a major blue dot in a red state. I suppose you can make the case that you're preparing them for life after school by putting them in pre-prison prisons. More fodder for the "school to prison pipeline."
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They haven't quite put the kids back in the mines, but they're sure working on it.
Yeah, I hear they've been busy reducing limitations on child labour and kids are already being injured or dying in workplace accidents. Just like in old-time GREAT America

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