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Mearsheimer on why the US is in trouble

Maybe the One China Policy was a figment of my imagination. That is certainly possible.
I know you have an agenda so I'm not going to try and persuade you, but just know that a vaguely worded 1992 Agreement between the KMT and Beijing doesn't change the reality that Taiwan is de facto independent in every meaningful sense and nobody here is going to be persuaded otherwise.
I know you have an agenda so I'm not going to try and persuade you, but just know that a vaguely worded 1992 Agreement between the KMT and Beijing doesn't change the reality that Taiwan is de facto independent in every meaningful sense and nobody here is going to be persuaded otherwise.
If China tries to take over the world, I will get back to you. Until then ....
AI video summary

00:00:00 - 00:35:00

In this section of the transcript, John Mearsheimer explains the importance of the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog narrative in American foreign policy. He argues that it is essential to provide clarity and direction in foreign policy to overcome the challenges faced by the United States. He also discusses the impact of Russia and China on American foreign policy and global stability.

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  • 00:00:00 In this section, John Mearsheimer argues that the United States is losing focus on its primary threat, which is the rise of China. He suggests that the country's current involvement in the Ukraine war and the conflict between Hamas and Israel is preventing it from pivoting fully to Asia, where it faces the external threat from China. Mearsheimer highlights the unipolar moment, a period from 1989 to 2017 when the United States was the only great power on the planet. However, he notes that this era has since ended, and the world is now a multi-polar system with three great powers: the United States, China, and Russia. He suggests that China is the real threat to the United States and that Russia is the weakest of the three great powers.

Fuck this bollocks of quibbling over who is the big enemy out of Russia, China, Iran or whoever else. The enemy is economic and environmental collapse. In which the Great Big Asymmetric Forever War For Nothing is just one medium-sized factor.
Fuck this bollocks of quibbling over who is the big enemy out of Russia, China, Iran or whoever else. The enemy is economic and environmental collapse. In which the Great Big Asymmetric Forever War For Nothing is just one medium-sized factor.
Agree... Based on that video summary he's just another grand chess game player, ultimately interested in US hegemony
Anyways, back to the OP. :D

Mearsheimer's point of the US getting dragged into another quagmire in the ME is certainly true, and a nightmare for him. Nutteryahoo's wet dream is having a major war with Iran, preferably with the Pentagon firing the bullets. Hopefully the Biden Admin does not want this, but Biden probably doesn't know what day it is and I wouldn't trust Blinken with a tenner.

Mearsheimer's nightmare might not happen as long as the US can contain Israel.
I looked for anything on his position on Hong Kong and found this from 2005, the man doesn't exactly seem like an oracle

But today, the threat of Chinese military domination should worry the West very little ....

... China's success has been grossly over-hyped. China still accounts for only a small proportion of world trade, and even in its region the latest figures show that China is a long way from dominating East Asian trade.

It is probably only a matter of time before the faddish fascination with China switches to booming India. Once it does, it is unlikely ever to switch back...

When it comes to China, time is on Washington's side, and the time should be used to engage China further, not to fear it or aggressively seek to counter it.

I looked for anything on his position on Hong Kong and found this from 2005, the man doesn't exactly seem like an oracle

But today, the threat of Chinese military domination should worry the West very little ....

... China's success has been grossly over-hyped. China still accounts for only a small proportion of world trade, and even in its region the latest figures show that China is a long way from dominating East Asian trade.

It is probably only a matter of time before the faddish fascination with China switches to booming India. Once it does, it is unlikely ever to switch back...

When it comes to China, time is on Washington's side, and the time should be used to engage China further, not to fear it or aggressively seek to counter it.

If you run an empire, every mouse probably looks like a lion. :D
there's analysis for you.

as Biden is doing.
It might take a bit more than Blinken asking China for Iran to behave nicely. Every little helps, I guess, but Blinken looks like a rabbit in the headlights. Would he be prepared for direct talks, or will he just call everyone Hitler as usual?
Well if you held a gun to my head I would stick to the status quo and encourage diplomacy, unlike people like Pelosi
fuck off with your expansionist salami slicing seems reasonably diplomatic to me. Might want to throw in a ferro roche
I looked for anything on his position on Hong Kong and found this from 2005, the man doesn't exactly seem like an oracle

But today, the threat of Chinese military domination should worry the West very little ....

... China's success has been grossly over-hyped. China still accounts for only a small proportion of world trade, and even in its region the latest figures show that China is a long way from dominating East Asian trade.

It is probably only a matter of time before the faddish fascination with China switches to booming India. Once it does, it is unlikely ever to switch back...

When it comes to China, time is on Washington's side, and the time should be used to engage China further, not to fear it or aggressively seek to counter it.

Current projections out of one of the big banks is they look to China to drive 1/3 global growth. 2005 is while ago. We have voters that were born then
It might take a bit more than Blinken asking China for Iran to behave nicely. Every little helps, I guess, but Blinken looks like a rabbit in the headlights. Would he be prepared for direct talks, or will he just call everyone Hitler as usual?
Eisenhower, Bataan and Carter Hall are a bit of a statement
The President is usually in charge of foreign policy. Pelosi is a fucknut. If a Republican went on some retarded trip to Taiwan, causing a big diplomatic debacle, I would say the same. Partisans. :facepalm:
Anyways, I think some posters are not fully aware of Mearsheimer's work, and all this might come across as a bit odd. This is a good lecture: -

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