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Mearsheimer on why the US is in trouble

What conclusion you draw from the fact that the US is the worlds largst miltary power by far and has multiple basis on every continent and a miltary reach unique on the planet is up to the mind of the beholder, but there's no point diminshing the reality of it as some sort of anti-propaganda. Its the way it is.

It does suggest though that the truth is rather inconvenient for the creators of such graphics, if they have to resort to lying by omission and giving false impressions of the data they do have by featuring a little B-52 icon on each location, a deliberate design choice which might give the uninformed an incorrect impression about the actual military presence of the US.

That's not the "the way it is" is it then?
Obviously. That doesn't change the fact that the meme makes up several imaginary US bases.

And that doesn't change the fact that, both historically and in the present, the USA is a far more imperialistic and aggressive nation than China.
And that doesn't change the fact that, both historically and in the present, the USA is a far more imperialistic and aggressive nation than China.
China has attacked all of their neighbours at some point during the Qing Dynasty, which was enormously expansionist. China didn't get so big by accident you know.

China lacks the ability to project force overseas, the US does not. This isn't because China is somehow essentially peace loving.

But they are attempting to change their ability to project force.
Nice graphic. It's missing quite a lot of information, though. Like how many of those bases are joint operations, how big they are, do they even still have US personnel present, and so on. Does it matter to you whether those bases are there with the consent of the local government? Also, those two bases within the Indian Ocean and the one in the middle of Australia are not "surrounding China" by any definition I would consider reasonable. It's a shit recycling of the same old propaganda that gets passed around concerning Iran and Russia.
The basic point this that even if China wanted to take over the world, they cannot, unless the US Empire collapses.
Precisely. Furthermore, unlike the USA, China doesn't do cultural imperialism.
They try to, they are just remarkably bad at it.

The Chinese Communist Party claims all the territories which had been conquered by Qing as well, and then some (the Qing were pretty uninterested in naval territory but the current lot are interesting in claiming SCS).

But that's still not very much territory is it? As compared to what the USA has nicked over the last couple of centuries. Again, I see no contest in the imperialism stakes.
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There are 7 Chinese military outposts in the South China Sea.

In addition there is a Chinese naval base in Cambodia:

There are also bases in Pakistan and Tajikistan and one seemingly in construction in Sri Lanka:

I wonder what a map would look like including these bases and erasing the imaginary US ones.

I think there's also a number of listening posts. I remember reading an account of the establishment of something like that on Vanuatu in the South Pacific. They've certainly made some investments there:

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They try to, they are just remarkably bad at it.

It's not comparable. American culture swept the entire world in the C20th. People from Bolivia to Bangkok watched American films, wore American clothes, listened to American music. Can you imagine Chinese culture achieving a similar influence? I can't (K-pop nonwithstanding).
It does suggest though that the truth is rather inconvenient for the creators of such graphics, if they have to resort to lying by omission and giving false impressions of the data they do have by featuring a little B-52 icon on each location, a deliberate design choice which might give the uninformed an incorrect impression about the actual military presence of the US.

That's not the "the way it is" is it then?
That's fair, yes the image is propaganda in tone.
The role of the US military threat in shaping PRC history does go right back though, even to before the civil war when the US marine Corps occupied cities abandoned by the Japanese to hand them over to the KMT before the Reds got them, leaving aside Korea and Taiwan. Then the perceived necessity of having a military industrial base strong enough to compete with the Cold War powers helped that particular strand of nationalism win out against more properly socialist and internationalist possibilities.
For anybody who's interested, an article has just been published documenting how John Mearsheimer doesn't know what he's talking about re Ukraine. One of the authors summarises the paper here:

Why should anyone pay 25 quid to read this.
I know what K-pop is. My point was that Asian nations can be culturally imperialist.

The difference is that K-pop is interesting and entertaining. Most Chinese propaganda, such as the phenomenon of "white monkeys" tends to be boring.

The only bit of Chinese propaganda I've found interesting is:

It shows something like a fairy princess version of China that isn't anywhere near reality.

I've heard that her channel has been slapped down over the last few months.
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Why should anyone pay 25 quid to read this.

It's free. Maybe it depends which country you are in.

For anybody who's interested, an article has just been published documenting how John Mearsheimer doesn't know what he's talking about re Ukraine. One of the authors summarises the paper here:

Thanks Jeff. The thread reflects my view of Mearsheimer built up over the past couple of years; I'll get onto reading the article in full later.
im not okay with it but i definitley dont think the US should intervene. do you think the US should intervene if China sends in the troops?
It's a tough one. I want US bases off Japanese soil but am also fearful of threats from China and North Korea.

We've seen what horrors have been inflicted upon Hong Kong. Really don't wish to see it spread anywhere else in this region.

Honestly, don't know what the way forward is. Am definitely not going to listen to wumao or PNAC types, though.
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