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Mearsheimer on why the US is in trouble

I think all but five of these have closed in the US. My alma mater had one, but it shut down a couple of years ago. I think this was due to a law restricting US government funding to any university that hosts it. A flurry of closing followed.


Besides academic freedom concerns, there's been accusations of spying and keeping track of Chinese students in the US.
I think all but five of these have closed in the US. My alma mater had one, but it shut down a couple of years ago. I think this was due to a law restricting US government funding to any university that hosts it. A flurry of closing followed.


Besides academic freedom concerns, there's been accusations of spying and keeping track of Chinese students in the US.
I don't know about spying, at least at governmental levels, but it does keep an eye on Chinese overseas students, ever vigilant of n'er-do-wells.

Eta. It's still a thing here in the UK, with partner institute status at quite a few universities. On the surface, it comes across a bit like the British Council and in this way plays a kind of soft power roll. It takes a dim view of negative utterances related to Uyghur, HK, Tibet or Xi as Winnie the Pooh. But then as universities benefit from shitloads of money from Chinese students, then it will continue to be supported by the universities.
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I think all but five of these have closed in the US. My alma mater had one, but it shut down a couple of years ago. I think this was due to a law restricting US government funding to any university that hosts it. A flurry of closing followed.


Besides academic freedom concerns, there's been accusations of spying and keeping track of Chinese students in the US.

It pains me to say so, but I think those accusations were basically correct. The spies were easily caught--one of them actually had an affair with a Congressman iirc. Another example of China's relative naivete in international relations.
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