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The rise of fascism in the US

We all lie, sure, but some of us lie more than others. You're attempting to draw an equivalency where none exists.
Yes. The left lies way more than the right. You are free to lie lie lie lie lie lie lie.

Not for one minute would I want to prevent others from hearing your stupid fucking lies.

Because I'm not a fascist.
So forcing 100,000 people to move just because of who they are isn't a fascist move?
If it isn't in your eyes, StakerOne, a fascist move is making 100,000 people move for who they are acceptable?

Here is a link from that well know lefty newspaper, The Daily Mail. Some 100,000 trans people have moved home over new laws aimed at them

Again a sourced claim that you seem oh so incapable of providing.
Lots of caps, stuff about bankers, cryptoloonery, Biden ‘not democratically elected’, Trump ‘anti-war’.

Like I said, this sort are on rails. You can replicate the thought process on a simple flow chart, YouTube garbage in, garbage out. That’s not freedom. I hope they can find the strength to break these chains.
They weren't though. They were engaged in a coup. People who attempt to overthrow a democratically-elected government should get their shit shut down.

What legitimate business involves forcing one's way into government buildings, resulting in being shot by security?

Exactly what democratic process involves trying to intimidate politicians with threats of violence along with breaking and entering?

Oh, so now they're "assets". I thought they were in DC on legitimate business? Can you get your story straight, please?

Says who? Can you actually provide any reliable quotes from anyone on that claim?

Changing the subject you admitted to being ignorant on. Well it's a move, I guess. A StakerOne specialty.

It's not the US government, the Biden presidency, or the military hierarchy issuing an order though is it? It's a group of citizens exercising their rights to free speech.

We all lie, sure, but some of us lie more than others. You're attempting to draw an equivalency where none exists. For example, CNN haven't been sued by two different voting machine companies for lying about how their products work or how their business operates. Funny that.

Funny, it's not the left who are introducing book banning laws, or repealing the long-standing legal protections that ensure people with uteruses have adequate access to medical care. Your ranting is full of shit.

Why are you so insistent on defending yourself against an accusation I've never made? It's pretty weird, man. Besides, that's a non-sequiter because even fascists can have their limits. But limits on what? That's a key point on which you need to be more specific.

How far what? You keep banging on about this, but it means nothing because you haven't defined the parameters.
And that pretty much demolishes StakerOne 's right wing fake news and fantasies.
Removing guns from the civilian population of the USA is the biggest step you could take towards civilising the place. A civilian, other than in very limited circumstances, does not need to own a firearm.
Only a fascist is arrogant enough to believe the people aren't sovereign.

People that are armed to the teeth are more sovereign than those that aren't.
First I would need to see the reason(s) given for banning the book.

If I haven't read the book, nor been given the reasons for why it was banned, I can't possibly give you an informed opinion one way or the other.
And that pretty much demolishes StakerOne 's right wing fake news and fantasies.
You claim it does. I claim it doesn't.

People on the left claim it was an insurrection, people on the right claim it wasn't.

A few hundred people running riot in a government building was never going to change the balance of power. Don't tell me you was sat on your sofa watching the TV, shitting a brick that some kind of right wing junta was about to be installed by a man dressed up as a viking.

Parliaments get stormed by protestors around the world every year. No one seriously thinks any of it is a serious attempt at mounting a coup.

My point about Jan 6th is that people convicted of storming govt buildings should be sanctioned in the courts and that should be the end of it.

There are many of the left who are willing particpants of fascism if they believe that banks should work with the government to shut down bank accounts without any due process.
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Right. So that's a school board. They voted to do that. As long as they are consitant and they ban any and all books that contain swearing then fine. But that's the business of that school board. If there are double standards, it's for members of the board to call out other members.
Lots of caps, stuff about bankers, cryptoloonery, Biden ‘not democratically elected’, Trump ‘anti-war’.

Like I said, this sort are on rails. You can replicate the thought process on a simple flow chart, YouTube garbage in, garbage out. That’s not freedom. I hope they can find the strength to break these chains.
I'm willing to debate you any of those subjects.

FACT : Because of regulatory reasons, most people need a bank account to get on with their lives.
FACT : People are having their bank accounts shut down on them despite breaking no laws.

If you think it's cool that people should face such sanctions wihout the involvement of due process, such as clear laws and a legal process that goes through the courts, with the state and the banks bypassing democratic processes because it's good for your politics but bad for mine, then I have a word to describe your values - fascism.
StakerOne, so far you have made very right-wing assertions but have totally failed to try and rebut any of the arguments made against your points or give any sources for those your assertions. The only source for any of your claims seems to be what you have invented.
Another proclamation. Qoute me, again and again. I have no idea what to fucking scroll back to and answer if you won't tell me what it is I have missed or swerved. Thanks.
Only a fascist is arrogant enough to believe the people aren't sovereign.

People that are armed to the teeth are more sovereign than those that aren't.

But hey, at least Americans can freely get guns and slaughter each other in the schools, shopping malls and churches, so they've got that "sovereignty". Lucky them!
They weren't though. They were engaged in a coup. People who attempt to overthrow a democratically-elected government should get their shit shut down.

What legitimate business involves forcing one's way into government buildings, resulting in being shot by security?

Exactly what democratic process involves trying to intimidate politicians with threats of violence along with breaking and entering?

Oh, so now they're "assets". I thought they were in DC on legitimate business? Can you get your story straight, please?

Says who? Can you actually provide any reliable quotes from anyone on that claim?

Changing the subject you admitted to being ignorant on. Well it's a move, I guess. A StakerOne specialty.

It's not the US government, the Biden presidency, or the military hierarchy issuing an order though is it? It's a group of citizens exercising their rights to free speech.

We all lie, sure, but some of us lie more than others. You're attempting to draw an equivalency where none exists. For example, CNN haven't been sued by two different voting machine companies for lying about how their products work or how their business operates. Funny that.

Funny, it's not the left who are introducing book banning laws, or repealing the long-standing legal protections that ensure people with uteruses have adequate access to medical care. Your ranting is full of shit.

Why are you so insistent on defending yourself against an accusation I've never made? It's pretty weird, man. Besides, that's a non-sequiter because even fascists can have their limits. But limits on what? That's a key point on which you need to be more specific.

How far what? You keep banging on about this, but it means nothing because you haven't defined the parameters.
With regards 6/1. US Constitution actually thought about this...2nd Amendment....Right to bear arms as part of a well ordered militia accountable to Congress. That rabble in no way considered itself accountable to Congress.
Right. So that's a school board. They voted to do that. As long as they are consitant and they ban any and all books that contain swearing then fine. But that's the business of that school board. If there are double standards, it's for members of the board to call out other members.
God damn you are an arse. They also cited nudity
With regards 6/1. US Constitution actually thought about this...2nd Amendment....Right to bear arms as part of a well ordered militia accountable to Congress. That rabble in no way considered itself accountable to Congress.

The gun-humpers always elide the "well-regulated militia" part of the 2nd Amendment. That's more than enough legal basis for firearms possession and operation to be as closely regulated as that of motor vehicles, if not more because it involves deadly weapons.
The gun-humpers always elide the "well-regulated militia" part of the 2nd Amendment. That's more than enough legal basis for firearms possession and operation to be as closely regulated as that for motor vehicles, if not more because it involves deadly weapons.
'Right to bear arms as part of well ordered militia accountable to Congress' is the wording. As much the ladies and and gentlemen whom wear Kahki for a living pulled back from DC that day, I thought that was very well ordered of them
Another proclamation. Qoute me, again and again. I have no idea what to fucking scroll back to and answer if you won't tell me what it is I have missed or swerved. Thanks.
Do you agree with what is happening in Florida?
Do you agree that the displacement of 100,000 people who have not committed a crime and only due to personal characteristics is a typical fascist move? Whether you think it is or not, do you agree with it?
What are your sources for Left-wing people banning books?
I'm willing to debate you any of those subjects.

FACT : Because of regulatory reasons, most people need a bank account to get on with their lives.
FACT : People are having their bank accounts shut down on them despite breaking no laws.

If you think it's cool that people should face such sanctions wihout the involvement of due process, such as clear laws and a legal process that goes through the courts, with the state and the banks bypassing democratic processes because it's good for your politics but bad for mine, then I have a word to describe your values - fascism.
I imagine this debate will include much use of the Ctrl C and Ctrl V key and copious amount of poorly formatted text, so I’ll pass thanks. Been there, done that, and it’s about as much use as barking at parked cars.
Do you agree with what is happening in Florida?
Do you agree that the displacement of 100,000 people who have not committed a crime and only due to personal characteristics is a typical fascist move? Whether you think it is or not, do you agree with it?
What are your sources for Left-wing people banning books?

It is a totalitarian move
So forcing 100,000 people to move just because of who they are isn't a fascist move?
If it isn't in your eyes, StakerOne, a fascist move is making 100,000 people move for who they are acceptable?

Here is a link from that well know lefty newspaper, The Daily Mail. Some 100,000 trans people have moved home over new laws aimed at them

Again a sourced claim that you seem oh so incapable of providing.
No one is forcing anyone to move.

Adults can still get the drugs. Those safeguards are there to protect them, not persecute them.

Anyway, that's the United States for you, there has always been political arbitrage and that works both ways. There are reasons why people are packing up their bags and leaving blue states for red states.

No one hates trans people, it's totally illogical. Why would anyone hate someone else for trying to live their own life the way they want to?

Never-the-less, I can tell you when I believe the right goes too far. We may disagree on where the needle should fall on the dial, but at least I can tell you how far is too far.

For example, do you think it's right that specialists should have access to the child, diagnose a child, yet the parents are frozen out and possibly lose their kids if they don't agree with what the child wants?

We are talking about an irreversible procedure. Once it's done, it's the parents who have to emotionally support their offsrpring, not the specialists.
Do you agree with what is happening in Florida?

If you could be bothered to read my posts you would know the answer is NO.

I have already explained on this thread WHY that legislation I don't agree with has come about.

It's not come about because the Republicans are evil, hate gays / trans people or anything like that.

It's come about because the schools haven't been listening to parents and it's set everyone off in a moral panic.

So let me repeat myself again.

I do NOT agree with the law in so far that it singles out sexuality and gender studies rather than sex education in general.

It's bad law. Bad law can come about for many reasons but one big reason is that there isn't a proper debate that exposes all the nuances so as to arrive at a truth that everyone can agree on and work with.

Sometimes, yes bad law can come about because some of those pushing it aren't being genuine, but you know what? That would come out if it all wasn't so fucking tribalised.

Had the schools listened to the concerns of parents, the Republicans in Florida wouldn't be legislating bad law.

But hey, no need to listen to me, it's all about political capital, why debate in the search for something that satisfies all sides, when you can just call the Republicans evil cunts?
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