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The rise of fascism in the US

this looks delicious, but won't be. the hammerheads are calling for a govt shutdown, and they'll do it. since it's a vote of the entire House, yesterday at one point Hakeem Jeffries, pelosi's successor as democratic leader, got the most votes for speaker. :D
Isn't the most likely outcome a Speaker who owes the position to the far right? Not sure that is going to end well.
I guess the democrats could end this farce by abstaining eventually (after enough damage has been done to the republicans by the infighting :D )
Well you could dream of nine Republicans (have I got my sums right?) who'd commit political suicide to support Hakeem Jeffries.
aint gonna happen
It wouldn't matter anyway because the first order of business once the house sat would be a simple majority vote to remove him.
Our new governor appointed the former governor to our vacant Senate seat.

Ricketts is a billionaire who bought his way into the governor's mansion and now gotten himself into the Senate with a backroom deal. He's a Trump supporter and has worked to dismantle worker's supports and rights, women rights, etc. He even turned down food bank money and extra unemployment benefits that was earmarked for Nebraska during the worst of the pandemic.
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Maybe she just means that it's okay for one white supremacist to call another white supremacist a white supremacist? Like, ‘How you doing Marjorie, my white supremacist?’ ‘I'm fine thanks, fellow white supremacist Donald, it is indeed a good day to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,’ that sort of thing?
They may give the guy the death penalty, but they’ll do nothing about the easy access to firearms that allowed him to commit this slaughter, or the online madrases where he was radicalised.
They may give the guy the death penalty, but they’ll do nothing about the easy access to firearms that allowed him to commit this slaughter, or the online madrases where he was radicalised.
I don't think tougher gun controls are the answer as the horse has already bolted on that one.

The United States has built their society around their constitution, that includes the right to free speech and the right to free speech.

The problem isn't guns.

The problem isn't nutty websites online.

The problem is the idiot what decided to wipe out the lives of 11 innocent people.

People are free to believe whatever fucked up shite they want and own a whole shite load of guns.

They don't go out killing innocent people.

That evil filth hated Jews.

I don't understand why he used a precision weapon in a synagogue when he could have killed far more with a truck bomb... He is a truck driver after all.
I don't think tougher gun controls are the answer as the horse has already bolted on that one.

Other countries have done it. Restricting the supply of firearms to untrained US civilians wouldn't eliminate shootings entirely, but it would certainly do a hell of a lot more than just shrugging and doing nothing about it.
Other countries have done it. Restricting the supply of firearms to untrained US civilians wouldn't eliminate shootings entirely, but it would certainly do a hell of a lot more than just shrugging and doing nothing about it.
Not possible. US Constitution.

Better trained gun owners would just make them more effective killers if they flip.

Far better and more constructive to look at all the things in society that are sending people mentally ill, rather than simply blaming guns.

Ita cukture as well.

Too many times Ive seen them brand someone who's clearly mentally ill as a "Karen".
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