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The Reform UK Party (latest nigel farage vehicle) is it to be laughed at or not

The Reform UK Party Limited candidate standing in the North West Essex constituency has said he will resign after comments emerged in which he called on people to vote for the British National Party:


Grant St Clair-Armstrong

Reform UK Party Limited candidate to resign over British National Party support
Polling is putting REfuk winning in clacton - but with only a 32% vote share. In the seat with their highest level of support. Whilst its shit seeing this sort of far right shit stirring bollocks gain political traction - it does seem there is a pretty low ceiling on their appeal - probably around 15% . 20% absolute tops. They have basically captured the wingnut vote of the tory party.
The one on the right is the prostate cancer badge.

Yeah. I looked into this git a little bit and he has had prostate cancer himself. I was entirely unsurprised to see that he had a shithead pandemic stance too, full of whining such as "I am surprised that the British population just rolled over and allowed our revolting Government to take away our most very basic freedom, freedom itself" and cheap talk of it all being a big lie and a series of conspiracies by global leaders. He fucked off to Turkey for 14 years too, but unfortunately for us he came back with an increased set of perceived personal injustices to be bitter and twisted about.

I wont be reading more of his past output but it appears that every few sentences we are treated to more of the genius that gave us lines like "our most very basic freedom, freedom itself". For example, in regards the supposed covid conspiracy, "There is so much we don't know about all of this that we could fill volumes. with it. ". Quantifying the unknown unknowns eh, how impressive. But maybe I could indeed fill volumes with all that he doesnt know about that pandemic. Especially if I include lots of spurious full. stops.
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I see today that Reform are launching their 'I can't believe it's not a manifesto' contract with the people.
They'll still support him though. Brexit was a shitshow and very few benefits have come of it, but plenty of Brexiters still insist it was a good idea.
That's what i don't get, Brexit HAS been delivered, we are literally out of the EU. Farage got what he wanted.
He's one of those for whom nothing will ever be enough. He got Brexit, just not the right kind. He got 14 years of Conservative rule, just not enough conservative policy. He's chasing a shadow he'll never catch, maybe because he doesn't want to catch it
That's what i don't get, Brexit HAS been delivered, we are literally out of the EU. Farage got what he wanted.

He's one of those for whom nothing will ever be enough. He got Brexit, just not the right kind.

trouble is, yes, that was the only question on the referendum ballot, and yes, the UK is no longer in the EU.

but what people actually wanted out of leaving wasn't on the paper, and may (depending on what you wanted) not have happened yet - whether that's being outside the EU but having a better trade deal (which was one of the things offered by some leave campaigners), having loads more money for the NHS, having a socialist state free from EU rules where we can nationalise everything, or having 'foreigners' being 'rounded up' and deported the day after the referendum.

it's not for me to say which group of brexit voters farrago is trying to appeal to...
The Reform UK Party Limited candidate standing in the Welwyn Hatfield constituency described Adolf Hitler as “brilliant” and “able to inspire people to action” as part of a pseudoscientific theory that promotes 16 personality types:


(Source: Reform UK Party Limited)

Jack Aaron

Reform UK candidate defends praise of Hitler’s ‘brilliant’ tactics

I think a lot of mainstream historians would agree Hitler was tactically brilliant and inspired a lot of people to action.

The pseudoscientific theories this guy espouses are explicit in how they separate a person’s attributes from their morality. Aside from that, it’s much like the MBTI woo that all manner of companies use as a recruitment and training tool.

The main bit of meaning I’d draw from this article is that the Times is tentatively backing Starmer.

I expect the Sun will show similar signs in the coming days.
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