On that bastion of intellectual thought, Urban 75.
I do take it with a grain of salt. The looney left as represented on this board is a bitter minority. Many don't vote which is sad but good for the rest of us. Not taking up the franchise highlights the ignorance of coming to age university types and assorted clueless lefities roaming around Great Britian these days. But as always a bitter minority.
I was interested how Katrina would play out amongst the radical left. As the tradgedy unfolded there was scant attention paid to the topic. I was surprised to come on here and note no threads when most threads do of course deal with America on the world politics forum. All America all the time.
The constant mantra of the euro lefties is we don't hate the American people, just their government. That is not really the case, at least around here. The Euros on Urban are indifferent to the plight of the American people and also hate the US government. You could just mention the dead once in a while. Mention them just once without all the other stuff on class, race, Bush or Iraq. But that is asking a lot, I know. You could show a little respect for them and yourselves.
No, it doesn't matter until the blame game can start. Or at least when one of the intellectual juggernauts try to work in Iraq, or impeachment. Impeachment for what? Is Bush breaking laws If its always all America all the time at least learn our judicial system.
I'm sure you will all apportion blame to Indian and Bangledesh leaders next time a Sunami strikes.
what a disgrace.
I do take it with a grain of salt. The looney left as represented on this board is a bitter minority. Many don't vote which is sad but good for the rest of us. Not taking up the franchise highlights the ignorance of coming to age university types and assorted clueless lefities roaming around Great Britian these days. But as always a bitter minority.
I was interested how Katrina would play out amongst the radical left. As the tradgedy unfolded there was scant attention paid to the topic. I was surprised to come on here and note no threads when most threads do of course deal with America on the world politics forum. All America all the time.
The constant mantra of the euro lefties is we don't hate the American people, just their government. That is not really the case, at least around here. The Euros on Urban are indifferent to the plight of the American people and also hate the US government. You could just mention the dead once in a while. Mention them just once without all the other stuff on class, race, Bush or Iraq. But that is asking a lot, I know. You could show a little respect for them and yourselves.
No, it doesn't matter until the blame game can start. Or at least when one of the intellectual juggernauts try to work in Iraq, or impeachment. Impeachment for what? Is Bush breaking laws If its always all America all the time at least learn our judicial system.
I'm sure you will all apportion blame to Indian and Bangledesh leaders next time a Sunami strikes.
what a disgrace.