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The Lefts reaction to hurricane Katrina


a secular Republican
On that bastion of intellectual thought, Urban 75.

I do take it with a grain of salt. The looney left as represented on this board is a bitter minority. Many don't vote which is sad but good for the rest of us. Not taking up the franchise highlights the ignorance of coming to age university types and assorted clueless lefities roaming around Great Britian these days. But as always a bitter minority.

I was interested how Katrina would play out amongst the radical left. As the tradgedy unfolded there was scant attention paid to the topic. I was surprised to come on here and note no threads when most threads do of course deal with America on the world politics forum. All America all the time.

The constant mantra of the euro lefties is we don't hate the American people, just their government. That is not really the case, at least around here. The Euros on Urban are indifferent to the plight of the American people and also hate the US government. You could just mention the dead once in a while. Mention them just once without all the other stuff on class, race, Bush or Iraq. But that is asking a lot, I know. You could show a little respect for them and yourselves.

No, it doesn't matter until the blame game can start. Or at least when one of the intellectual juggernauts try to work in Iraq, or impeachment. Impeachment for what? Is Bush breaking laws :p If its always all America all the time at least learn our judicial system.

I'm sure you will all apportion blame to Indian and Bangledesh leaders next time a Sunami strikes.

what a disgrace.
You're a disgrace mate, with your lies. There have been numerous threads on the tragedy. The criticisms of your Government's response has hardly been confined to the left far less the far left. It has been very vocally voiced in the US.

It is you with your hopeless devotion to a failing President who is out of touch. As for not caring for the unfortunate victims, well Bush seems to be at the top of the list.

Get a life.
When I see the people who didn't have credit cards being left to die by inches, what I see is the free market in action.
The bushbots like you can't do anything but smear. The whole world saw how your government left its own people to starve for 5 days. But being the typical bushbot you are you came here to attack us and not your own government that fucked up so spectacularly.

Just grow the fuck up.
A disgrace? The way the US govt failed to react for days. Not blaming the left not blaming the right just having a go at the overpaid fucking useless timeservers.
Not only a bitter minority but one emanating from an area (Europe) which loses prestige and power by the day. We are a superpower and will be after this tradgedy.

Katrina struck on a small part of huge country, one something like 40 times the size of England. That might be hard for some of you to grasp.

China and India are the next players on the world stage.

Europes time has come and gone.

I understand this adds to the frustration and anger.
They privatised the emergency planning source

They left the poor and the elderly and the vulnerable to die in the streets.

This is how free markets solve environmental and social problems is it?
What are you on about?

Thanks for this thread, though. Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to people not to try to engage in discussion with you.

Bernie Gunther said:
They privatised the emergency planning source

They left the poor and the elderly and the vulnerable to die in the streets.

This is how free markets solve environmental and social problems is it?

And command economies do a much better job.
What I've seen on the BBC over the last few days did not look one bit like a superpower. It looked like a corrupt third-world gangster state being exposed for what it is. A state that left poor people to rot and die on the streets for five days.
The driving force behind the disgusted reaction you're seeing from pretty much any part of the world that can get television is that people around the world are sympathetic to those poor sods sitting there abandoned to die by their society. Why the hell do you think we're all so angry about this?
A whole city floods, dams burst and people are on rooftops. In many areas victims can't be reached because its impossible to send mobile vehicles. There are few places to land helicopters. Most countries would have handled the situation much better. It was only a category 5 hurricane.

Thanks for your statements of sorrow. I'm sure the dead appreciate your concern.
mears said:
Are there expressions of sorrow or sympathy from previous posts?
I really don't see any.

Of course there are. I won't be criticised for lacking humanity.
Look to the government you voted for for that.

Your words are no more than the mindless flayings of a decayed political force on its way out and unprepared to tackle reality.
One reality, me old china, is that the US superpower is itself now a spent force, and will be as much a superpower soon as Europe.
I do agree about China.
Where was the anger when the mega Tsunami hit Asia. Did you all hold their leaders to account for not devising an early warning system?
mears said:
Where was the anger when the mega Tsunami hit Asia. Did you all hold their leaders to account for not devising an early warning system?

The problem here seems to be more to do with fucking it up afterwards really doesn't it?
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