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The Khan review on smoking

I'm all for it. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known to man with health impacts that go much further than the individual user. Attempts to paint tobacco use as some sort of free and informed choice are batshit quite frankly.
the nicotine is the least of it, it's the seventy or so carcinogenic substances in the smoke which are worse for the smoker and people nearby. and fag butts leak pollution into the environment, with effects that can be felt far from where the cigarette was smoked Tobacco and the environment
You think social housing tenants should be evicted if they smoke in their own homes?

From the report: "In the USA, smoking is prohibited in all social housing, providing the tenants the same protection from smoke drift enjoyed by private tenants. I am not proposing that for now. But local authorities should have a clear strategy in place to support the reduction of smoking in the home, with specific actions for social housing and vulnerable groups of tenants."

Many of his key recommendations seem sensible enough, including following the New Zealand policy of gradually raising the smoking age.
From the report: "In the USA, smoking is prohibited in all social housing, providing the tenants the same protection from smoke drift enjoyed by private tenants. I am not proposing that for now. But local authorities should have a clear strategy in place to support the reduction of smoking in the home, with specific actions for social housing and vulnerable groups of tenants."

He is though:

”A significant proportion (70% or more) of new tenancies and new developments should be smokefree to reflect the 70% of people in social housing that do not smoke”

There will be smoke free tenancies, if you smoke in one you’ll ultimately get evicted.
The age thing is the most batshit tbh. How many people first take up smoking later in life by going and buying some fags? Meanwhile e.g. forty year olds who don’t want to ask their older friends to buy for them, will simply buy illicitly.
..because it gets pretty batshit:

Christoper Snowdon, a longtime critic of government anti-smoking efforts, is "Head of Lifestyle Economics" at the right-wing Institute of Economic Affairs think-tank.

The IEA has received funding from British American Tobacco (BAT) since 1963. Until May 2021, BAT described itself as an IEA member in the EU Transparency Register.3132

The IEA has received annual donations from BAT. It refused to disclose the amount in 2019.33. In 2018 the donation amounted to £40,000.34 The yearly amount has increased from £10,000 in 2011 to £20,000 in 2012 and £40,000 since 2013.

Christoper Snowdon, a longtime critic of government anti-smoking efforts, is "Head of Lifestyle Economics" at the right-wing Institute of Economic Affairs think-tank.

The IEA has received funding from British American Tobacco (BAT) since 1963. Until May 2021, BAT described itself as an IEA member in the EU Transparency Register.3132

The IEA has received annual donations from BAT. It refused to disclose the amount in 2019.33. In 2018 the donation amounted to £40,000.34 The yearly amount has increased from £10,000 in 2011 to £20,000 in 2012 and £40,000 since 2013.

Whatever, replace his tweets with the relevant text from the report if you want.
That seems the most sensible part. Prevent people from starting smoking.

There's no proposal for doing that.

Sure there's a proposal to raise the age at which you can legally buy tobacco from shops, but the average age for starting smoking is around 13.
He's cherry-picking and misrepresenting the parts of the report that could be seen as the most extreme and using them to paint the entire report as batshit crazy because he's a tobacco company stooge and that's what he's paid to do.

If the report didn't have extreme parts then he wouldn't have any ammo would he?
There's no proposal for doing that.

Sure there's a proposal to raise the age at which you can legally buy tobacco from shops, but the average age for starting smoking is around 13.

So you don't think seeing people on TV smoking and seeing adults smoking has any effect on children's behaviour.

Keep on trying to pick holes in the proposals if you want. What ideas do you have to reduce smoking?
Thankfully the government seem minded to ignore this:

..because it gets pretty batshit:

I've never seen a bigger rimmer of tobacco and sugar companies than Snowdon. He gets his tongue right in there at every given opportunity. He was in some weird anti-lockdown group too.
Some good ideas in the proposals, I think. Reducing smoking has got to be a good thing, surely?

When smoking was banned in pubs back in 2007, that was considered outrageous and radical. Now, most people agree that it was a good thing.
People smoking on TV and in films doesn't just make it more socially acceptable, it also has an affect on smokers that are giving up or have given up recently. I once had an attempt at giving up ruined two weeks in after watching some shit film with everyone chain smoking. It did my head in so much I crept out of the house at 2am to buy fags.
Some good ideas in the proposals, I think. Reducing smoking has got to be a good thing, surely?

When smoking was banned in pubs back in 2007, that was considered outrageous and radical. Now, most people agree that it was a good thing.

Some people seem more concerned about infringement of people's right to smoke than with stopping smoking.
People smoking on TV and in films doesn't just make it more socially acceptable, it also has an affect on smokers that are giving up or have given up recently. I once had an attempt at giving up ruined two weeks in after watching some shit film with everyone chain smoking. It did my head in so much I crept out of the house at 2am to buy fags.
Indeed, tobacco companies have actually consulted with film producers in the past on how best to present smoking in it. I wouldn't be surprised if it still goes on in some way.
He is though:

”A significant proportion (70% or more) of new tenancies and new developments should be smokefree to reflect the 70% of people in social housing that do not smoke”

There will be smoke free tenancies, if you smoke in one you’ll ultimately get evicted.

as best as I recall, every flateshare I ever had a private rental in had a non smoking clause in the lease.
in theory I could've gotten some flatmates evicted if I'd grassed on them to the landlords.
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