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Sunak wants to phase out legal smoking

Is smoking already banned in workplaces in tbe UK?

I ask..because its been banned for a long time here in Ireland.
I think it was a great idea. I remember my aunt worked in a pub and she was not a smoker but for tears breathed in second hand smoke from smokers. Constant smoke. Bars cinemas and restaurants were awful in terms of smoke. The non smoking areas were a ridiculous idea as the smoke travelled around the room and you would end up breathing it in.

Anything that stops people having to breathe in second hand smoke is a good idea.

Also..anything stopping young kids buyjng cigarettes is a good idea. Over here all cigarettes are hidden from view in shops. You have to ask to buy.
I stopped smoking (40 a day) 12 years ago. That said, I'm still on nicotine chewing gum, lozenges and spray, otherwise I'd completely lose my shit and probably go back to smoking. But... the cost of all these is restrictive. The spray is over £20 a pop and doesn't last long. If they wanted to stop people smoking/vaping, they'd put money into making these stop smoking aids more affordable (even free) instead of more punative and divisive legislation.
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Sensible policy has to take the status quo into account, so even if a unified approach to addictive harms were feasible, progress towards it would happen at varied speeds.

And it’s not clear that there is consensus on what we would count as narcotics. Should chocolate be in scope? Coffee? If not, why not?
This is true, but wherever that line is drawn, it’s hard to see why it would be drawn on its current side of a narcotic that is associated with massively harmful outcomes related to every health metric imaginable, while offering zero to the user other than serious addiction.
Is smoking already banned in workplaces in tbe UK?

I ask..because its been banned for a long time here in Ireland.
I think it was a great idea. I remember my aunt worked in a pub and she was not a smoker but for tears breathed in second hand smoke from smokers. Constant smoke. Bars cinemas and restaurants were awful in terms of smoke. The non smoking areas were a ridiculous idea as the smoke travelled around the room and you would end up breathing it in.

Anything that stops people having to breathe in second hand smoke is a good idea.

Also..anything stopping young kids buyjng cigarettes is a good idea. Over here all cigarettes are hidden from view in shops. You have to ask to buy.
I've been down on the South coast staying with a poster here who smokes. On the way home, just for a minute, I thought 'I'd like a cigarette'. I stopped in 2017.
I think you have to go back to 2013 and the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act. And that was a sop to the LDs to buy their support for various barbarities.
that was a free vote, not whipped. something you can give credit to Cameron if you like, he really did believe in it, but was specifically not a party matter.
especially when more conservative MPs voted against than for. it replied on the Lib Dem and Labour votes to pass.

at the weekend I went to visit an ex-smoker friend in hospital. he's just had half a lung removed for cancer.
smoking really sucks. I didn't think to ask what he thought about this proposed ban. if it would've stopped him if in place decades ago.
that was a free vote, not whipped. something you can give credit to Cameron if you like, he really did believe in it, but was specifically not a party matter.
especially when more conservative MPs voted against than for. it replied on the Lib Dem and Labour votes to pass.

at the weekend I went to visit an ex-smoker friend in hospital. he's just had half a lung removed for cancer.
smoking really sucks. I didn't think to ask what he thought about this proposed ban. if it would've stopped him if in place decades ago.

Today’s vote is free too, I think.
I started work during the crossover period where there were smoking spaces in the workplace but it wasn't allowed outside the designated areas. Fairly grim as I recall. Gone by my 20s, it was strictly outside after that
I've been down on the South coast staying with a poster here who smokes. On the way home, just for a minute, I thought 'I'd like a cigarette'. I stopped in 2017.

Part of me would quite like some of the vape stuff a bit more hidden. It's pretty recent memory and I went through hell and yet when I see them a small part of me thinks it would be nice. Even the nicotine mints and stuff I keep finding round the place and chucking out cause me a moments thought. It's silly really.
I must say, I'm a bit surprised to see the level of support for prohibition here on urban, and not even simple prohibition but something that only prohibits smoking to a section of the population. Yes, smoking is bad and yes there needs to be encouragement to help people to stop - and to some degree this is quite successful with the number of smokers now lower than ever. But we all know where prohibition leads to.
Interesting cross section between people that support this measure and those that take an anti-trade unions/striking line.

Not 1-to-1 by any means but some overlap

EDIT: Or rather I should have said interesting cross section between people take an anti-trade unions/striking line and that support this measure
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Forgive my ignorance, but how will this work in terms of the rolling age ban? If I've got it right - and the policy continues - at some point it will be legal to sell to, say, a 45 year old but not a 44 year old. Does that mean that anyone wanting to carry on smoking will not only need ID, but also proof of age?

Edit: to answer my own question, I've just been skenning at my driving licence to see if date of birth is on there. But too lazy to go and find my reading specs.:oops:
Forgive my ignorance, but how will this work in terms of the rolling age ban? If I've got it right - and the policy continues - at some point it will be legal to sell to, say, a 45 year old but not a 44 year old. Does that mean that anyone wanting to carry on smoking will not only need ID, but also proof of age?

Edit: to answer my own question, I've just been skenning at my driving licence to see if date of birth is on there. But too lazy to go and find my reading specs.:oops:
It's part of your driver number. YMMDDY
Is smoking already banned in workplaces in tbe UK?

I ask..because its been banned for a long time here in Ireland.
I think it was a great idea. I remember my aunt worked in a pub and she was not a smoker but for tears breathed in second hand smoke from smokers. Constant smoke. Bars cinemas and restaurants were awful in terms of smoke. The non smoking areas were a ridiculous idea as the smoke travelled around the room and you would end up breathing it in.

Anything that stops people having to breathe in second hand smoke is a good idea.

Also..anything stopping young kids buyjng cigarettes is a good idea. Over here all cigarettes are hidden from view in shops. You have to ask to buy.

Third hand /tertiary smoke is also problematic.

So if a child is in the room where there has been smoking, even if no one is smoking at the time, there is a risk to health. Adults can also be affected by third hand smoke.

Right to smoke Vs right to have one’s choice to be a non-smoker protected
Ta. Well, I wonder if 'couldn't find me specs' will be a valid defence for newsagents who get prosecuted?
If you have a photo card it's also one of the fields and of course if you don't have a photocard a) your old enough that it won't have any impact and b) if someone does ask for ID they probably won't accept just a paper licence
Part of me would quite like some of the vape stuff a bit more hidden. It's pretty recent memory and I went through hell and yet when I see them a small part of me thinks it would be nice. Even the nicotine mints and stuff I keep finding round the place and chucking out cause me a moments thought. It's silly really.
Nicotine is a fierce addiction.
Interesting cross section between people that support this measure and those that take an anti-trade unions/striking line.

Not 1-to-1 by any means but some overlap

EDIT: Or rather I should have said interesting cross section between people take an anti-trade unions/striking line and that support this measure
I was thinking about the people who support the school in London that has banned prayer. If it was Christians being banned from praying they would be losing their shit.
Tell me about it. 12 years without a ciggy but still need to feed the addiction with nicotine substitutes. Oh, and I put three stone on and ended up with type 2 diabetes after giving up the fags :mad:

Yeah they're a fucker. Keep you hooked and cost plenty. I've finally got those and vapes with Cytisine.
I am a total psycho ex-smoker, can't even be near a smoker and never have a positive thought about wanting a fag. But sometimes I get a gnawing feeling in my chest demanding to be fed. Easily dismissed after over seven years but definitely still there.

The wanting to eat all the food stops though right? Right? :hmm:
I stopped smoking (40 a day) 12 years ago. That said, I'm still on nicotine chewing gum, lozenges and spray, otherwise I'd completely lose my shit and probably go back to smoking. But... the cost of all these is restrictive. The spray is over £20 a pop and doesn't last long. If they wanted to stop people smoking/vaping, they'd put money into making these stop smoking aids more affordable (even free) instead of more punative and divisive legislation.
NRT is available on prescription
Forgive my ignorance, but how will this work in terms of the rolling age ban? If I've got it right - and the policy continues - at some point it will be legal to sell to, say, a 45 year old but not a 44 year old. Does that mean that anyone wanting to carry on smoking will not only need ID, but also proof of age?

Edit: to answer my own question, I've just been skenning at my driving licence to see if date of birth is on there. But too lazy to go and find my reading specs.:oops:
yes much the same as any other age restricted product and also as seen with any other restricted product although DoB not checked
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