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Sunak wants to phase out legal smoking

yes much the same as any other age restricted product and also as seen with any other restricted product although DoB not checked
Just seems weird, theoretically, a pensioner being refused a purchase on age grounds circa 2084. Though , tbh, I suspect the world will have bigger problems by then and this will anyway have long since been abandoned.
although having said that, driving licences do show date of birth anyway - item 3

Just seems weird, theoretically, a pensioner being refused a purchase on age grounds circa 2084. Though , tbh, I suspect the world will have bigger problems by then and this will anyway have long since been abandoned.
Or teenagers asking pensioners to buy them fags. :hmm:
Just seems weird, theoretically, a pensioner being refused a purchase on age grounds circa 2084. Though , tbh, I suspect the world will have bigger problems by then and this will anyway have long since been abandoned.
abandoned or go the other way. once only a very small proportion of the adult population ever (legally) buy tobacco at all it'll be easier to tip that over into a total ban.
I noticed on the news they said how much it costs the NHS to treat smoking related diseases but didn't say how much tax on tobacco raised. Last I saw tax raised more than treatment cost.

It would be interesting to see how treating alcohol, including policing, costs versus tax compares. Not that any government would dare impose such a ban on alcohol. :eek:
With climate change, suppose people will be able to grow tobacco in their back gardens.

Very cheap and easy to grow already. plus, once you get started, the seeds regenerate themselves fully with each crop. ;)

The only current restriction is that you can't sell it - duty is payable if you do. it can be traded/exchanged by grower clubs as long as no money changes hands.

And tobacco cutters aren't at all expensive.

Its the curing that needs to be got right if you don't want to get something that you need leather lungs to smoke!

The prohibition on selling fag papers might be more of a challenge to get around but there will undoubtedly be a way.

I would imagine the tobacco companies will be mounting years worth of legal reviews/challenges and yes, I am concerned this might be a gateway to a lot more restrictive/controlling legislation on other aspects of our health/lifestyle.
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yes, I am concerned this might be a gateway to a lot more restrictive/controlling legislation on other aspects of our health/lifestyle.

I have slight concerns on this front.

I don't smoke, so not personally that bothered, but can't help thinking it will just mean more opportunities for dodgy imports / sales - that won't generate tax, and won't meet whatever regulations there are now for whatever sorts of toxic crap can / can't legally be included in fags.

although as someone else has said, it's odd that the politicians who are lining up behind the freedom of capitalists to sell toxic crap to people / the freedom of the individual to smoke don't seem to be the most enthusiastic about individual freedoms when it comes to those individuals taking part in protest, strikes and so on...
Assume that, if a ban on tobacco smoking goes through, it will be virtually impossible to de-criminalise cannabis?
The proposed legislation bans the sale of tobacco products, and that includes cigarette papers. This could end up being the Tories ensuring that future parliaments can't relax the rules on cannabis without reversing the wider tobacco ban.
The proposed legislation bans the sale of tobacco products, and that includes cigarette papers. This could end up being the Tories ensuring that future parliaments can't relax the rules on cannabis without reversing the wider tobacco ban.
You can amend old laws as easily as making new ones.
Another approach would be to introduce THC legalisation through the healthier edible and vape delivery methods rather than smoking.
The proposed legislation bans the sale of tobacco products, and that includes cigarette papers. This could end up being the Tories ensuring that future parliaments can't relax the rules on cannabis without reversing the wider tobacco ban.
Rizla brand sticky notes, cheaper than postits. Just rebrand them and write not for human consumption innit.
The proposed legislation bans the sale of tobacco products, and that includes cigarette papers. This could end up being the Tories ensuring that future parliaments can't relax the rules on cannabis without reversing the wider tobacco ban.
Yes, unless arguing exclusively for the legalisation of edibles, any campaign for legalisation now faces another hurdle as, de facto, they'd also be campaigning to reverse Sunak's ban.
Yes, unless arguing exclusively for the legalisation of edibles, any campaign for legalisation now faces another hurdle as, de facto, they'd also be campaigning to reverse Sunak's ban.

Not for legislation of possession. Or even of possession with intent to supply. Only direct retail sales of cannabis in smokable form to persons born after 2009 would be affected, de facto, and as there wouldn’t yet be a retail market in place, it would hardly matter.
even 100 years later the spectre of USA's prohibition era failure looms large
Yeh I had a similar discussion on reddit, banning booze is basically impossible on a practical level. Would need to ban yeast and sugar/fruit juice/fruit/grains/potatoes whatever.
Not for legislation of possession. Or even of possession with intent to supply. Only direct retail sales of cannabis in smokable form to persons born after 2009 would be affected, de facto, and as there wouldn’t yet be a retail market in place, it would hardly matter.
Yes, fair points.
Assuming that an authoritarian New New Labour administration would never go for legalisation, we'd probably be looking at a decade's time at least, by which time the born after 2009 cut-off would affect all under 25s. That must a sizeable chunk of the potential, legalised weed market? Even if legalisation permitted these under 25s to buy weed, Sunak's law determines that purchase of fag papers would be illegal.
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