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The Real Whittingdale Scandal: Cover up by the Press

^This is interesting and deserves a wider audience than it will get - the mainstream media sure ain't gonna touch it. Probably deserves a thread of it's own but I'll leave it here in the hope that it fits into a wider narrative of this government of shits unravelling.
Some folk with pretty big followings on twitter have been doing their bit to publicise this story, notably Jukes & Natalie Rowe.
Jukes picks way too many fights with mainstream journalists these days on twitter. Rightly or wrongly I think whatever credibility he had with them in the past he has firmly burnt his bridges now.
Jukes picks way too many fights with mainstream journalists these days on twitter. Rightly or wrongly I think whatever credibility he had with them in the past he has firmly burnt his bridges now.
Maybe, but you can't help feeling sorry for Byline about the timing of their scoop. Under normal circumstances they'd have probably been able to get the story some traction, but as it is...very second division.
Maybe, but you can't help feeling sorry for Byline about the timing of their scoop. Under normal circumstances they'd have probably been able to get the story some traction, but as it is...very second division.
Oh yeah totally. I have a lot of sympathy with what they are all trying to do with the court reporting etc

If Whittingdale had any other job in govt it would definitely be news.
Well yes regardless as to whether you are pro leave or stay it's disgusting that they've decided to spend £9 million of our dosh on pro-EU leaflets.

Attn : Joanna George
The Conservative Party Foundation
30 Millbank
I just got one of those leaflets through the door today, very glossy and official looking. Got official remain stuff through the other day too, nothing from either leave campaign.
How is that even a story? Meanwhile 17 schools in Edinburgh closing for safety reasons is yet to be reported by any of the Nationals. (presumably less newsworthy than working out how to talk about Elton John's sex life :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:)
totally agree, the Edinburgh schools closures should be major news, but aren't because ....Scotland. It should be treated as a major flaw of the PFI process, and I'm surprised the Tories haven't been using it to deflect from their problems since it all happened under Blair/Brown.
totally agree, the Edinburgh schools closures should be major news, but aren't because ....Scotland. It should be treated as a major flaw of the PFI process, and I'm surprised the Tories haven't been using it to deflect from their problems since it all happened under Blair/Brown.

The SNP are pretty keen on PFI too
I just got one of those leaflets through the door today, very glossy and official looking. Got official remain stuff through the other day too, nothing from either leave campaign.

Got this one from 'Leave' through the door the other day...


Read "Fact" no. 1
'The UK joined the European Union in 1973.'

Jokers couldn't even get that right -------> recycle bin.
The whole referendum campaign is so awful, I want to not vote but in a more forceful way than just drawing a dick on the ballot paper. I would like to set the ballot on fire or something instead.
A new low in the nasty, internecine hyperbole?
David Cameron is overseeing "spiv Robert Mugabe antics" in the campaign to keep Britain in the European Union, according to a former vice-chairman of the Conservative Party.

In an extraordinary attack on the government’s decision to spend £9.3 million of taxpayers’ money on a glossy 16-page booklet setting out the case to stay in the EU, Tory MP Nigel Evans likened Downing Street’s campaign to the African dictator’s continued attempt to cling to power.

Kinnel! :D
Well done to Roy Greenslade, at least now people who want to point to laughably inept defences will have a convincing example to cite.
Perfect moment for the Whittingdale story to get into the mainstream media: takes the heat off dodgy dave and discredits a leading Brexit campaigner.

Dodgy Dave, Whiplash John....who's next?
a bit of shit misdirection methinks
What, whittingdale? Who's misdirecting?

This has been bubbling under for weeks, the reason it's gone over the top today is because of the second byline article with a lot more detail that's been all over the internet today to the point where it cant be batted away anymore.

A news story that exposes corruption in government and collusion with the gutter press is a pretty mental distraction method. Not one at all in fact, although I'm sure any potential for distraction it provides will be seized.
Perfect moment for the Whittingdale story to get into the mainstream media: takes the heat off dodgy dave and discredits a leading Brexit campaigner.

Dodgy Dave, Whiplash John....who's next?
Byline, lead to Press Gazette, lead to statement by Whittingdale lead to mainstream.....
Whittingdale's statement has a whiff of the Norman Fry about it.
I suppose he was going for the chop anyway, post 23rd June.
I tend to agree with the gutter press on the Whittingdale thing - it's just not that newsworthy. It's as though just because a Tory is involved people think that any way to get at them is totally ok... :confused:

It's not as though the Tories don't manage to thoroughly cover themselves in a thick layer of fail anyway.
What, whittingdale? Who's misdirecting?

This has been bubbling under for weeks, the reason it's gone over the top today is because of the second byline article with a lot more detail that's been all over the internet today to the point where it cant be batted away anymore.

A news story that exposes corruption in government and collusion with the gutter press is a pretty mental distraction method. Not one at all in fact, although I'm sure any potential for distraction it provides will be seized.
ah ok it was the first id heard of it, just thought the timing was pretty rum :)
I know he's at the far end of the swivel-eyed/nutjob continuum...but this sort of open defiance of a 'non-EU' policy is quite remarkable.

(will also post in Academies thread)
I tend to agree with the gutter press on the Whittingdale thing - it's just not that newsworthy. It's as though just because a Tory is involved people think that any way to get at them is totally ok... :confused:

It's not as though the Tories don't manage to thoroughly cover themselves in a thick layer of fail anyway.
It's not really the relationship with a dom that's the problem, but more the reasons why the story hasn't been reported. The Real Whittingdale Scandal: Cover up by the Press
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