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The children of Windrush

This article (from last Wednesday's Guardian) by Amelia Gentleman succeeded in increasing my contmpt for the Home Office even further, as if that was possible :mad:
Guardian said:
The Windrush generation deserves justice – not video chats with the home secretary

The timing of Priti Patel's 'offer to talk' was transparent! :hmm:

And one aspect I never knew about was this :

Amelia Gentleman said:
The hostile environment policies introduced new levels of spite into society; the government set up the National Allegations Database, designed to make it easier for people to make tip-offs about immigration offenders to the Home Office.

"National Allegations Database"? What the actual fuck? :mad: :mad:
Might as well have called it the 'anonymous racists -- feel free shop your neighbours with nonsense gossip you've heard in the street/down the pub' database :rolleyed:
Happy National Windrush Day!

Windrush: 'Grave risk' of scandal repeat, warns review author

Windrush lawyer Jacqueline McKenzie: 'The Home Office is treating people with contempt'


Here's yet another dreadful story :mad: :
[Very belated ETA to add link to this story :oops: ]
Guardian said:
'I feel targeted': Windrush victim decries compensation delays as racism
Former soldier of 13 years’ service left destitute and humiliated by Home Office policy
Interview said:
“I gave the youngest part of my life to the Queen and country, and I’ve been treated like a piece of crap by the government and the Ministry of Defence. The worst thing is when politicians say they are sorry, and they understand what we went through. They don’t understand. They’ve weakened that word, sorry,” he said. “I was so broke that I didn’t buy a bed for this flat until last year. I still don’t have carpets or curtains because I can’t afford them, and I don’t use the heating. I had to sell my computer and my bike. It was really humiliating.”
Williams had never had a British passport. He travelled during his army service in Cyprus, Germany and Belize on a Jamaican passport which he had lost some years earlier ....
.... “They [his then employer] asked me to leave the premises and wouldn’t pay me for the month of work. That was a kick in the nuts,” he said.
When he tried to sort things out with the jobcentre, he was told that “as far as they were concerned, I was a person from another country. They decided I had no right to benefits.” He had a small army pension of £120 a month, but for the first year until he got some support from the council he struggled to juggle council tax, rent and utility bills. He received a series of eviction notices.
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Patel had now agreed to implement the recommendations of the Wendy Williams report in full.
Yeah right. I won't hold my breath..
And still the disgraceful hostile environment causing problems for both children of Windrush and anybody else :mad:

Windrush lawyer Jacqueline McKenzie: 'The Home Office is treating people with contempt'

That Clayton Barnes is still not a citizen shows the ongoing cruelty of ‘hostile environment’

Windrush: at least five who applied for compensation die before receiving it

London-born twins face deportation to different countries

Worth checking BBC Two - The Secret Windrush Files that was broadcast a few weeks ago now. Explores that the groundwork for a 'hostile environment' goes back way further than just May - back to concerns starting at Atlee's government, through Churchill, MacMillan, Heath, to the present day.
The questions that the Windrush report must answer


I'm sure we can't wait to hear her answers.

This seems to be her answer:

"The Home Office has failed to make adequate progress in reviewing its hostile environment policies and must swiftly prove that it is not merely paying “lip service” to the idea of reform, the author of a damning report into the Windrush scandal has told MPs ..."

Windrush report author attacks Home Office's response


"At least nine people have died before receiving money applied for through the Windrush compensation scheme, according to Home Office figures ..."

Windrush: At least nine victims died before getting compensation


"I am driving change to implement the important findings of the Lessons Learned review to make sure nothing like this can happen again.

The action I have taken will ensure cultural change at the department, leading to more diverse leadership.

I want the Windrush generation to have no doubt that I will reform the culture of the department so it better represents all of the communities we serve."

(Source: Government public relations statement "Priti Patel takes action to implement Windrush recommendations", 21 July 2020
Must be terrifying. What kind of scale are we seeing with these deportations? Can't even see what benefit it is to anybody. Inhumane, bureaucratic meanness it looks like. We are talking people who have been settled here in the UK for years and have paid taxes, worked and even have families and children here? Just put on a plane and made to go? Madness. Shameful.

'We' are still fucked if the Tories are allowed to move socially rightwards. We are seeing lifelong British citizens being deported on bureaucratic technicalities. People with no other home to go to. Come on; if you've lived in Britain since
you are a child you clearly belong here. The technicality which sees allies, heroes and our own people disregarded is shameful and embarrasing, As well as terribly traumatic for those affected.
The questions that the Windrush report must answer


I'm sure we can't wait to hear her answers.

"When the Home Office launched the scheme in April 2019, it estimated it might pay out compensation worth between £120 million and £310 million to 15,000 people ...

To the end of March 2021, the Home Office had paid £14.3 million to 633 people."

(Source: "Investigation into the Windrush Compensation Scheme", National Audit Office, today)

This seems to be her answer:

Windrush report author attacks Home Office's response


Windrush: At least nine victims died before getting compensation


"I am driving change to implement the important findings of the Lessons Learned review to make sure nothing like this can happen again.

The action I have taken will ensure cultural change at the department, leading to more diverse leadership.

I want the Windrush generation to have no doubt that I will reform the culture of the department so it better represents all of the communities we serve."

(Source: Government public relations statement "Priti Patel takes action to implement Windrush recommendations", 21 July 2020

Meanwhile ...

Windrush activists ‘disgusted’ after being turned away at Tory conference
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