First intersubjective, then internalised
When asked "should there be more or less immigration?", 83% in a recent poll said "less". But when asked "how much are you willing to see your personal pay reduce to have less immigration?", the overwhelming majority say "nothing".A lot of people voted leave because they were fed up of being ignored by elitists who think they know better, so our solution? Find a way to redefine what leaving the E.U means so that we don't actually have to leave the E.U, but in a way so that the plebs won't realise.
Don't you get it? Doesn't anyone get it? People see condescending shit like this on their FB timeline or hear it from friends & wait till the privacy of the ballot box to say 'fuck you', & then don't tell the pollsters or their mates what they did because it's more fun to watch everyone scratch their head after the result.
So people's attitudes are a lot more nuanced than "out, whatever the cost".