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The American mass shooting thread

The shooter's younger brother is being held, according to a radio report.

This brings up another question. What do you do with someone who participates in this?
Same as Brevik in Norway. Trial. He'll plead insanity. Hopefully it'll be overruled and they'll put him in jail to rot.
I wonder how long it will be before those scumbags at the NRA hold this up as a perverted reason why more people should carry guns 'to stop this kind of thing happening again'.
you'll have to wait:

"An NRA public affairs spokeswoman, in response to a question about the Connecticut shooting, said: “Until the facts are thoroughly known, the NRA will not be making any comment.”
I meant after due process. What do you do with someone who's done something like this? It seems that the best you can do is make sure they don't hurt anyone else, because there's certainly no way to punish it.
after due process you release them. if their sentence is not death or life without parole that is.
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