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The American mass shooting thread

dear bbc.co.uk/news no I do not want to look at 'In pictures: Mass shooting at school in Connecticut', because what pics could you have that don't include dead, scared or mourning people and looking at pictures of freaked out kids is a bit weird isn't it??
The world is insane. This comment is from the MSN link I posted earlier:

And you still cant figure out why these people are attacking kids? Who does it benefit? If your upset with the country or its direction why wouldn't you attack the law makers or the agencies of govt.?

The real purpose of these attacks is to move the country to gun confiscation. If you took a car and rammed through a fence during recess you'd end up killing more children than with a gun.

Yes cars are not made for killing people but they do kill over 30,000 every year.

Dont give in. Demand that the government hold hearings on the CIA's manchurian candidate programs that have been in existence since the 50s. Sirhan Sirhan was one of these CIA brain washed people. Ive seen a video of the CIA psychiatrist that did Sirhan's brainwashing. He admitted to everything. Within a couple of weeks of making this video he was killed. Tell the gov. that you want them to account for every single CIA agent, handler, psychiatrist, and contracted individual. IF you do that you will find the people that are behind this.

You would think. I suppose if they returned the kids to their parents, one of them might be willing to pimp out the kid for their 15 minutes of fame.

speaking of which, I just saw a mother and her young daughter being interviewed. the mother is very calmly going on and on about "You just never know what could happen. It could be a perfectly normal day, etc, etc"* In Front of Her Kid! :facepalm: Wtf!?!? why would you do that?

*it was worse than that actually. I didn't describe it well...it was generally her giving the impression that any day she brings her kid to school something terrible might happen like this. again, wtf?
dear bbc.co.uk/news no I do not want to look at 'In pictures: Mass shooting at school in Connecticut', because what pics could you have that don't include dead, scared or mourning people and looking at pictures of freaked out kids is a bit weird isn't it??

Looking at the pictures would probably be less ghoulish than speculating wildly about the shooter's background and motives, digging up his social media accounts, or trawling through other message boards to find the most extreme reactions.
The shooter's younger brother is being held, according to a radio report.

This brings up another question. What do you do with someone who participates in this?
Looking at the pictures would probably be less ghoulish than speculating wildly about the shooter's background and motives, digging up his social media accounts, or trawling through other message boards to find the most extreme reactions.


I haven't done any of those things.
You know for a fact fuck all will come out of this latest tragedy,Obama will spout a few mealy mouthed plattitues and that will be that....until the next mass shooting where Obama will spout etc.....
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