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The 2023 Russian Coup.

I don't really see Wagner being able to defend Rostov from the incoming attack from the Chechens, secure Voronezh and make a move on Moscow all in one day, to be honest.

I mean, this is going to be a fatal blow to the Russian campaign in Ukraine either way -- because losing Wagner is not something they can really recover from, especially as the Ukraine counteroffensive gets going... but yeah I'm not really seeing Putin being defenestrated just yet
I also have nothing to say, but I'm not going to let that stop me.

Yes, unlike you I am cognisant of my own ignorance, so I started the because I want to get the insight from those who actually know something I also thought it made sense for an event of this potential magnitude should be explored separately from the war in Ukraine.

It would be excellent if you and the armchair generals kept stumn, but I don't have high hopes.
So will the Russian army at Rostov roll over or fight Kadyrov's lot? They apparently let Wagner walk in. Does that indicate they don't want a fight or that they're actually with Wagner?
Yeh saw a video of them just driving around the roadblocks and soldiers just stood there and watched them go
So will the Russian army at Rostov roll over or fight Kadyrov's lot? They apparently let Wagner walk in. Does that indicate they don't want a fight or that they're actually with Wagner?

It might well have been OMON or something rather than regular army. If so they'd not be equipped to resist a tank column whether they wanted to or not. If it was me I'd chuck my uniform in a bin and walk off in the opposite direction, whistling a merry tune as I went.
National guard are setting up machine gun nests on roads into Moscow and bringing in trucks of sand to make roadblocks.

Wagner laying mines on the road into Rostov from the South (from which direction the Chechens would presumably arrive)

I for one am glad we can all put that stupid submarine behind us once and for all.
speaking Yorkshire well it new one thrown my way
think it might be from me post from my phone more instead of a keyboard.

android spell check is terrible

will try to do better just for you steps :)
I merely wish to encourage you in your ambitions 👍
Ukrainian news is reporting that the Russians are mining bridges leading to Moscow.

Also that Wagner is breaking open prisons in Rostov and arming the inmates.

Take with the standard issue 'enemy propaganda' pinch of salt obviously.
Is this on the spot reporting by Ukrainian news reporters actually in Russia or just part of the world wide audience reading social media channels reposting and translating other stuff from many more smaller social media channels reposting stuff from a small myriad of people like Igor who is in his room trying to boost his followers to 25?

Not a crticism of you however I’d hazard a guess at this is how it works .
I don't really see Wagner being able to defend Rostov from the incoming attack from the Chechens, secure Voronezh and make a move on Moscow all in one day, to be honest.

I mean, this is going to be a fatal blow to the Russian campaign in Ukraine either way -- because losing Wagner is not something they can really recover from, especially as the Ukraine counteroffensive gets going... but yeah I'm not really seeing Putin being defenestrated just yet

That is going to depend on a huge number of things I think... Like that Kadyrov column has APCs and transports, no tanks. How quickly has Prigozhin managed to occupy defensive positions? Has he taken control of any air assets? Have any troops there fully defected to him? Has he got artillery with him? what other assets in Rostov has he taken control (it's the major staging post, so presumably plenty knocking about)?

Fuck being a civilian in Rostov for the next ? period of time tbh :(

National guard are setting up machine gun nests on roads into Moscow and bringing in trucks of sand to make roadblocks.
According to this, a singular machine gun nest:

Russian soldiers have reportedly set up a machine gun position on the edge of Moscow, according to a Russian newspaper.

According to Reuters, Vedomosti Newspaper reported the gun had been set up at the southwestern edge of the city. The Kyiv Post, a Ukrainian newspaper, reported that trenches were being dug on the edge of Moscow.

Must be a really fucking good one :eek:
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